
Kant's Effect On Society

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I would have to agree with Kant, that we are in an age of enlightenment, but we don’t live in one. We as humans have become lazy and have become reliant on others to think for us. An example of this is our cell phones, we have become reliant and infatuated with our deceives that we lack the ability to talk to think completely for ourselves. Kant states that, “Laziness and cowardice are the reasons why so great a portion of mankind, after nature has long since discharged them from external direction (naturaliter maiorennes), nevertheless remains under lifelong tutelage, and why it is so easy for others to set themselves up as their guardians. It is so easy not to be of age” (Kant 455). Social media has benefited society, but has caused people …show more content…

This causes one to idolize someone prominent society, adopting their thoughts and actions from them. Hoping that having their persona will make them more acceptable in society. Causing them to lose the ability to think for themselves, and relaying on someone else to make their decisions for them. In Kant’s essay he refers to people of authority as, “guardians”, which refers to people in authority that oversee others. In society today, we call them trendsetters, which include celebrities and athletes. Many of us that use social media can see that our society glorifies celebrities and likes to follow them. Not because we must, but many are afraid to go against the normal. Which is why Kant stated, cowardice prevents humankind to evolving into something greater. Therefore, society is more concerned with keeping up with the next …show more content…

This prevents society from progressing forward, or in Kant’s own words, “Thus the public can only slowly attain enlightenment” (Kant 456). Although we are in an age of enlightenment, society has slowed our own progression into living in an age of enlightenment. We have become consumed in focusing our attention on subjects of less importance, as a hope of escaping our own reality. We do this by focusing on someone else’s affairs, which is why society is infatuated with celebrities, they are societies stress reliver from the chaos of the

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