1. Who was convicted by a New York jury of manipulating Libor? 13 individuals have been charged in the U.S. in connection with the investigation and a handful of defendants have pleaded guilty, including three other former Rabobank traders. 2. Why would New York have jurisdiction in this case? Because Ney York is the central financial hub and has the most transactions affect by Libor. 3. Do you think sending individuals to jail will act as a bigger deterrent to market manipulation than fines against institutions? Why or why not? I believe it will create a small difference. The point is that each person is now held accountable for there actions and will not be protected by the corporate umbrella. If individuals think that they will not personally
Punishment is a necessary evil, it is required to deter criminals from committing crimes and to serve as an example to other potential criminals
He is polite and makes a point of speaking with proper English grammar. He is the fourth to ultimately vote not guilty
1: I disagree because I don't think the small offenders should be put through the system for something minor and the state shouldn’t have to pay for that.
In the book, Twelve Angry Men, by Reginald Rose, the reader gets a demonstration of the jury system, with all its flaws and its positives. In this informal essay, I will show some of the positives and negatives of the jury system. After this analysis, you will see that the jury system is flawed, due to people like Juror 7. Juror 7’s attitude and beliefs are a prime example of how the jury system can have negative consequences.
What would the bill do if passed? Where are the people that it would affect?
In the United States, we let the people decide – not who the president will be, though. We let everyday people decide whether or not someone is guilty of a crime. The jury system has been around for ages (dating back hundreds of years in England) and probably will be for a long time. But is the system still working? Is it worth it? Should we continue to use juries to decide cases? The jury system shouldn’t remain an option because jurors tend to be incompetent, it’s not really worth the effort, and jurors aren’t professionally educated to decide on these cases.
In light of this topic, another portion of the original writing, “...excessive fines” can be discussed. Rather than all acts leading to the same punishment, there are varying levels of severity to each issue. A very common example of this would be tax evasion. (1) Tax evasion essentially means filling out tax forms with knowingly incorrect figures and data. (2) As a direct result of tax evasion, convicted criminals are presented with penalties varying from either 1-5 years in prison or a $100,000 fine maximum. Once again, variables play a tremendous role of importance in this form of punishment. Often times, tax evasion is played off into a fine and while incarceration is still a prevalent issue it is far less more
Louisiana is no doubt formed from a deep history and culture unlike any other state. One uniqueness is the political system based on the Napoleonic Code; however, Louisiana created a jury system only shared by one other state in the United States. In 1880, non-unanimous jury verdicts were legalized after the ending of federal occupation after the Civil War, and Bourbon Democrats took their chance to return to power in the state in order to re-establish white supremacy. By 1898, Louisiana codified non-unanimous jury verdicts into its state constitution, approving this in result of Redeemers to contain and control African Americans during the era of Jim Crow- and still controlling the African Americans today. One example of this continuation
This type of action actually gives more power to the people because it forces policy makers to focus on issue that they have apparently failed to act upon earlier.
will become clear in the interview video. It was then time for Jorge’s attorneys to go before the jury, and he stood when the prosecutor took her seat.
Should we let tyranny abound in the courts by removing juries? Certainly not. The guarantee of trial by jury was included in the Constitution in order to protect American citizens against judicial abuse of power. This protection was delineated in the Bill of Rights with the Sixth and Seventh Amendments, which promise a defendant a speedy trial and a jury in both criminal and civil cases. It is certainly possible to find fault with the system of trial by jury and specific examples of when it has failed. However, the basic protection that a jury trial provides should never be relinquished, as it is the best protection for the individual from tyrannical actions by the government.
1. Explain the purposes or rationales for punishment and the arguments in favor of each rationale. Include a discussion about current trends in punishment.
For instance, a politician gives a bribe to secure a license for a given business venture. This business venture affects the environment making it probable for life threatening risks of the affected population. At the end the politician will be charged against corruption instead of murder. Deterrence and rehabilitation are the best mechanisms to protecting societal interests as opposed to jail time.
The current jury system in America is unfortunately corrupt because of unprofessional jurors that are the deciding factor for cases. The “jury of our peers” system does not promote fair justice and it should be replaced with a new system of professional jurors. The current system allows random, unqualified individuals to make irresponsible decisions for our government. If unqualified jurors were replaced with professional jurors, our system would become successful. A professional system of jurors is an efficient way for justice to be decided because the current system allows jurors to be uneducated on law, inconsistent with experience, and bias based on their opinions.
Laws serve several purposes in the criminal justice system. The main purpose of criminal law is to protect, serve, and limit human actions and to help guide human conduct. Also, laws provide penalties and punishment against those who are guilty of committing crimes against property or persons. In the modern world, there are three choices in dealing with criminals’ namely criminal punishment, private action and executive control. Although both private action and executive control are advantageous in terms of costs and speed, they present big dangers that discourage their use unless in exceptional situations. The second purpose of criminal law is to punish the offender. Punishing the offender is the most important purpose of criminal law