Have you ever heard of people who make fun of others and let people down those are bullies. Anyone can be a bully from kids to even businessmen and the Bander-log from The Jungle Book, Kaa’s Hunting by Rudyard Kipling are examples of bullies. From what the monkeys do, say, and anything the Bander-log it shows just how in every society there is always a bully, even if the society is just animals in the forest. One example the bandar-log talks like bullies in Kaa’s hunting the author mentions the bander log are chanting “There is no one in the jungle so wise and good and clever and strong and gentle as the Bander-log.” (Kipling, 42) Of course you know bullies think that are on top of the world and that they’re superb at everything just like the Bander-log are saying. One other example is that the Bander-log say that they will learn how to weave sticks, however then instead start playing around just how bullies say that they will leave you alone the next day continue to treat you the same way. (Kipling, 43) …show more content…
Just like bullies the Bander-log do anything they want just for the fun of it or for whatever agenda the monkeys have. For example, in Kaa’s Hunting the author writes “Whenever they found a sick wolf, or a wounded tiger, or bear they would torment him.” (Kipling, 32) As well as you know bullies pick on anyone who is weaker than him/herself same as the bander-log are doing. Another example is that Kipling says, That the bander-log would throw sticks and nuts at any beast to get attention or just for the fun of it”. (Kipling, 32) Another example is that in when the Bander-log are trying to learn how to weave sticks together the Bander-log get bored and start pulling each other's tail or jumping up and down on all fours coughing. (Kipling,
Jamie Nabozny’s story proves that even though times seem dark, there is light. He fought back against his bullies in the most noble way, by proving them wrong and spreading kindness and positivity. Many students who feel oppressed felt encouraged to stand up, just as he had. (Restate Thesis Statement) Ultimately, the influence of Jamie Nabozny’s story reaches out to everyone, bullied or not, and proves that the victim can overcome their bullies. (Strategy: Summarize Major Points) Jamie Nabozny proves that bullying is rough, and it is difficult to keep your head over the water. However, there is always a way to come through and prove the bullies
In their world, they do not have any rules at all. In Kaa’s Hunting, Bagheera said,referring to the Bandar-logs, "Thou hast been with the monkey People--the gray apes--the people without a law--the eaters of everything” (Kipling 30-31). Bullies can be truly similar because they have no rules and they can bully anyone they desire to. You see, The monkey people and bullies are the same because the Bandar-logs would never fight unless it is one hundred to one and bullies would only would torture one kid, but if there are more than one kid the bully would not do anything. Rules do not apply for bullies and the monkey people, at least that is what they think.
Bullying is when a person or group frequently harms someone who is weaker or more vulnerable then themselves. They do this by means of physical, verbal, or mental abuse. Bullies can be male, female, young or old. The nature of a bully depends on many factors such as sex, age, and past experiences. Depending on the nature of the bully, their actions can have many negative effects on others. Bullies display many characteristics such as aggression, rivalry, and competitive behavior. Bullying occurs in many different places, a good example is in the novel The Lord of the Flies. Jack, the antagonist in this novel, displays many characteristics of a bully. Many children have been
Some people don 't believe that bullying is such a big issue in the world, they think it 's just ‘boys acting like boys’ or ‘girls being girls’. However, when a bully is around they are the ones that draw the line and decide what is fun and what is a gesture that is “intentionally hostile.” A bully is a bully because they get what they want which gives them power; power which enables them to only see the good it brings them and not others.
