Kaysey. I just wanted to say I'm sorry for how I acted and putting you in that horrible situation. I was scared and it being the first ever situation I've been in with a girl like this I didn't know how to treat it. I messed up I know... I deeply apologise for saying it was the worst 20 minutes of my life. It really wasn't it was one of the best, but I ruined everything acting pathetically, unaware of what to do. I'm really down because you probably hate me for what I did and I'm sorry but I totally understand if you do. I just regret acting how I did because I ruined my chances with the most beautiful, sweet and funny girl I'll ever meet. I hope you still want to talk with
Deb and I were thinking about you, and the "AZ HEAT". I remember patching and painting the house in July, and frankly it was miserable!
Note: I know I have done bad things in the past, I want to say sorry for that, I know that was very immature of me to do. Let's start.
There had been no rhyme or reason for why Kelley was out wandering. When his body had decided to leave his apartment that late afternoon, a public place had not been the goal. Anywhere that living beings resided had not been the goal. Bare feet had other plans as they carried the young male from his bed, straight to the front door of his quiet apartment with a glazed over look in his eyes. With no obvious thought to get dressed, he slid the lock off of the chain and stepped out into the barely lit hallway.
“Kaylee come and join me, I am about to watch the best show in Canada.
The smell of burning flesh is repugnant. It lingers on every street corner, on every piece of cloth, in every shallow breath. The sky is red. Glowing through black clouds that are heavy with the ashes of those who have stopped screaming. More than three thousand tonnes of high explosive bombs are dropped. Again. Again. Again. Just like dust caught in a sunbeam, the ash swirls a slow descent. The air pulls in. Pauses. Pressure building. The blood in your veins almost recoils, your brain bruised in your skull. A moment of vertigo. Then nothing but noise. Loud. Angry. Ringing. And pain, so much pain. Screams rise, the crescendo approaches. Hellfire rips through the buildings, the sky, the people, your heart. This city is a firestorm.
Its is 1914 and joey a farm horse sold the the army and thrust into the midst of world war one. Into the western front when he is dragged away from his owner Albert his heart aches will he find him. Albert said they will meet again
"No way, Em." I say taking a hand full of popcorn and shoving it in my mouth.
I've sat in my room crying for days before because this entire situation has gotten out of hand & went ways it shouldn't have & a lot of people hate me whenever I did absolutely nothing to you but give you my everything & just sat there loving you and trying to give you my all.. please remember that because I've never have had taken the time & consideration to do that for anyone at all ever & of course when I do it wasn't good enough obviously & your way more happier now & it hurts me that its not with me anymore but it doesn't matter how I feel. I even took the time to try to help you out finding who actually did it to you and that wasn't enough for you either. I have no idea what is good enough for you anymore since you have changed so much. I can't walk around school bumping into you as much as I do & just act like I have no idea who you are after everything..this honestly probably doesn't mean absolute shit to you at all but I needed to get it out & tell you. Please stop hating me for absolutely no reason it's awful knowing your feelings towards me have changed so dramatically because of some dumbass who wanted to ruin not your life but
“Hello there, I’m Kenzie.” Tate had never met a 17 year old girl who was so cheerful. She has an aura that might make a person who saw her on the street want to smile, but not Tate. Tate had trained himself to not be emotional. He had trained himself to not let people in.
Hi... I've been trying so hard to respect that you needed some space but I just can't not talk to you any longer. I understand if you no longer want anything to do with me or if you even want to talk to me but I just want to let you know how sorry I am and how ashamed of myself I am for hurting you the way I did. You are what I loved most in this world and I ruined it. I am so sorry for lying to you and making you feel the way you did. I am also so so sorry if I ruined your week with you're family. I pray I didn't. You probably dont think I do but I love you so much Ellie and I always will. I really want to fix things, I'm willing to do anything in my power to fix things I just need to know whether or not you want me to because I will understand
Do you think we could lose our jobs for something this small? It's bad, Principal. Hello, Principal.
Two days before my mother had died we had an argument about my behavior. ´Akiko your 14 already start acting like your own age´. ‘Mom i don't want to be 14 i want to go back and be a child again why can't you let me do that ?´ ‘Akiko you will have to grow up eventually and start having a life of your own i don't want anything to happen to you’ i ran out of the house. I know it's stupid fighting over me being so childish but in reality i just wasn't ready to grow up, that would have meant to watch my parents grow old and die. Guess i should have listen to my mother and behaved , i ran into a road without looking . i heard a loud horn sounds then everything went in slow motion i was pushed out the way and landed on the sidewalk . i heard the
Daniel's eyes didn't move away, his face still holding it's confused look, until Sophia spoke.
The horn has already sounded and I’m still running. I can feel my blood pulsing in my ears. The sounds of useless advice feels the air. I continue to run. I come across a cave and ran into it. I gasp in shock and as I walk into a lab filled with mindless people editing videos. A film crew rushes at me and says, “If you were able to be in Divergent, which character would you be?” I shake my head in confusion. I attempt to back up slowly, but they grab me and place me in front of a computer and yell, “Edit!” The slam the headphones on my head and everything becomes a blur.
Thank you for letting my go, for finally ending the pain you knew I had always felt when it came to loving you. I hope you were aware of how difficult it was for me to give you the type of love you so heavily demanded. I was only destroying myself, tearing my soul apart, piece by piece, just to put a smile on your face. Thank you for finally realizing that you have to work on yourself first. I am not and never was capable of doing that for you—no one else is. It was about time you'd decided to end the nights spent crying and the days spent fighting.