
Kate Chopin Essay

Decent Essays

Kate Chopin was an author during the 1800’s and she was passionate about certain topics in her writing the two that stuck out was the theme because you feel her emotion and the setting because she lived in the south herself she based her stories in the south.
In “Story of an hour” Kate Chopin talked about marriage in a way that is not normally discussed. Mrs. mallard showed exhilaration for her husband’s death because she finally will be free yet when she found out that Brently was still alive the thought of having to suffer was too much for her and she died. The disappointment for him being alive is what killed her. The talk of marriage oppression during this time- period was not exclusive or talked about during that era.
Mrs. mallard is …show more content…

Mallard and Mrs. Baroda she does not do it in first person she reveals the stories in the narrator’s voice. The narrator knows more than they let on. Like in a story of an hour Mrs. Mallard showed for the most part she did not love her husband (paragraph 15). the reader must look at Mrs. Mallard’s actions in words rather than just telling the reader how she is feeling to understand how mallard is feeling. Mallard acknowledged that her husband loved her. Brently had only ever looked at Mrs. Mallard with love (paragraph 13). Which showed he was not a bad man; he thought that it was his right and obligation to direct his wife in everything she does. During the time period women had certain allowed rules and in Chopin’s writing she expressed herself in a way that is not part of everyday for them. Mrs. Mallard experiences the exhilaration of freedom that her husband’s death in “Story of an Hour”. when she learns that her husband is alive, she knows her hope for freedom is gone, and the disappointment of not having freedom is what kills her. The oppressive nature in “The Story of an Hour” may be a reflection, though not exclusive to the eighteenth century.
“In a respectable woman” Kate Chopin makes you feel like Mrs. Baroda wants her husband’s friend to have sexual relations with

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