
Kate Chopin Influence On Society

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Throughout her life, Kate Chopin, actively searched for female spiritual independence, which she discovered and expressed in her writing. Her poems, short stories, and novels allowed her not only to affirm her beliefs for herself, but also to question the ideas of individuality and self-determination during the turn of the century. Unlike many of the feminist writers of her time mainly interested in improving the social conditions of women, she looked for an understanding of personal freedom that challenged traditional demands of both men and women. Additionally, she did not only limit her expedition of freedom to physical emancipation like husbands controlling wives through the traditional expectations of motherhood, but also intellectual …show more content…

As a woman and as a writer, her stories stirred much commotion with the publication of The Awakening in particular. Chopin created a transition in literature from her generation into our modern day society. Since 1969, countless scholars have written about Chopin’s life and work. Feminist critics have been influenced the most. Most of what has been written about Kate Chopin since 1969 is feministic or is focused on women’s positions in society. Sylvia Plath, a bright and tough writer of her time, was highly influenced by the transition Kate Chopin began. Due to Chopin’s out reach into modern day womanhood, Sylvia Plath was able to publish much of her work. Plath based her work on her life experiences, due to this; much of her work was based on issues that concerned women. Many poems Plath wrote revolved the theme of love and the heartaches she had experienced. Her abandonment from her lover, failed marriage, and suicidal attempt, all gave the life to her writing. Sylvia Plath is a great example of what followed Kate Chopin. Edith Wharton was a successful female writer, whose career stretched over forty years. Edith Wharton was a young woman who suffered various difficult situations in her

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