
Kant 's Critique Of Pure Reason Essay

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Kant Modern Philosopher Immanuel Kant, was born in Prussia in 1724 and passed away in 1804. Kant wrote the famous book “A Critique Of Pure Reason” where he mentions and talks about David Hume, and how he himself was awoke from his stubborn beliefs. Many people find Kant’s Theory as a form deontological ethics; where actions of right and wrong. Does not depend on their consequences, but on whether they fulfill our duty and/or obligations. Immanuel Kant emphasized the idea that we have duties and rules to follow. We as humans should act with reason and think in regards to others not in ourselves only. In other words, we need to “universalize” our actions before we act upon them.
To begin with, Kant mentions “good will” in Chapter 12 The Categorical Imperative: from the book Exploring Ethics: An Introductory Anthology. By Steven Cahn. Kant states, “A good will is not good because of its effects or accomplishments and not because of its adequacy to achieve any proposed end: it is good only by virtue of its willing- that is, good in itself” (Kant 99-100). With this mention Kant elaborates the idea of “good will” comes from the will to do whatever is right thing or way; no matter what the situation. Others might think of “good will” also as being brave, intelligent, happiness, and many etc. Even though being smart and brave will bring happiness to our lives. It can also be a bad thing and can alter our reason and actions in a negative way. Also intelligence is a good without

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