
K-1andk1 Week 8

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CHE341Homework Assignment #10Due:Monday16Novemberat6:00PM1.Aunimoleculargas-phasereactionX→Yis activated with collisions by an unreactivecollision partner Bwith the following mechanism:X+Bk1k−1⎯→⎯⎯←⎯⎯⎯X*+B,X*k2⎯→⎯Y,has a rate that follows the effective rate equationdY[]dt=kuniX[]. (a) Apply the steady state approximation (SSA) to determine an algebraicexpression forkuniin terms terms of the rate constantsk1,k–1andk2as well as [B]. (b)Discusshow the rate law changes in the limit of large and small [B].2.Dissociation of ethane into methyl radicalsfollowsfirst-order kinetics with ArrheniusparametersA=2.50×1016s–1andEa=367.6kJ mol–1. Calculate the Gibbs energy ofactivation, the entropy of activation and the enthalpy of activation at500 K.3. …show more content…

(b) Calculate the initial rate of absorption ofC12H26Sfrom a 1 mM solution at 20 °C ifits initial sticking coefficient is 1×10–6.6.A gas phase reaction between atomA and a diatomic molecule BC has a positive activationenergy to reach a collinear transition state. Describe how the reaction to form AB occurs.Suggest a plausible explanation for why the product AC is not formed.7.Calculate thecollision rateof waterwith a surface ifthe surfaceis exposed to (a) water vaporwith a pressure of 1 atm and (b) liquid water?The system is held at 350 K.8.The forward and reverse rate constants have been measured for the gas-phase reactionH2(g) +I2(g)2HI(g).The reaction is bimolecular in both directions with Arrhenius parametersA=4.45×105dm3mol–1s–1,Ea=170.3kJ mol–1(forward reaction)A'=5.79×101dm3mol–1s–1,Ea' =117.6kJ mol–1(reverse reaction)Computek,k' (rate constant for the reverse reaction),K,ΔrG°,ΔrH°, andΔrS° at

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