Suzanne Collins created such a strong, beautiful, independent, stubborn character with integrity called Katniss Everdeen. Katniss Everdeen shows her integrity, independence and stubbornness in her presentation and actions. Katniss Everdeen is the main character in The Hunger Games Katniss is basically placed in an arena and is forced to fight for life as entertainment for the capitol and in the end she survives the journey. But just, the fight is not over yet!
Katniss Everdeen was such a productive person to bring such great things in her life, after her fathers passing she became the man of the house, hunting was a priority and having to trade was a knowledge to learn. She Has a younger sister Primrose which Katniss had to take care of her after her mother would suddenly disappear all the time and not come home for days, and expect everything was fine Katniss has issues with her mother and keeps her distance in ways. When going to the ceremony Primrose was chosen for district 12 her sister Katniss Everdeen did the right thing to protect her and tribute for her younger sister.
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Not matter on gender we are all equal but as Suzanne Collins has analyzed that in most books that the men are always the bigger most important character because men are known to be strong, tough, intelligent etc. Suzanne has changed that, putting a female character being strong, tough, intelligent, stubborn and to have integrity in the most difficult war of her life The Hunger Games. Surviving that war give the readers interest Suzanne’s motives have given readers a reason to continue reading the book and find out if and what
The definition of a hero has been moulded and changed over time, but all heroes have shared some qualities, constructing our archetypal hero. Katniss, the 'hero' from Suzanne Collins, 'The Hunger Games' challenges and confirms our views of a typical hero. She has events like a heroes journey and a tough upbringing, but she also has conflicting attributes like simply not being a male. Suzanne Collins has created a complex character, who doesn't strictly fit into the mould of a hero.
Katniss is a teenager who lives in district 12, with her mother and sister, Prim Rose. Since her father died when she was young, Katniss took it upon herself to provide for the family. She has grown up hunting with her best friend, Gale, and has provided her family. Every year the Capitol of Panem hosts The Hunger Games. It is an event that brings the people of the capitol enjoyment and they place bets on who
Suzanne Collins “The Hunger Games” details to the adventure of Katniss Everdeen who is forced to engage in a fight-to-the death tournament. The readers might not strongly relate to games or arena idea. However, what goes on in the character’s lives is very relatable. Collins specifically has the readers relate to Katniss (id take this out, too repetitive) by writing the book from a first perspective point of view. Readers sympathize with Katniss as she is self-sacrificing, her family depends on her to survive and she helps give rights and freedom to people in order to restore peace.
In the novel “The Hunger Games” Suzanne Collins conveys the qualities of a hero through the main character Katniss Everdeen. The novel is based around a dystopian nation, in which is placed in Panem. Through which a boy and a girl from each district must take part in ‘The Hunger Games’ where they have to fight to the death, until there is one survivor. Katniss subsequently evolves as a significant hero portraying the heroic qualities such as selflessness, identity change and intelligence. Selflessness is shown as she puts others before herself, her identity changes as she has to put up a brave face, and intelligence is displayed as her strategies progress in the games.
Without Katniss Everdeen the Hunger Games trilogy would simply be incomplete. Through Katniss the author of the trilogy, Stephanie Meyer was able to create a powerful symbol for the revolution of Panem. She goes through all the major conflicts and despite there being many supporting characters who play a smaller role in them as well she is the main protagonist. All three novels are written in her point of view so the reader feels as if they are experiencing the revolution and the 74th and 75th Hunger Games along with her. Katniss Everdeen is the most important character in the Hunger Games trilogy due to her being symbolic of the revolution, constantly beating the capital and the fact that the story is written in her viewpoint.
Katniss Everdeen lives a life that is based on her ability to survive long before she becomes a participant in the Hunger Games. The death of Katniss’s father left Katniss to provide for her mother and her sister, Prim.