“Youth who participate in bullying are in some way socially vulnerable and use bullying as an expression of power” (“What is Bullying”). Some kids bully because of family problems, personal experiences, or even just to get anger and frustration out. From the book Lord of the Flies this is an example of bullying, “He took a step, and able to at least hit someone, stuck his fist into Piggy’s stomach” (Golding 71). Physical bullying from the character Jack to Piggy, the character that is most bullied. While physical bullying is a big part of the novel Lord of the Flies there are a couple of other types of bullying that are also
The word bully was first used in the 1530s, and it’s meaning then meant “sweetheart”, it went on to be used as fine, fellow, bluster, and then to the harasser of the weak (Bullying, 2016). A person who becomes a bully isn’t born that way, it comes from a young age at when they were the ones getting picked on. When children are young, they can get bullied by their families, neighbors, or other children at school. When this happens it causes certain children to think this
Bullying is a form of repetitive proactive aggression in which the bullying is unprovoked and the bully initiates the bullying behaviour. (Dodge and Cole – 1987)
How are the Bandar-log in The Jungle Books by Rudyard Kipling, similar to bullies in the twenty-first century today? In The Jungle Books, the Bandar-log is a group or tribe of monkeys who are outcasts to the Jungle-People. The Bandar-log are basically outcasts to the Jungle people because the Bandar-log are more like humans than animals to the Jungle people. Bullies are also outcasts, so since bullies are outcasts they bully or basically torment another person.
Bullying is about lack of power as one person is powerless to stop the teasing or form of abuse. Bullying is the selective, uninvited, repetitive oppression of one person by another person or group. Similarly, cyber-bullying is defined as ‘the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature.’ In the end, we must conclude that any type bullying is still considered bullying.
Although, the movie “Love Don’t Cost a Thing” is a remake of “Can’t Buy Me Love” they were made in different years, so they have differences that correspond with the time frame that each movie was filmed. The movie “Can’t Buy Me Love” was filmed in 1987, and the remake “Love Don’t Cost a Thing” was filmed in 2003. In the 1987 film the nerd, Arnold Miller, mowed grass for a summer job. However, in the 2003 film the unpopular, Alvin Johnson, was a pool boy for his summer job. Then in the 1987 film the girl, Cindy Mancini, ruins her mother’s white suede outfit without permission, and it is a $1000 for a replacement. Contrarily the girl in the 2003 film, Paris Morgan, wrecks her mother’s Escalade, causing $3,000 in damages. In the original film
In “To This Day … For the Bullied and the Beautiful”, Shane Koyczan gives an emotional testimony on his personal experiences with bullying. As a kid, Koyczan had many encounters with bullying, and dealt with constant harassment from other kids. Since he was a kid, Koyczan did not know how to overcome this torment, and had to deal with the pain it caused. Now an adult, Koyczan shares his story with others to prevent them from being in the same situation he was in (Koyczan). In addition, Koyczan shows his audience that self acceptance is one of the most important skills when it comes to overcoming bullying.
Bullies in School Kathleen Berger 1 Bullying was once commonly thought to be an unpleasant but normal part of child's play, not to be encouraged, of course, but of little consequence in the long run. However, developmental researchers who have looked closely at the society of children consider bullying to be a very serious problem, one that harms both the victim and the aggressor, sometimes continuing to cause suffering years after the child has grown up. 2 One leading researcher in this area is Dan Olweus, who has studied bullying in his native country of Norway and elsewhere for twenty-five years. The cruelty, pain, and suffering that he has documented in that time are typified by the examples of Linda and Henry: Linda was systematically
The way the monkey people act is a way the reader can think of the Bandar-Log as bullies. The monkey people and bullies in real life both act to be noticed. Real bullies make fun of others and make them feel miserable so that others can laugh at them and notice them. The monkey
Every day, millions of people wake up afraid of bullies. Bullying can happen anywhere, anytime. Bullying is a big issue these days, and bullies’ actions are very unpredictable. No one knows who a bullies’ next target might be and what their reasoning is. Today, bullying can be considered more extreme than it was even ten years ago, with the advent of the internet and resulting cyber-bullying. Many celebrities and organizations are speaking out for the cause, warning others about the dangers of bullying and the sometimes-fatal consequences.
Everyone has either been bullied or have been the bully, but the ones who are the bully don’t see what they’re really doing until it’s too late.