
Juvenile Aftercare Essay

Decent Essays

The purpose of aftercare for juvenile offenders is to reintegrate them into society, much like an adult offender with a probation or parole status. The goal of aftercare programs are ultimately to reduce recidivism in juvenile populations as well as assist them in learning to lead a productive life as a contributing member of society. Juvenile offenders who participate in aftercare programs are those that have been incarcerated in boot camps, correctional facilities, or group homes. These programs generally start while a juvenile is institutionalized and continue during their transition back into the community (NIJ, n.d.). These programs are both reliant on the facility to which the juvenile is combined and the community upon reintegrating …show more content…

This includes a case plan with the juvenile and family and is tailored to the needs of the juvenile in order to assist with successful reentry (DOCSSD, 2017). The contract includes conditions and expectations for the juvenile to abide by. Some terms which these contracts may range from drug testing, community service, a curfew, and restitution plans. By focusing on changing juvenile behavior, these programs hope to prevent further delinquency so the juvenile is able to transition into adulthood and live a productive life as a contributing member of society (NIJ, n.d.). The success of these programs is attributed to the supervision youth receive while not only institutionalized, but while transitioning back into the community (NIJ, n.d.). Juveniles are also granted services in aftercare programs that are not available traditionally in the juvenile justice system (NIJ, n.d.). Overall, aftercare programs for juveniles are a key component to rehabilitating juveniles and transitioning them back into the community. As with any program aimed at rehabilitating juvenile delinquents, the ultimate goal is to reduce recidivism and reintegrate them into society as a contributing

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