
Kant 's Critique Of Judgment

Decent Essays

An Excerpt from Kant 's Critique of Judgment In the first part "Analytic of the beautiful", Kant elucidates the judgment of taste. Kant examines the mechanics in distinguishing whether something is beautiful or not and arrives to the realization that beauty is purely intuitive. The judgment of beauty relies not on cognition and reason but on an entirely different aspect .Then, whether an object is beautiful or not depends on the sensation of pleasure or pain the subject undergoes through exposure to it. Kant deduces that the judgment of beauty is subjective; the subject is the primary variable in the equation. The empirical value of the object doesn 't matter when it 's being judged, only the sensation it radiates in the subject determines its aesthetic status. Kant delineates the distinct factors affecting decision-making in the process of judging beauty. "To apprehend a regular purposive building by means of one 's cognitive faculty…is quite different from being conscious of this representation as connected with the sensation of satisfaction," Kant explains. The representation of the subject in one 's mind is compared to all other representations in a certain state of mind, thereby eliminating the need for cognition-building when exercising taste. Empirical judgments, Kant states, can apply to any object, but the result remains logical and rational , while judgments of beauty pertain only to the subjective and are aesthetical. After determining that the mechanics of

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