
Juveniles Juvenile Punishment

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In 2012, the Supreme Court ruled that juveniles who commit murder can not be sentenced to life in prison because it takes away and violates their 8th Amendment rights, which bans unusual punishments towards criminals. Elena Kagan writes for the majority of the Supreme Court and says that teens are immature and are unable to comprehend the consequences of their actions and that they might not be surrounded by a stable home environment. People will say that a child’s life is ruined if they are sentenced to prison for life, which is true, but the life of the person that they killed is also ruined. Anyone that commits murder deserves to suffer the consequences. Others will say that the adolescent is mentally sick and needs to be cured. I strongly disagree with the Supreme Court ruling that juveniles can not be sentenced to life in prison because of their age. No matter who they are or how old, any person, adult or juvenile, who commits murder should be sentenced to prison for life. Jennifer Jenkins talks about how her sister was shot to death by a teenager, along with her husband and unborn child in the article, “On Punishment and Teen Killers”. She writes, “When a teenager murdered her sister and her husband in 1990 in suburban Chicago, she was pregnant with their first child,”(paragraph 2). The teenager who killed them came from a privileged home and never got in trouble with his parents. He had committed other crimes before this and had been planning murders throughout

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