
Justice In In The Republic

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"Justice according to you and Homer and Simonedes, is apparently a kind of art of stealing-but with the view of helping one's friends and harming one's enemies." In the Republic by Plato one of many theories discussed amongst old friends, Socrates, Thrasymachus and Polemarchus just to name a few, makes it clear that stealing for a friend is okay and for an enemy is wrong. Although in Officespace a 1999 film, depicts in a scene of three co-workers Peter, Samir and Michael plan a scam in their boss Lumbergh's company Initech. Peter who is getting a promotion from the Bobs “The Consultants” due to his relaxed character, finds out his friends Samir and Michael are being let go. Thinking ahead to get his friends justice, Peter plans with his co- workers to plant a virus in Initech computer system. …show more content…

In The Republic it is mentioned that justice is for the good of a friend and harm of an enemy. In other words victory for a friend and jailtime for an enemy. In Officespace this is the exact theory that Peter has for his friends except it is the reverse of what Peter thinks of justice. Eventhough what he is planning is wrong, Peter feels in his good sense, what he is doing is right. Stealing from Limburgh his boss, for the safetynet of his friends Samir and Michael that justice in Peter’s eyes. The art of stealing from his boss is camouflaging his scam through a virus. Peter encourages his co-workers to go along with this scheme so they can be secure for their future. A sort of hidden revenge for all the disrespect and dishonor that has been built overtime by Limburgh. Peter, Samir and Michael has good intentions, but gets fed up and goes on with the

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