
Katherine Mansfield's Miss Brill

Decent Essays

In the short story Miss Brill by Katherine Mansfield, the author employs the use of P. O. V, character, and tone to create an overall momentous and whimsical experience for her readers. The narrator follows the main character, Miss Brill throughout the day of her routinely Sunday activities. Miss Brill looks forward to her Sunday’s every week, stopping at various place and seeing people who make her day interesting. Not everything always works out perfectly on her Sunday’s, but Miss Brill always finds a way to make the best of it. The author narrates Miss Brill’s day by using a “third person objective” point of view, meaning the narrator is an outsider who can only report what they see and hear. They cannot depict the exact thoughts of one …show more content…

Brill. Her essence in the storyline and relationship with the other characters throughout the story is very powerful. Miss. Brill is a strong willed woman who finds amusement in her daily activities, as well as the people she runs into who impact her Sunday. For example, “……Only two people shared her “special” seat: a fine old man in a velvet coat, his hands clasped over a huge carved walking stick, and a big old woman, sitting upright with a roll of knitting on her embroidered apron. They did not speak. This was disappointing for Miss Brill always looked forward to conversation. She had become really quite the expert, she thought, at listening as though she didn’t listen, at sitting in other people’s lives just for a minute while they talked round her. She glanced, sideways at the old couple. Perhaps they would go soon. Last Sunday too, hadn’t been as interesting as usual” (Mansfield 43) Miss Brill was discontented when the couple nearby her didn’t spark colloquy when they sat down by her. She quite liked it when people would start conversation with her, it truly brightened her day. Another example of Miss Brill’s strongly willed character’s in the story is her consistent relationship with her baker. For example, “……On her way home she usually bought a slice of honey cake at the baker’s. It was her Sunday treat. Sometimes there was an almond in her slice, sometimes not. It made a great

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