The short animated film Kakania is an experimental film focusing on the constant, chaotic nature of urban civilization and contrasts it to an organized, ritual-oriented tribal societies. It relies heavily on the music to drive the animation forward. The movements of the figures are timed exactly in sync with the timing of the music. The animation itself requires interpretation from the viewers because there is no distinct plot shown or explained. The style clearly reflects the artist’s personal style, which also happens to be representative abstract-based. To add onto the previous statement, the figures shown throughout the film are an extremely basic style of the human figures. Also, this abstract form is still able to form comprehendible …show more content…
The people in the urban society are always seen to be walking rapidly, running, or are on a form of transportation, specifically a bus or a subway train. Because of this, they are often stuck or intertwined with other people and have a hard time removing themselves from the group. At one part, there is also a man that wildly looks about and appears confused and disoriented by all of the extreme movements. In contrast, the members of the tribal society are moving simultaneously when they are running, dancing, and constructing the word Kakania. The members here appear more calm and well oriented within their society. If the movement was quick here, it is with a purpose and only used as part of a dance when the two people are on the wall after transforming from the monkey symbols. In conclusion, the combination of the techniques used in the short, animated film Kakania aid the viewer to create an interpretation. Despite being an experimental approach, a viewer could decipher that the film expresses how urban societies are moving too quickly and as a result can become dangerous almost instantaneously. By comparison, tribal societies that are more connected with nature are more likely to be calm, well oriented, and release their fears about the outside world through rituals that use masks to represent those
The choreographic intention of “Emergence” was the exploration of merging diverse elements together to see what comes from it, like the emergence in relation to arrangements and structures made in nature. The choreographic intention expanded from the idea of concealment. This was clearly identified in the beginning trio where the female dancer is shown trying to escape from her hiding place. In appraisal, the choreographic intention of “Image” was a more simplistic interpretation, one that explored identity and how it is made up of personal experiences we endure and that along the way we are influenced and sometimes inveigled, which can make revealing who we really are at the core oppressive. In comparison to “Emergence”, the movement in “Image” was more vague and indefinite in relation to linking movement to the choreographic intention. Through manipulation of structural devices such as groupings, stillness, tempo and dynamics, the
Shameeka Patterson was born May 15, 1980 at the St. John's Episcopal Hospital in Brooklyn, New York. She was born to Leelah Patterson and Andre Flyod they was both in Brooklyn , New York. Shameeka has four siblings one sibling from her mother side Ellatasia, three siblings from her father side Darius, Calamity, and LaPrinca. Shameeka is the oldest from all of her siblings. In 1984 she attended her first elementary school at P.S. 25 Eubie Blake school located in Brooklyn, New York that school was great for her she had did very well always had great grades and perfect attendance. In 1989 Shameeka and her sister Ellatasia both got taken away from their home because their mother had abandoned them with nothing to
The film opened with Mona doing a model shoot. She was listening to her demanding white photographer ordering her to have more provocative looks. This Mona, has conformed into the white supremacy, adapting preconscious beliefs, abstract to black culture, and stubborn towards black ideas. Mona had no connection to her inner being and had little insight on who she really was. While continuing to capture photos, Mona and her photographer decides to capture near the Fortress. She becomes distracted by a drummer who leads her inside of the Fortress. Mona is now suddenly locked in a dark room. When she does find light, she noticed that she is surrounded by other Africans who were bound and shackled
-They made other moves against the Japanese at Eora Creek, Templeton’s Crossing, Effigy, Mission Ridge and Ioribaiwa.
speak with a certain eloquence. They tell of a people adept at building, artistic, in
The ancient kingdom of Kush was a civilization of vast and advanced cultures and governments that lasted for approximately 1500 years. Throughout those years, the ancient Kush has developed and maintained various distinct features in order to control and adapt to its way of life. But to set ancient Kush’s records straight, we need to closely observe how they developed as an independent kingdom and their main features.
Akhenaten is often not credited as being one of the great pharaoh’s of ancient Egypt; his name is not as recognized as his son, Tutankhamen. However he deserves acknowledged for being a revolutionary leader. Akhenaten is most well-known as being a spiritual enthusiast and instigator of revolution within the kingdom of Egypt. Many historians have recognized Akhenaten with being solely responsible for developing a religious revolution in Egypt. Nevertheless his struggles defined as the first true effort at instituting a monotheistic state in a polytheistic society, his efforts were not eternal. The reasoning behind his decisions to change Egypt's faith is still observed though to this day. “Today most historical resources believe Akhenaten
The use of theatrical elements in Jiri Kylian’s dances is a defining characteristic of his style as a choreographer. He chooses to use plain, often nude coloured costumes in all his dances, for example in ‘Sarabanade’ and ‘Petite mort’, the dancers look naked. This is a personal choice and was done to reinforce his views that dance should be about ‘dancing not the costumes’. Also this nude costuming matches the
Dance and movement plays huge part from the opening sequences of Act 1’s Circle of Life to Act 2’s spectacular movement of the grasslands and through the key and understanding aspects of the storyline. From Ballet to Hip Hop to cultural dances such as Balinese and Indonesian, the incorporation of these dance into the musical
The native accepted him as one of their own, and he was no longer a stranger.
In the 1930s, she began her tradition of concerts held on the frst Thursday of every month and
Kansas is home to many interesting places and things, like the world’s largest ball of twine in Cawker City, or S.P. Dinsmoor’s Garden of Eden in Lucas. What if I told you that some of Kansas’s most interesting attractions are located just beneath your shoes. Don’t believe me? Check out these six unique places located below the Kansas prairies.
Amar Chitra Katha was first founded by Anant Pai in 1967. Since then the series has dominated the comic books market in India. Amar Chitra Katha means “immortal picture stories,” and as the name suggests, these comics feature India’s own immortal heroes – its mythological gods and historical leaders – as their protagonists.
Demand for small cars is down, but don’t tell that to Kia Motors. The Korean automaker is well entrenched in the segment, offering both the subcompact Rio and the compact Forte.
Kuala Kubu Bharu or the called abbreviation, KKB, where the “Bharu” indicates that this city was founded after Kuala Kubu seemed to be unfit to continue as a town for its severe and frequent flood issue. The city was often considered as a sleepy city in Selangor by the travellers, however, Kuala Kubu Bharu has its origins of history that show an interesting and captivating events for travellers.