
Katniss Monologue

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I glared at her while her eyes were getting teary. I don’t care, I decided. But a part of me could understand what she was going through. Someone you love so much just being snatched away from you without a goodbye. My heart ached for her but what about the pain that she caused me. After my dad died, my mom just basically cried for months and months. But after her tears dried out, she couldn’t make them come out. She just sat in the corner on a rocking chair and stared up at the ceiling. I mean that’s what she called mourning. How long could a person mourn? Days? Months? Years? Years is how long she mourned. She still is though. She must have loved him very much to be mourning this long. While she was in that state, me and my sister were dying of hunger. But I wasn’t a person to just sit there and do nothing. I went out and started hunting with Gale. Some of the game I came back with, I sold it and brought some back for dinner. We would go hunting before school and after school. Like I said before, he has been there supporting our family from the beginning. He has his own family too. He has 3 siblings, Posy, Vick, and Rory Hawthorne. They are not very rich either. Almost the same as my family. …show more content…

“Why don’t you go freshen up and I’ll uhh make you some breakfast?” Wait did she just ask me if I wanted breakfast? That’s new. Since when does she make breakfast for us? “Whatever” I scoff getting out of my bed. Without making eye contact I make my way to the

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