
K-19 Submarines

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“When the meltdown threatens the first Soviet nuclear ballistic submarine in 1961, its crew must devise a way to survive---or die trying.” With the death of 8 men right away, and 14 more over 2 years, the Soviets were in devastation when beating the United States which turned into a death sentence for 22 men. The K-19 submarine, or the “Hiroshima” was made far too quickly and far too poorly. They started the construction of the submarine on October 17, 1958 and had it launched on April 8, 1959. The submarine had been completed on November 12, 1960. Having a length of 114 meters, a draft of 7.1 meters, and a beam of 9.2 meters when the submarine was made. When surfaced the sub could go at least 17 miles per hour, but submerged it could …show more content…

Leaking radiation and only knowing the temperature was rising up to 140 degrees the crew members were panicked. A second accident had ruined their radio station which made them not able to contact the headquarters for help. Zateyev had a plan, he decided that the crew members needed to fix the cooling pipe by welding it back together. They had 2 men go in at a time to weld it together for 5-10 minutes, but in that high of radiation the members came out sweating, foaming from their mouths, vomiting and hardly able to breath. The only thing the men had to wear into the compartment was a rain coat and a gas mask, but that didn’t help the crew members much. All the men (8 men) who helped weld the pipe back together died within the next 2 days. They also thought of using the drinking water they had to cool the reactor which also helped them be successful even though they had already been overly exposed to the radiation. The men in devastation wanted help fast. 13 hours after the rupture, the S-270 submarine had picked up the K-19 submarines stress signal and decided to go find them and help them. An American submarine also wanted to help but Zateyev refused their help because he didn’t want the Americans to know they had failed. The crew was evacuated and the sub was “towed” to the base. Over the next 2 years, men cleaned out the submarine and dumped the original radiation compartment

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