When I was fighting i believe that i was invincible. I thought nobody could hurt me i figured I was the strongest and the fastest. But then there was this new women named katherine Garrett. She was only 6”0 and she was only 180 pounds. She was mean and aggressive. She had eyes to kill. I was told that we were going to fight and she is a tough person to beat. It started off in the late 90s early 2000s I was about 25 and i was number 1 in the state so you can say i was really good. So it was about 12pm and i was getting ready for the fight and i saw kathrine walk down the hall in her boxing gloves she looked at me with anger in her eyes. It felt like a knife piercing through me. So it hit 12:30 pm they called me and kathrine down we both stepped in the ring. The …show more content…
I tried to remember what had happened but I just couldn't wrap my head around it. I struggled to my feet and i looked around and saw nothing but black walls and a door. I walked up to the door and tried to open it and it shocked me. There was nothing around me to try to hold to get the door open. So i stood there wondering if I should try again and I did. This time it actually worked it didn't shock me it just. I walked outside and and saw children running around playing. As i stood there the people around me stood there like nothing happened like there wasn't a women standing there like nothing was wrong. I stood there for a couple seconds thinking what led me into this place. As i stood there all the little kids went past me and they were all playing like i was invisible. The weird thing is that all the kids looked like katherine. I thought that was very strange. So i started down the street and all the homes looked the same,cars,clothes,and the way people lived each child had there own home. But the weird thing is that when the children came out of there homes they would carry bottles with them. Finally I got to this little shop called “Little womens
I called the constituent, Ms Kathryn Chase, she said that is frustrated that nobody helps her to stop her siblings and her uncle stealing her mother's money and jewelry.
My legs are shaking with pain, but I need to know where I am and what strange things lie outside of that door way. Slowly I am making my way there, I hear people having a conversation just outside. I haven’t a clue what they are saying, it seems to be in some odd language. Finally I’m at the door. Terrified, I grab the knob and start to open it. It squeaks when I swing it open. In the hall I see no one, just white walls with white tile. “What the,” I say to out loud. I could have sworn I heard someone. My eye catches my room number, 387, it has my name on it. I look right and left, but see nothing expect florescent lighting and shut doors. I go to the door across from mine and try to open it. Locked, that’s odd. I try the next one, locked once again. I keep going, now at room 365 I give the knob a turn and it actually comes open. I hesitantly wander into the area. It looks the same as mine, minus the painting on one of the walls. It is an extremely abnormal painting. It depicts an out of the ordinary creature. “Why would this be in a hospital?” I whisper to myself.
1. The book starts with the main character, Colin Singleton, washed up on his bedroom carpet, devastated after being dumped for the nineteenth time by a girl called Katherine. Not the same girl of course, but by nineteen different Katherines. Everyone has their type of girl.
On this day it was hard to get out of bed, so I had to use my window seal to pull myself up and all I could see was complete darkness throughout my house. Then I heard someone yelling “Lizabeth!” and I looked out my front oval window and saw my Marigolds all smashed and ruined. So then I opened the window and all I could smell was the newly developed smell of dew and my smashed Marigolds. Finally, the yelling stopped for a second and then I could hear a little boy crying and saying, “Lizabeth, stop, please stop!” So I walked out and saw a little girl in my Marigold garden. So I walked up to her and she got really scared and just stared at me and I think she was just trying to recognize who I was because it was pitch black out. Then she recognized
For once I felt the sudden need to be near other people, so I headed for the door quickly. The street was deserted. Strewn across the road were all my belongings. Why were they here and not in my cardboard box where I slept in Well Street? Who had done this? Were they thieves? Not that I had much to steal. I began gathering everything up. My blankets had been shredded. There were dents in things, bits pulled off other things and generally messed with. Even the things that used to be usefully were destroyed. Why would anyone even bother to do this? As I looked at my surroundings I began to feel a little disorientated. The ground seemed to move. Then I felt distinctly uneasy. Was he back? At a distance I thought I could see people so I hurried in their direction but they never seemed to get nearer. At once, I was then surrounded by them! No faces! They’ve got no faces! I closed my eyes and when I opened them the people were gone. I suddenly felt as if I was being watched. I glanced around furtively and out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw a lion! I screamed but it was gone. As I again looked around I thought I could see dozens of pairs of eyes behind every window staring at me malevolently. I turned and ran. Breathlessly, I re-entered the church and slammed the door behind me.
While investigating Katherine Lincoln’s murder, another killing shakes the core of the little city of Jackson Heights. Are the deaths connected? Will these easily solved homicides awaken old childhood scars?
It was 2:30 school just got out me and Tayler where going to leave as I realis I forgot my book in the classroom so we ran back to the classroom and when we got there was a mysterious door in the back of the classroom. There were no teachers in site so I decided to go over to the door and open it. There was a very bright light coming from the door. Tayler and I took one step in the door and then it slam shut behind us. We took a few more step closer to the light. But now we were in some other town named Brownard County, Florida. I saw the sign that said the name of the town.
