Why is asking for help such a difficult thing to do? Is it difficult for you? It is for me. This past week I was summoned for jury duty. My husband was out of town, I had called in 4 times and had been put on "standby" so I thought I was going to be dismissed. And then I wasn't. At 6pm, I found out I had to appear at 7:30am the next day. I had a yoga class to teach at 8am and Lucas had to be at school by 8:30. My parents and In-laws don't live in town and I was pretty sure that I was not going to be able to clone myself. So, I sat. And I stewed. And I got a bit teary out of frustration. And then I asked for help. And, OF COURSE, Miguel and Anjelica were MORE than happy to help. Their son and mine are besties and "wouldn't this be great to hang out before going to school". Disaster averted. …show more content…
Ugh. The next one? " I don't want to be a "BURDEN." Double UGH. And after I got off the phone, I thought "that was SO easy. Why do I TORTURE myself before picking up that phone???" I mean, if the tables were turned, I would most certainly help out... NO QUESTION. Are there areas that you need help or support but you aren't asking for it? Here are a series of questions for you to ponder. {You really should get a journal if you are going to read my blog... you are going to want it and it's SUPER helpful when you want to come back to re-visit questions and
For this essay I asked my Grandma Diane questions about jury duty. She has never served on a jury but she has been summonsed to questioning to possibly be on one. When she got the summons letter she wasn’t excited, “ I didn’t want to do it, because I didn’t feel that I [had] the right to judge anyone else,” and didn’t really want to go. She got asked questions like, “Could you be impartial? Could you be fair? If “this” happened would you say that the person is guilty? Are you related to the person/persons involved? Have you heard anything about the case?,” the attorneys asked these questions because they wanted to make sure they had a jury that would make an unbiased decision in the court case. My grandma said that, “It made [her] respect what
If an attractive woman and an unattractive man committed the exact same crime, would their punishments be identical? Logically, it makes sense that the same crime would lead to the same recommended punishment but this is often not the case. Evidence suggests that gender and level of attractiveness lead to biased perceptions and can greatly influence the decisions made by jurors. The goal of this study was to examine the effects of gender and attractiveness on jury decision-making.
Juror No3, portrayed by Lee J. Cobb, runs his own messenger service. He is characterized as a hard-headed, opinioned antagonist, sadist who thinks that boys should treat their fathers with more respect. His strategies includes: aggression, competing, and, dominance. Throughout the movie he is constantly bullying other jurors. He entered the deliberation room with a predetermined verdict of guilty without the need to discuss the facts "…talk and talk and talk, even when it’s an open-and-shut case like this one. I mean, did you ever hear so much talk about nothing?" . As he runs his own business with 37 employees he feels as though his opinion is the one that matters and everyone should just fall in line. When asked to explain why he thinks the boy is guilty his response is: “… and I have no
Having all the request in place to show that I care and want to help, I can use different types of
-Ask for help no matter what, and do not judge those who ask for help!
Assistance-----“I think this is the assistance/help I need to meet/make progress with my goal”: List
2.3 Describe how and when to access additional guidance to resolve any difficulties or concerns about support for daily living tasks
In everyday life people experience difficulties and problems that they feel they are not able to deal with on their own and need help with. The help that people receive to overcome their problems can be in many different forms. People may receive help in an informal way, such as having a chat to a close friend or relative, who can offer support and advice or they may seek help in a more formal capacity from various helping professionals, such as counsellors, social workers, psychiatrists, doctors, etc. For all of these professionals it is their
Serving on a jury is a civic duty and an American tradition. However, some people view jury duty as a chore or as an event that negatively interrupts their lives. Some independent studies have shown that even jury duty has a devastating effect on married life. Due to this and other extraneous situations, there are only a few people who actually want to serve on a jury. This may lead to efforts by potential jurors to, in some way get out of their duty in a jury. What we know of as the current jury duty system should be changed so citizens are not forced to serve in this capacity and can still be regarded as a responsible civilian. As per the status quo, a trial jury is a constitutional right, a jury of ones peers or equals. However,
problem with asking for the help. I would rather ask then waste time trying to figure it out,
11. Ask for support: when unsure how to complete a task or if you run out of time.
Prior to completing Skip Downing’s “On Course Self Assessment,” I was starting to realize one of my most sabotaging behaviors. I find it incredibly difficult to say a three-word phrase. When it comes to assisting others, I have no problem lending a helping hand, but I cannot tell anyone that “I need help.” In writing this paper I hope to recognize the roots of my problem and adopt a plan to aid me in overcoming this negative behavior.
It is important to get help in some situations. A person may not know where there is a job opening. But your friend may know or have a job for you. Or you may know lots of job openings but may not know which to pick. So you think hard until you finally find the one that you want to work at. Then you will have to fill out forms or get a friend to help you out out with the forms. If you are having trouble filling out the form they will be there to help you out. As youse sometimes it's important to get help when you need
Because it is in my nature to avoid asking for help, it will be extremely challenging to start. However, if I don’t start seeking out help, then work, school, and life combined will become extremely overwhelming. If I feel myself hesitating to ask for help, I will ask myself if I am hesitating because I can actually do it myself, or if I’m letting a fear of being looked down on get in the
Jury trials in India had come to an end unceremoniously; the immediate cause for abolition of jury trials was “Not Guilty” verdict of jury in K.M.Nanavati Vs. state of Maharashtra . The sessions Judge disagreed the Jury opinion, in his view, no reasonable body of men could bring that verdict on the evidence and referred the matter to the High Court under s. 307 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.