CHE341Homework Assignment #10Due:Monday16Novemberat6:00PM1.Aunimoleculargas-phasereactionX→Yis activated with collisions by an unreactivecollision partner Bwith the following mechanism:X+Bk1k−1⎯→⎯⎯←⎯⎯⎯X*+B,X*k2⎯→⎯Y,has a rate that follows the effective rate equationdY[]dt=kuniX[]. (a) Apply the steady state approximation (SSA) to determine an algebraicexpression forkuniin terms terms of the rate constantsk1,k–1andk2as well as [B]. (b)Discusshow the rate law changes in the limit of large and small [B].2.Dissociation of ethane into methyl radicalsfollowsfirst-order kinetics with ArrheniusparametersA=2.50×1016s–1andEa=367.6kJ mol–1. Calculate the Gibbs energy ofactivation, the entropy of activation and the enthalpy of activation at500 K.3. …show more content…
(b) Calculate the initial rate of absorption ofC12H26Sfrom a 1 mM solution at 20 °C ifits initial sticking coefficient is 1×10–6.6.A gas phase reaction between atomA and a diatomic molecule BC has a positive activationenergy to reach a collinear transition state. Describe how the reaction to form AB occurs.Suggest a plausible explanation for why the product AC is not formed.7.Calculate thecollision rateof waterwith a surface ifthe surfaceis exposed to (a) water vaporwith a pressure of 1 atm and (b) liquid water?The system is held at 350 K.8.The forward and reverse rate constants have been measured for the gas-phase reactionH2(g) +I2(g)2HI(g).The reaction is bimolecular in both directions with Arrhenius parametersA=4.45×105dm3mol–1s–1,Ea=170.3kJ mol–1(forward reaction)A'=5.79×101dm3mol–1s–1,Ea' =117.6kJ mol–1(reverse reaction)Computek,k' (rate constant for the reverse reaction),K,ΔrG°,ΔrH°, andΔrS° at
The learning team has decided to develop a product launch plan for the Apocalypse Now bar and Agent Orange mixed drink, with accompanying apparel, in both the Korean and Philippines markets. This product launch plan will address the product description, product positioning, targeting, market needs, market growth potential, a complete SWOT analysis, coverage of the competition, marketing strategy, pricing plan, marketing communications plan, distribution strategy, and a review of all the marketing research conducted. The product launch plan starts with a product description.
Diagnostic Studies: Flat plate and upright films of the abdomen revealed a localized abnormal gas pattern in the right lower quadrant with no evidence of free air.
Rachel is talkative, sociable, and adventurous. She loves to be the center of attention. Which of the 'Big Five' personality traits pertains to Rachel's characteristic behavior?
Alex and Melinda met for another meeting months after their last talk about her 40% dropped sales. Alex is surprised by her pregnancy as she enters the room, and mentions that he is disappointed that she never notified him. Her excuse for keeping her pregnancy a secret was because she was concerned about her pregnancy, as a single women, would be taken by Alex and the company. Alex, again, explains to Melinda that information, such as a pregnancy, is vital to share with him so that he could make the appropriate accommodations. She missed sale calls due to morning sickness, which is very unprofessional, which can cause future issues with possible investors. Alex made it clear to inform him about any difficulties shes facing, which she failed
8.When the reaction is completed, record the volume of gas in the graduated cylinder. Record observations about which reactant was the limiting reactant.
* A positioning statement for the company with careful consideration of their brand and strategy
Ever since Arizona passed its tough immigration law penalizing undocumented immigrants, other states have been considering similar laws. In the year 2011, Utah State passed an immigration law like HB 116. The law HB 116 establishes a guest worker program with the department of public safety (DPS) and took effect in July, 2013.The program creates two types of permits – A guest worker permit and an immediate family permit. These permit has a state limit and cannot be used outside the state and the person using this will not be granted unemployment. Before applying an individual have to pay a fine. For getting a permit, immigrant must meet with certain requirements example meets a certain age; worked or have live before May, 2011; provides contact information; not committed any felonies; has a contract for employment; holds a driving privilege card or agrees not to drive; has a basic health care plan or has no medical debt. They require that the permit holder
It would be really helpful to use teams in health care. It will help teams to improve their performance. They can be more synergy and innovative. That will help health care setting to provide great service and they can get more involve with an individual. The health care setting can be more responsiveness to patients by responding as quickly as they can. The health care setting needs to be more understanding, need to know their responsibility, and keep a healthy relationship. They can be more responsiveness by providing virtual team support, interest group, and division of labor to patients. This can help patients to get service quickly. It is really important to motivate health care provider because motivation impact their performance and it can help them to maintain a positive relationship with coworkers and patients. The health care provider should always have positive work habits because that can work as motivation.
This week’s reading has was quite interesting. What I enjoyed most are the different type of propositional knowledge. These propositional knowledge includes; logical, where knowledge result from the understanding of the relationship of ideas to one another, semantic, where knowledge result from learning the meaning of words, systemic, there is knowledge of mathematics and geometry, which is the result of learning a system of words, or symbol and how they relate to one another and the rule of operating in that system and then any claims made that are consistent with those definitions and rule is called knowledge, and empirical, where knowledge there is a knowledge that comes through sense.
Strategic thrusts and milestone reviews are two types of implementation control. First one provides information that help determine whether the overall strategy is shaping up as planned, and the second one helps with monitoring the progress of the strategy at various intervals or milestones.
In this week’s lab experiment, the rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide forming oxygen gas will be observed and studied. Since the rate of a chemical reaction is dependent on two things; the concentrations of the reactants and the temperature at which the process is performed, the rate can be measured at which a reactant disappears or at which a product appears. When measuring the rate, the rate law will be applied. The objective of this lab is to demonstrate how the rate changes with varying initial concentrations of hydrogen peroxide by measuring the rate at which oxygen is evolved.
HC1: Public health is here to assist in the prevention of disease, promote health and continually adding longevity to life (WHO, 2015). It is broken down into a few different functions. There are assessments and monitoring of different health communities and the populations which are at risk (WHO, 2015). Second, would be how policies are designed to solve certain problems on the local and national levels (WHO, 2015). And last, would be to make sure that all populations have adequate access to health care and that it is cost effective (WHO, 2015). Quality improvements is increasing its approach to get maximize services that will be effective while also minimizing the costs (HHS, 2011). When making improvements one must first identify strategies and characteristics that are essential to the concern (HHS, 2011). Once that is completed, apply the quality improvements to produce a measurable improvement (HHS, 2011). This will show whether there were improvements in efficiency, effectiveness as well as performance and outcomes (HHS, 2011). Another improvement would be making the role that environmental health has to give more of an impact in public
This website was used on October 3, 2014 to help develop a better understanding of collision theory in order to explain the various factors affecting the rate of reaction.