
Katniss Everdeen In Philip Kirby's Article 'The Girl On Fire'

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In his article "The Girl on Fire: The Hunger Games, Feminist Geopolitics and the Contemporary Female Action Hero." Philip Kirby writes about the gender politics found with the Hunger Games trilogy. In the article Kirby specifically, gears his focus towards Katniss Everdeen and her role as a female action hero. In the first book of the trilogy, Katniss Everdeen a sixteen-year-old teenager volunteers to spare her sister in the games. Using her skills taught to her by her father she's completes in the Games in an effort for survival. To Kirby Katniss represents a different type of heroine, Katniss undermines many of the typical female characters we often watch on TV and read about. Typically in action stories were female plays a heroine, she often finds a love interest. …show more content…

If Katniss experiences any sexual desire, she keeps it secret from even herself. Like I said, the argument Kirby is trying to present is that Katniss is a heroine in her own and cannot be compared she is selfless, dependable and acts without evil as she puts others self-interest before her own. Ultimately, Katniss displayed true heroism in this novel as she put her life in danger while she made sacrifices for the well-being of others. She portrays what a true hero is, one that is prepared to give up everything for the safety of others and the victory over

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