
Kafka Jesus Comparison

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One big question that, Woolf, Kafka, and Coetzee address is, What is the meaning of life? All three authors find it fascinating and address it in different ways. Kafka presents the issue with multiple solutions. While Woolf almost directly expresses to the reader how she believes life should be lived. In Coetzee’s case, he alludes to several different works to try and help the reader decide what they believe his message is, making his answer very similar to Kafka’s. In Kafka’s piece, “On Parables,” Kafka relates what he believes is the ultimate truth of life in an extremely confusing manner. Throughout the entire parable, Kafka contradicts himself in saying that parables are wise and how you should live, while also stating that they only …show more content…

In his novel, The Childhood of Jesus, Coetzee alludes to several different works and ideas. One of these allusions being Christianity. In the novel, Coetzee creates a setting that can be compared to purgatory, a small town in the middle of nowhere where every character seems to be in a sort of limbo or a vague haze where everyone is just living to survive. No one desires more or less than what they have, except for one main character, Simón, who, much like the reader, cannot understand how everyone is so satisfied living so dully. Most of the characters live simply and are satisfied, much like the Christian faith suggest that one forget all their worldly desires and live by god. They are pure and do not desire things life passion and sex, but desire to be happy and satisfied. Simón constantly ask how this can be it, and all his peers respond, “A new life is a new life… not an old life all over again in new surroundings.” They are suggesting that Simón be satisfied with his life, just as they are, as they have everything they need. What Coetzee does is present two ways for the reader to live. One can live like Simón constantly in search for more and for a bigger purpose. Or, one can live like the other characters, simply and satisfied. It is up to the reader to decide if they want a life with passion and that may cause more harm than good, or a life that will guarantee

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