
Kathryn Stockett The Help Analysis

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The Demise of a Patriarchal Society Throughout history, women have endured constant oppression brought on by men. Women in the United States today are able to work, go to college, vote, use birth control, and much more. However, women have not always had these rights; these rights come from the determination of a large following of women who stood their ground to make a difference in society in the 1920’s and 60’s. The women’s liberation movement of the 1960’s changed the face of American society. The Help by Kathryn Stockett presents us with a sought after viewpoint of what American culture was like in the 1960’s. The book entails short anecdotes of the lives of a few women from this time period. Skeeter, one of the main protagonists, attempts …show more content…

During this time period, women were expected to accede to the needs of their husbands and to stay home and take care of children they may have had. Men had not accepted women in the workplace; women were given only a limited opportunity of jobs to choose from, in which they were usually degrading positions. President Kennedy established the President’s Commission on the Status of Women and appointed Eleanor Roosevelt as the chairwoman in 1961 as a ruse to combat discrimination against women (Imbornoni). The commission set out to develop recommendations for overcoming discriminations in government and private employment on the basis of sex and for developing recommendations for services which will enable women to continue their role as wives and mothers while making a maximum contribution to the world around them (Lewis). A report issued by the commission in 1963 spoke of women’s basic rights, opportunity for women, the national interest in security and defense of a more "efficient and effective utilization of the skills of all persons," and the value of home life and family (Lewis). According to the 1961 report, women who were working full-time only made sixty percent of what men were making, in 2010, that percentage was seventy-seven percent (United States 28; Glynn and Powers). While the …show more content…

As previously stated, women had limited job opportunity, most of which were degrading positions. We see this in The Help when Skeeter searches for a job:
My red pen in hand, I scan the squat, single column under HELP WANTED: FEMALE. Kennington’s Dept. Str. seeks salesgirls w/poise, manners & a smile! Trim, young secretary wanted. Typing not nec. Call Mr. Sanders. Jesus, if he doesn’t want her to type, what does he want her to

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