There are books about mighty and brave people that do daring things. There are also books about intelligent people who do incredible things. The Science Fiction trilogy, The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins, combines these themes to create a suspenseful book that is not only interesting, but is fun to read. This book contains many moments where the main character, Katniss Everdeen, showed immense bravery and intelligence. One of the bravest things Katniss did came during the start of the book in chapter 2.
1. Character: A character in the story “The Hunger Games” is Katniss Everdeen. She is a tough character who loves her family and will do anything for them and that includes fighting in the Hunger Games, which is supposed to have one winner who lives. She is strong and knows how to use a bow and arrow quite well with excellent accuracy.
“We had to save you because you're the Mockingjay, Katniss, says Plutarch. While you live, the revolution lives” (Collins). Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games is a complex character who epitomizes the archetype of a hero, however, she also shatters the mold by rebelling against the capital and endangering her whole family. She starts out as a hero to her family, especially her sister, and then becomes the symbol of strength to everyone. Katniss sacrifices herself by volunteering to join the Hunger Games in place of her sister, it is a game of survival where a boy and a girl from each district are forced to fight the other members of other districts to the death. By going out of her ordinary world and preparing to join a game where her life could be taken, she fits right into the archetype of a hero. Her bow and arrow, the weapon that only she can wield, will be the only things to help her survive. Despite these heroic qualities, Katniss makes an erroneous decision and blunder mistakes that shows the reader the flip side of Katniss.
Suzanne Collins demonstrates that the heroine Katniss is a good hero in “The Hunger Games” through bravery, inner strength and compassion. This is expressed through emotive language, repetition and descriptive language.
She also has a bad relationship with her mother. When her father died in the mines her mother went into deep depression. She knew that she had to be strong and able enough to take care of her little sister and at least make sure her mother would drink water and eat. When Katniss was leaving for the games she tells her mother to be strong for Prim because she would not be there anymore to make sure all of her needs were fulfilled. Even though hunting especially behind the fence is illegal and punishable by death, Katniss still does it to get her and Gale’s family exactly what they need to survive.
Katniss Everdeen, the main character is seen in an incessant state of anguish, worrying about her beloved younger sister Prim, without the slightest concern for her own welfare, an idiosyncrasy that robustly contradicts with the typical perfect and flawless main character portrayed in almost all action/adventure films. The controversial scene then ends with the fearless Katniss Everdeen taking her sister’s place and volunteering for her in the Hunger Games after she had been conscripted. There are even ceaseless ties made between District 12 and World War II concentration camps ranging from the rag like clothing to the groups of hopeless children with guns aimed at their face, further deliberating Katniss’s initial mother like and selfish instincts when preferring to worry about her sister in an environment that can be related to a significant historical atrocity. As a set-up for the rest of the film, this sequence plays an important role in constructing the underlying theme of the film as a whole. The fact that Katniss finds her own empathy, sense of caring and compassion and her journey of going from a un-trusting and instinctive girl to a strong moraled, selfless woman that would rather die than take an innocent human life. An
The Hunger Games is an information filled book including one of our sights of survival in the wild. Protagonist: The protagonist, sixteen-year old Katniss Everdeen, who has a family consisting of her mother and younger sister, is a loving and caring young girl who sets the plot into action. When she
In the Book The hunger games Katniss Everdeen faces overwhelming adversity when she finds herself found in the clutches of the capital stuck in the hunger games. Katniss is able to overcome this adversity by having strong characteristics like her intelligence, resourcefulness and being courageous, these characteristics will be discussed throughout the essay outlining exactly why these characteristics help katniss in the games.
In the novel The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, the main character and protagonist is 16 year old Katniss Everdeen, a strong and selfless young woman who is far more mature than her age suggests. As the main provider for her family after her father died, Katniss had to become responsible and resourceful at a young age, which forced her to participate in rebellious behavior in order to keep her family alive. She is an unselfish and protective character, putting herself in danger in order to keep the ones she loves safe, especially for her little sister Primrose. Even after the pain and hardships she has had to go through not only in the games, but in her life, Katniss maintains her