
Kapernick Research Paper

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A little over two years ago Colin Kapernick the free agent quarterback whom once held a starting position as the quarterback for the San Francisco Forty-Niners began kneeling on one knee during the National Anthem played prior to the kickoff of every game. His reason in taking such measure for doing what he was doing was due to the injustice that was carried out on the way that Black American males have been treated in the United States of America. Ever since the slaying of unarmed Michael Brown, a young black male whom was gunned down whilst being unarmed in Ferguson, Missouri by a white police officer, no charges were filed. Even so following the death of Brown there has been numerous amounts of black males in America that were gunned down …show more content…

It’s almost as if nothing has changed in almost a hundred years’ time It is 2018 and instead of peace and unity between different races in America rising, instead police brutality has risen and also been a problem in America. Through Kapernick using his peaceful platform whilst trying to bring light to the victims through his great efforts of leadership, our president Donald Trump that we would have thought would have at least taken heed from the situation instead went and posted on twitter that he was very disgusted by the NFL for not fining the players for kneeling during the national anthem. To no avail, to make matters worse and very surprisingly the NFL made it a rule month after the President stated his opinion. One of the many unfortunate events following this sad episode was the Philadelphia Eagles not being accepted into the White House for their past accomplishment in winning the Super Bowl. As most historians and Americans know, it’s indeed a tradition to visit the White House after winning a league championship in any American Sport. This is what drives an athlete to play at the best of their ability. So now there is a gap between the government and the sport that most American’s love i.e., watching 22

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