
Kant 's Categorical Imperative Essay

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Kant’s categorical imperative is a natural conclusion of reason when searching for a moral guideline that does not depend on previous expense but reason alone. The categorical imperative can be explained in many different ways. Kant offers five formulations in his work groundwork of the metaphysics of morals. The formulations of Kant’s categorical imperative can be considered a test. If your maxim passes the test then your actions under that maxim will be good. The formulations that Kant offers, they are not different rules in themselves, but different ways of stating the same thing. It is important to note that these formulations apply only to your maxim, or what you intend to do. The categorical imperative is based off of the assumption …show more content…

When decefering the maxim of Sophie’s actions it is imprtnatn to remove any situatinal or group factors. The maxim for Sophie here is “It is permissible for me to lie”. The maxim is not “It is permessable for me to lie on my expense reports”. This is because Katn does not allow for the situation to effect what the maxim is. It must apply to all situations. The universal law from this maxim would be “it is permissible for everyone to lie all the time”. A world in which everyone lies would not have a concept of truth or fiction. Therefore lying is logically inconstant under this formulation of the categorical imperative. Sophie ought to file the actual expense as permitted by her company.

2. The formula of the Law of Nature. “Act as if the maxim of your action were to become through your will a universal law of nature.” This formulation is troublesome as it is nearly identical to the first with the major difference being that you will your maxim to be a law of nature not a rational law. Laws of nature are the physical laws that bind all things to act in the way they do except for ration agents. Only humans, as rational beings, can choose to act in a particular way. All other animals and all inanimate objects can only act as nature wills (if nature had a will) with no choice in the matter. With this formulation Kant is saying that you should act as thought what you are doing is guided by a physical law that you have no choice to act on.

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