
KT Strategies In Improving Occupational Therapy

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The review of nine selected studies on the outcome of KT strategies on occupational therapists’ implementation of new services in IPR suggests that the participation in multiple-component KT strategies may be effective in improving occupational therapists’ knowledge, attitudes and practice behaviours within a team. Outcomes specific to occupational therapists as a standalone discipline found that engagement in multiple-component KT strategies presented mostly varied. Results remained inconclusive following insignificant practice change outcomes. Practice change is influenced by multiple variables, through a complex process (Grol & Wensing, 2004; Humphris, Littlejohns, Victor, O’Halloran, & Peacock, 2000; Keefe et al., 2000; Sudsawad, 2007). …show more content…

In contrast to that, Smith et al. (1986) found significant positive improvement of staff documentation characteristics following a single-component strategy of educational meetings. Even so, it was the only study out of all nine reviewed studies that utilised a single-component strategy. We could speculate that due to the early period when Smith et al. (1986) was conducted, the awareness of KT strategies may have not yet been brought to light. McKibbon et al. (2010) presented a brief overview of KT where although the expression ‘KT’ entered the research scene around the 1950s, it only began to receive attention close to the end of 1990s to 2000s. Hence other KT strategies might have been incorporated by Smith et al. (1986) but not recorded. Perhaps it might also be unnatural to isolate the utilisation of a single KT strategy in reality. The use of one strategy might most of the time need to be supported by another to be more effective. For example, when implementing new guidelines, staff would first need to be informed of protocols. If educational meetings such as weekly staff training workshops were carried out, it would most likely come with supporting resources such as educational materials (e.g. handouts, power-point slides). This attempt to comprehend the preferred use of multiple-component KT strategies should be explored in further depth, to understand the feasibility and effectiveness of single or multiple-component KT strategies (Menon et al., 2009; Scott et al.,

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