
Juveniles Should Be Tried As Adults

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Minors accused of committing serious infractions should be tried as adults and given equal sentences for equal crimes. It does not make sense that a different age would require a different system to prosecute a lawbreaker, minor or not. The design and goals for the Juvenile System is different from our criminal justice system. According to Juvenile vs. Adult Criminal System, it states, “If the juvenile is found to be delinquent, appropriate action in the form of rehabilitation will be taken. In the adult criminal system, action is taken that is intended to punish the defendant”, The approach of an adult court is justice, and giving appropriate consequences for people’s actions. However, the approach of the juvenile court is rehabilitation. If a minor commits a crime that is worthy of a high, deserving sentence, they will not get the appropriate consequence in juvenile court because the focus is to fix their mistakes, and not to punish them reciprocally. …show more content…

The severity of their crimes have almost no impact on the sentence they’re given, and the reason to be that is because others say that “they are too young to understand what they have done is wrong”, but news-flash, if a minor commits a crime that an adult is capable of and shows a lack of empathy of what they have done, they deserve a sentencing that results in lengthy prison time. Thus, juveniles who commit serious crimes should be tried in adult court for this

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