I was never very interested in my grandmother’s stories about her childhood. The stories were long and the only thing that they taught me were how to smile and nod so the elderly woman in front of me did not feel bad. Her voice was the only reason that I came to her house anymore. The melodic tone that danced around the room filling it with happiness and golden mellifluous sound that once adorned these gray white trimmed walls, but the woman sitting in front of me was not the one in that pictures that adorned these walls. No, the woman sitting in front of me was a wrinkled and defeated version of the great woman that is featured in thee pictures. She sat there just staring at me with her glazed over eyes that showed her age. She opened her mouth and the sonorous words began to come out, but I payed no attention. All I cared about was that wonderful voice.
as I was walking I stumble into an old cottage and there was an old man there and he got scared of me then he ran away that made me feel like I was this frightful monster so I walk into his bedroom then to his mirra and I saw myself for the first time my eyes were black, my lips were dead gray, and my skin had an old moldy testeur to it but luckily the man had a few cloths that I could fit in.
I was woken by the beautiful sounds of nature. I look around wondering where I am. Nothing is familiar to me except for the circle of stones. The last things I can remember are hiking through the woods, and running into the circle full of stones. I was curious and walked into the circle while touching the biggest rock. I felt a huge burst of power tear through me. I saw an explosion of light before I blacked out. I now noticed two girls walking up to me. They looked me over head to toe and got this nervous look on their face. I kindly asked them, “Can you please tell me where I am?” The girls responded, “Salem, Massachusetts.” I start to panic and wonder to myself, “how did I get here, why am I here, and what is the date?” I question the girls,
Once me and my friends Jimmy and louis,we went to an abandoned jail,but before we I did a research on it and people have been there and they hear people yelling ,stuff falling and stuff breaking. people hasn´t been in the abandoned jail for years the last time people went to the jail cell they said they saw a little kid walking past the jail cell. The day I am going to the Jail cell i was getting chill from my whole body and when i got there me and my friends are just standing in front of the building and just staring at each other waiting for someone to make a move but I am the first one to make move into the abandoned jail and my friends following in.we all chill when walked in but 15 minutes later we are just walking past the haunted
I turned on my flashlight, it was the first thing that came to my mind. As, the bright light flashed its way on, were the “shadow” I saw a couple seconds ago was gone, it must have gone back into the house have to check this out. I decided to go into the “Haunted Mansion”, I walked in and every step I took, the wooden floor made a loud “CREAK!!!” The lights are so dim, that you can’t see anything far away into the darkness, this was literally a maze. I walked until I noticed there was a staircase heading up to this second floor. I took a couple steps towards the stairs then All of sudden, the most creepiest sound in history of sounds filled my ears, it was the sound of tiny footsteps of children running around… I took one step onto the stairs and it made a huge noise. Then the running noise stopped. I listen, my heart stopped……
Where I was, was in the cold breezy park, but it’s not an original park it has big rides and long shadows. Once I saw one of my friends I kept seeing more until all of my friends were there. They all wanted to do something! We heard shrieks during the night and every once in awhile we saw bats flying above us. We went into the theater there and before you go in you can hear a show. There are clown costumes laying around everywhere like they all vanished. There are big boulders shaped like houses and someone is talking behind them. When you walk in, there are colorless walls, and lots of cobwebs. All the chairs are like piles of bones. After going there we went to the big ferris wheel and could see the whole world from on top of it. The air smelled like waterfalls and all you could hear was the sound of a distant waterfall and the squeakiness of the rides. A few hours later we still didn’t know what direction we were facing or how to get out of the carnival but we saw a map but my house wasn't on the map. I don’t know why or how I’m ever going to get home! The one thing I know is that my family will come looking for me. Once we got off of it we started for the exit when something huge walked right in front of us
As I was walking, it was so dark and I wanted to turn around, but I couldn 't it was too late. I fell into this hole on the ground it was so dark, cold and I was so lonely and I screamed at the top of my lungs for help for someone to come, but no one did because no one could hear me, then the next day I wake up and I hear my mom, sister, friends, police dogs, helicopters yelling for my name looking for me and I screamed "I 'm here! I 'm here!" But no one heard me people walking over the hole and I broke down, I felt so invisible I felt so damn lonely like never in my life have I ever felt this lonely. Then I hear voices and I thought Yes they are here to rescue me, but I later realized that it was inside the hole and I got so scared and then they started to rise, but I had killed them so many times and so long ago, I didn 't know how this was possible, my demons, the ones I had overcome, the ones I had killed, they rose and they rose saying "haha no one 's here to save you this time" or "you thought you had killed us, we are never truly dead!" And I freaked and there was a knife, out of nowhere it appeared, and they
I was looking around and thinking to myself how we got here, what that sound was and why were we still alive. I kept on thinking that we survived something horrible, yet no one was even sure. I could tell from everyone’s faces that they were as shocked and speechless as I was. I was all confused just as the rest of them, my sister Edit, my parents, and my little brother Suren. There were no building around us, no people, no trees, it seemed as if we were in the middle of a desert all confused. I remember that the location we were was in the middle of two cities, Barstow and Helendale.