
Kant Child Labor

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Nelson Mandela, former President of South Africa, once said, “There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children.” There is no denying that children are very precious and important in life. Unfortunately, some children are forced to grown up too soon and face dangerous lives. They are forced into child labor and are forced to grow up too soon; because of child labor many children, at a very young age, are damaged, their dignity is taken away from them and as a result this makes them objects of abuse. Many countries around the world have banned child labor and have labor laws to prevent companies from using and abusing children. Other countries, like Africa and the Philippians have been working …show more content…

Child labor has been shown to hinder children’s development and their success in life. (Child Labor and Slavery in the Chocolate Industry) Children are not economic objects to be used in order to promote the interests of companies and their products. Immanuel Kant’s categorical imperative is based on human reason because it must be “entirely a priori, since here we do not enjoy the advantages of having its reality given in experience and so it being obliges merely to explain, and not to establish, its possibility.” (Deontology - Kantian Duty-Based Ethics) However, this does not mean that Kant further expresses his moral philosophy by presenting the four formulations derived from the categorical imperative. Only the second formulation will be discussed because it is the focal point which is needed to prove that child labor is …show more content…

Without an education, these children that are victims of child labor are going to repeat the cycle. They are going to grow up, have children, be too poor to support their children; this will result in their children having to go to work and being victims of child labor as well. Immanuel Kant was an advocate for all human lives and tries to teach people how valuable human life is. In conclusion, child labor, using the second formulation of the categorical imperative, is unethical and demoralizing to every child that is forced into child

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