
Kant's Deontology Analysis

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Kant had the believe that to live a good life, it had to be led by happiness, but it doesn’t also mean that it should only bring you pleasure and satisfaction. It explains that when one’s wants to live in a state of peace they have to live a moral life. Kant’s deontology is concerned with what people do and not the consequences of their actions. “Nothing can possibly be conceived in the world, or even out of it, which can be called good, without qualification, except a Good Will”, which means that only the intention counts. The intention of one must be considered good and not the action. Deontological comes from the word Deon which means duty in Greek. Let’s take the example of Marvin is a student at Felician university, who always treat …show more content…

One can do what they think is the “right thing” to do because of the way they were raised. For example, Julie’s mother is a criminal and all she thought her was to do things her way. Julie was raised in that bad lifestyle according to others but for her, her mother is the best and there is nothing wrong with the way she was raise. In her mind, telling the truth is lying and lying is the truth. She must tell the policeman what happened in order for him to let go her friends so she “tell the truth” and her friend is free. In her mind she did not do anything wrong, it was a good intention, and a good consequence also. So, Kant’s theory is not complete because people are not raised the same way therefore think differently and have different perceptions of things. The mind is also complex so one can make itself believe that whatever they did was the right thing even though it was not. Deontologists also live by universal moral rules. One of the rules that can be picked is that is it wrong to kill innocent people and someone who live by this rule will may be produce more harm than doing the wrong thing. Looking at how useful this theory is, it is not practical; it is not clear, and it is vague because one wouldn’t know what to do in a complex

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