
Juvenile Justice Answers

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4. List at least four conditions that can be made part of diversion? Four conditions that can be made part of diversion is relapse prevention, angry management training, curfews, and intensive supervision probation. Relapse prevention programs can reduce previous juvenile offenders in taking drugs or alcohol. Angry management training can help juveniles control their angry, and give them better ways of communication, examples would be writing or use poetry to express their feelings. Curfews can make sure juveniles cannot be influence by their peers for long period of time after school, or work. Probation can make sure juveniles attend school, work, treatment, and attend their community service.

8. Why can juveniles be detained prior to trial? …show more content…

How can the juvenile prosecutor fulfill both the role of protecting society and acting in the best interests of the child? Is the role of the prosecutor in juvenile court different than the role of the prosecutor in adult court? “The primary duty of the prosecutor is to seek justice while fully and faithfully representing the interests of the state” (Hess, Pg 272). Juvenile prosecutor, just like any other prosecutor role in criminal justice system is to protect society and served the state. Yet, at the same time when they seek justice they must remember that a child has different rights, and is not view as criminal but a minor. They must remember a child can be bought back into society, as a functionally citizen who can be reform. Juvenile prosecutor does not seek to punish the child, but to reform them in juvenile justice system, while adult prosecutor wishes to seek punishment. Both do wish to seek justice and protect the interests of the state, but in different forms.

2. What are the factors used to assess juvenile cases? Please list and describe at least four. Four factors used to assess juvenile cases are referrals, evidence, background of legal and social factors, & delinquency record.

A. Referrals- Intake officer may refer a juvenile to be transfer to an adult court, because how serious the offense is.

B. Evidence- Based on the evidence prosecution may take an interest in the case of a juvenile, because the crime they have committed now gives them access to the

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