
Juvenile Supervision Case Studies

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Juvenile Supervision
Juvenile supervision is a separate juvenile justice system that was established in the United States about 100 years ago with the goal of helping youthful offenders avoid the unreasonable punishments of criminal courts and encouraging them with rehabilitation based on the individual juvenile’s needs. The juvenile justice system was made to focus on the child or adolescent as a person in need of assistance not on the act that brought them into the court. The court proceedings for the juveniles’ are informal and handled with discretion for the purpose of looking out for the child’s best interest. The main reason for the establishment of the juvenile court is to prevent children from being treated as criminals.
How does juvenile …show more content…

In this case, the Juvenile Intensive Probation (JIPS) is the most intensive surveillance in the field.
The JIPS program provides the highest level of surveillance and supervision.
JIPS demonstrates to offenders that probation means accountability and consequences.
At the disposition hearings when judges decide what will happen to juveniles as a result of the crime committed, the judge may place a juvenile in the JIPS program. The juveniles may be supervised by a JIPS team consisting of a juvenile probation officer and surveillance officer. A two person team may supervise a maximum of 25 juveniles at a time and three person teams may supervise a maximum of 40 juvenile at a time.
Also, JIPS officers will give information regarding the offenders to the local law enforcement agencies to improve the supervision and control.
Who started the juvenile supervision, and why? In the late 18th century and early
19th century, the courts punished youth in jails and penitentiaries. Youth of all ages and genders were often indiscriminately punished with hard adult criminals and mentally ill in large overcrowded institutions. Pioneering penal reformers Thomas Eddy and …show more content…

What are the different levels of Juvenile Supervision? The following are levels of supervision, the first level, Diversion, The county attorney approves offenders for participation in the court’s diversion program. The second level, Investigation, The probation officers working in this unit receive petitions filed by the county attorney’s office, interview the juvenile and family involved, contact victims, and gather information from schools and other sources. The third level, Field Probation, Many juveniles are ordered to remain in the community on a probationary status. The field probation officers provide supervision of the juveniles in the community to ensure that they are complying with court orders. Juvenile Intensive Probation (JIPS), JIPS is a program designed to divert juvenile offenders who are in need of a close supervised program from out-of- home placement or overcrowded institutions.
In conclusion, The Juvenile Supervision, is a form of juvenile sentencing in which allows the juvenile offenders to remain in their communities under supervision.
For a juvenile offender on probation, keeping a good surveillance is very important.

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