The internet requires 50 million horsepower to keep the internet running in each state. Spectacularly the internet was created by only two men named Robert Kahn and Vincent Cerf. Their biggest nickname was, “the fathers of the internet”. In 2004, they won an ACM Alan M. Turning Award for their creation. In 2005 ,they got a medal of freedom for their creation. Kahn was one of the people who helped initiate a billion dollar U.S. strategy computer program. Bell laboratories gave Kahn his job that would start his career.New York is Home to Robert Kahn p, who is currently 78 years old.Kahn was born in Brooklyn, New York on December 23, 1938.Brooklyn got rid of Kahn Robert Kahn when he was 13. Beatrice Kahn, Kahn’s mother had some struggles. She had 8 heart attacks in her 30s, to where later died at age 90 due to her third heart attack after open heart surgery. There is one daughter in the Kahn family named Diana, who is two years younger than Robert Kahn. Freedom City College of New York gave Robert Kahn …show more content…
The internet was created more than 40 years ago. It was created on September 2, 1962 in L.A.. It was created by 2 UCLA computers ,and machines that were able to communicate with each other In its early days it was only used for communication during the Cold War. Sputnik , he very first satellite for the internet, was launched on December 4, 1957. One of the biggest factors to why the internet was created is ,because the U.S. feared one missile attack could destroy all telephone lines. The internet first message was sent in 1969. In 1969 only 4 computers were connected to the ARPA net, but it grew in the 1970s. The internet steadily became a public use in the 1980s. People started using it for communing with each other. The internet got worse and worse to use for research, so in 1992 researchers developed a program they called Mosaic. Mosaic was made to make browsing the internet safer and
The beginning of the Internet is well known. It was a United States Defense research program named ARPANET. The internal structure of ARPA that reared the network development during its first years is not as well known. Inventing the Internet explains how the little agency was created in 1958 to respond to the Soviets' successful launch of the world's first artificial satellite. ARPA did not own a laboratory.
In the 1990’s, an invention was created that is now used in everyday life, The World Wide Web also known as the WWW. In the year of 1990, Tim Berners-Lee created the World Wide Web.It was invented in the United States and was later released to the public in 1991. The World Wide Web has become very important and people could not imagine a life without it. Overall, the World Wide Web has become very important to the world (Tim Berners-Lee).
Genghis Khan Genghis Kahn Genghis Khan was born in Mongolia around 1162. He married his first wife at just age 16, but had many more during his lifetime. When he was 20, he had started to make a plan to conquer individual tribes in Asia and have them be under his authority. Genghis Kahn’s empire became what was known as Mongolia, and was the largest empire in the world before the British Empire. His empire continued even after his death in 1227 and was one of the largest accomplishments in history.
The first Internet introduced to the world is the Arpanet. Arpanet also known as The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network was a early packet switching network and the first network to use the protocol suite TCP/IP. Both technologies became the foundation of the Internet. The Arpanet inventors were Lick Licklider and Lawrence Roberts but they can't take all the credit because they worked for the Arpanet was originally created by the IPTO and went through censorship by DARPA. DARPA was planned by Lick Licklider and Lawrence Roberts. The Arpanet used the geographic location to send files and other thing to other locations. This was used by scientists and government officials. “The Arpanet was also considered as the first prototype of the Internet. On a cold war kind of day in 1969 work began on ARPAnet, the grandfather to the Internet. Designed as a computer version of the nuclear bomb shelter,
Internet. The Internet is a vast place full of the world’s information as well as false information. The first prototype of the Internet, ARPANET, was invented in the early 1960’s as a platform to easier track planes and missiles. After 2 decades of trial and error, in 1980’s Tim Berners-Lee, a British computer scientist found the way to link all the factors and make what we know today as modern internet.
The internet started as a project funded by the Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA), this agency is a branch of the military. Initially, the internet was used to connect the University of Utah with three other institutions in California. The reason for this connection was to make effective use of the very expensive computers that these institutions housed by having them share information, this network system came to be known as ARPANET. One of the first applications used through this network was Telnet, which allowed researchers to remotely control the computers connected to the ARPANET.
In the beginning, the Internet was created by the military in 1958 for their own personal purposes. They had no idea how many people would be interested in the Internet, nor how much the Internet could grow into what it is today. The Internet as we know it today did not come about until 1995. Now, it is said that approximately one third of the world's population uses the Internet, and it is still growing. The dot-com bubble spanned from 1995 to 2000 and involved the entire world. The Internet caused an unprecedented growth and speed in business because of how accessible it was to everyone. Many people wanted to become involved because they saw how fast it was growing. One company that made it possible for so many participants to invest was
They wanted to devise an inter-networking system (or internet) whereby different networks could ‘talk’ to one another. Arpanet devised TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol). This was a set of rules for communication between networks. The Internet became a network of networks. Only the military stayed outside of this for security reasons. In 1988, there were 50,000 computers attached to the Internet. By 1991, there were 1 million. However, it was difficult to access the information contained on the Internet as the system had little organisation. This problem was solved by Tim Berners-Lee, a British scientist studying at a research facility in Switzerland. He invented a method of organising information which he called the world-wide-web (www). His system linked documents from different sources and guided users to related information. The www was first used by the public in 1991 and it allowed the transfer of text, sound, images and video clips. Above all else, it was simple to use.
In the late 1950's, the USSR launched its spacecraft, Sputnik, which indirectly spawned the Internet.
The Internet got started by the Defense Department as a Cold War experiment in the 1950’s. The government needed a way to relay information between tanks and
From its inception in the early 60 's the Internet was used to send information, this was pioneered by the computer scientist J.C.R. Licklider of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He conceived the idea of a network of interconnected computers which would allow data and other information to be shared no matter the location. This led him to be appointed head of the Information Processing Techniques Office at D.A.R.P.A. (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) then called A.R.P.A. While there he convinced his successors and fellow M.I.T. researcher Lawrence G Roberts that his work was important and that it should continue.
While this work, together with work in the United Kingdom and France, led to important precursor networks, they were not the Internet. There is no consensus on the exact date when the modern Internet came into being, but sometime in the early to mid-1980s is considered reasonable From that point, the network experienced decades of sustained exponential growth as generations of institutional, personal and mobile computers were connected to it.
Over the course of the next twenty years it was mainly utilized by the United States military and government to communicate with each other during the “cold war” with the Soviet Union, and the allies of the United States. By 1982 the concept and use of the Internet had been reshaped by the Internet Protocol Suite (IPS). ( The idea eventually evolved and was adapted by the United States in 1986, when the Internet Protocol Suite expanded and began to provide access to supercomputer sites for research and educational organizations. The internet further evolved by the mid-1990’s into the mass commercial use we see today, with many early use restrictions lifted. Since then the Internet has continued to expand and continues to advance. (
The book “Cybercrooks” mentions that the internet was first established by the Department of Defense strictly for communications within the military research network. The network was developed within the 60s and was named “ARPANET, in full Advanced Research Projects Agency Network.” The initial purpose to the experiment of
Internet is a global network, connecting thousands of host servers worldwide. The United States Department of Defense established it in the beginning of the 1960¡¯s. Today, there are now 10 to 20 million people using an Internet comprised of more than 30,000 networks spread out over 78 nations all over the world.