
Justice In Lord Of The Flies

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John Rawls: Finding Justice Through Impartiality and a Juxtaposition from Literature
“Each person is to have an equal right to the most extensive basic liberty compatible with a similar liberty for others.” (Rawls, 37). The disparity of injustice has been prominent in American history; but with the use of education, these prejudices can be eliminated and every person’s rights can be equal. The idea of being ignorant of a person’s circumstances was first brought to fruition by John Rawls. This concept has helped to implement anti-discriminatory acts throughout the latter part of the 20th century and into present day. In the book Lord of the Flies the stranded boys turn away from justice and come into a state of nature. If instead, they saw …show more content…

“As they [the hunters] danced, they sang. ‘Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Bash her in.’ Ralph watched them, envious and resentful. Not till they flagged and the chant died away did he speak. ‘I’m calling an assembly.” (Golding ,75). The ever-growing hunters in the community have transformed into a bloodlust group of savages, or have they? These group of boys haven’t actually transformed, but rather they have shedded off the restrictions of their reinforced civilized society. In their new place ,with no law and order, the boys can do as they please and with this grows barbaric attitudes. The voice of reason, Ralph, is starting to lose democracy in the community with Jack’s threats of the beast. These threats make the boys seek protection and they start to follow the primal orders from Jack. With the downfall of their mannerly society, the boys are in a state of nature controlled by aggression and sadistic motives.
With a shift from a social theory of savagery to one with compassion and understanding of others, the boys would have made their time on the island a perfect opportunity to mature. ‘So this is a meeting to find out what’s what. I’ll tell you what’s what. You littluns started all this, with the fear talk. Beasts! Where from? Of course we’re frightened sometimes but we put up with being frightened. Only Ralph says you scream in the night. What does that mean but nightmares? Anyway, you don’t hunt or build or help- you’re a lot of cry-babies and sissies. That’s what. And as for the fear- you’ll have to put up with that like the rest of us.’

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