I glared at her while her eyes were getting teary. I don’t care, I decided. But a part of me could understand what she was going through. Someone you love so much just being snatched away from you without a goodbye. My heart ached for her but what about the pain that she caused me. After my dad died, my mom just basically cried for months and months. But after her tears dried out, she couldn’t make them come out. She just sat in the corner on a rocking chair and stared up at the ceiling. I mean that’s what she called mourning. How long could a person mourn? Days? Months? Years? Years is how long she mourned. She still is though. She must have loved him very much to be mourning this long. While she was in that state, me and my sister were dying of hunger. But I wasn’t a person to just sit there and do nothing. I went out and started hunting with Gale. Some of the game I came back with, I sold it and brought some back for dinner. We would go hunting before school and after school. Like I said before, he has been there supporting our family from the beginning. He has his own family too. He has 3 siblings, Posy, Vick, and Rory Hawthorne. They are not very rich either. Almost the same as my family. …show more content…
“Why don’t you go freshen up and I’ll uhh make you some breakfast?” Wait did she just ask me if I wanted breakfast? That’s new. Since when does she make breakfast for us? “Whatever” I scoff getting out of my bed. Without making eye contact I make my way to the
While reading The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, this quote really caught my attention. It is extremely important to the plot of the story. The quote shows how protective Katniss Everdeen is of her sister, Prim Everdeen. It was Reaping day, the day when district twelve decided their tributes. The Reaping gets packed with all the people in the district.
I’m ready to fight i tried telling myself, but I’m not until I turn on my music but now I think that it is distracting me. Let's do this, it’s now or never. “For Skyrim” I yell.
I kept writing. It was hard, but I could get everything off of my chest. I could explain to people what had happened to me. I could tell my English teacher. It was a little hard, but I didn’t cry. I couldn’t cry. Greasers didn’t cry.
Today is the fourth day me and Little Ann have been sitting here waiting to hunt. Billy is just walking around the camp looking at other dogs and talking to the hunters. He starts making his way back to Little Ann and I. In the buggy Billy digs us each out a weenie and feeds it to us. I swallow mine whole and look at him and ask for more. I don't really think he understood me because he just walked away smiling.
“From the moment Katniss takes her sister's place as tribute for District 12, then, she is forced to play the part of a reality television star. Cameras are on her at every moment of the hoopla, as we come to find out that in these Games, image is everything” (Shmoop). Every tribute is assigned a prep team to prepare the tribute for the Hunger Games and other events. Each team beautifies the tributes according to the Capitol's standards (Wiki). Katniss's prep team consists of Flavius, Venia, and Octavia. Katniss`s prep team are one of the first people to give her any taste of Capitol fashion and beauty ideals. These 3 people are under the head stylist, Cinna. Katniss trusts Cinna more than Flavius, Venia, and Octavia, because Cinna doesn't seem as fake to Katniss than the other 3 prep team members. Flavius, Venia, and Octavia seem more fake because of their appearance and how they act. The prep team
AHhhhhhhhhh that”s all I hear as my stomach lurched. I can barely breath as my eyes bug out of my head . When all the sudden the bar flies up what In the world it won’t go back down. And my mind says hey, guess what Nyles what me you're dead I know….
"No way, Em." I say taking a hand full of popcorn and shoving it in my mouth.
To my hopes, I was able to publish this chapter much sooner than expected. I'm hoping to get another chapter out this week, but I can't be certain due to the fact I'll be very busy starting on Friday. Anyways, I apologize for any grammatical errors present and please rate and review. Also, sorry for any medical or other inaccuracies. I don't own The Outsiders or it's characters.
I sat frozen, as I couldn’t escape reality. However, the truth managed to all because of something I’m unable to control Feeling like an infant who is drowning as the only thing that can save me is a buoy thrown by another man. For if he does not exist, I am someone who can’t speak language.
I remember walking through the doors of my high school and feeling a mixture of dread and excitement settle heavily somewhere between my throat and my gut. This was not the first time, nor the last time that I experienced what most people would call butterflies, except in my case it felt more like the butterflies were nukes playing tag, and the aftershocks were giving me the shakes. Due to my inability to talk to my fellow classmates without feeling like a leaf in the middle of a hurricane, I came to the conclusion that the only way to get rid of this fear was to face it head on, so that’s exactly what I did.
The rain had just stopped pouring, and we had all gathered in a park nearby, as a makeshift memorial for Johnny. It wasn’t really a funeral, we didn’t have the budget for that, and it wasn’t like his parents cared enough to give him a proper goodbye.
I didn’t want to be rude to Joey, I mean he’s been with me since I got to this miserable place you call a hospital. We’ve been through everything, chemotherapy, cutting my hair short, and surgeries. Joey is my nurse and we are really good friends, but sometimes I need time to be alone, so I would tell him to leave. But, in my excuse he’s with me twenty-four seven. In my free time which is every day I watch people leave the hospital happy and healthy, some that I even knew who had cancer. I feel lonely like I'm the only one that has lung cancer and I am but, my parents tell me that I'm never alone. I always wanted to be a normal girl. I was once, but that was eight years ago. I haven't been out of the hospital since. One day while I was watching people leave my mom and dad came into my room. They seemed excited about something but I didn’t really know what it was, it wasn't my birthday or theirs.
In the novel, the Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins, Katniss Everdeen does whatever it takes to survive in the Hunger Games. Katniss battles against twenty-three other children from the twelve districts along with hunger, cold, and sickness to stay alive in the games. Katniss must use many of her attributes to win the Hunger Games, such as her resourcefulness, caring, and determination.
My favorite part of the Hunger Games is when Katniss attacks the Career tributes with a tracker jacker nest. When Katniss is stuck in a tree, Rue alerts her that a tracker jacker nest is above her head. Katniss is frightened, but then realizes that she can saw off the branch the tracker jacker nest is attached to. She tries to saw it off while the anthem plays, but is unable to before the anthem stops playing. She goes to bed and wakes up the next day, ready to saw off the branch. She alerts Rue what she is doing and gets to work. Katniss gets stung once, then completely saws off the branch. She pushes the branch as far as she can away from herself, and then the nest pops open on the ground. The Career tributes awake to a full-scale tracker
The Hunger Games is a violent novel, but Katniss is not a violent character. The deaths can support these points. One in particular is Rue's, another is Cato's, and the third is the everyone else outside hunger games. Rue's death is an example of the novel being violent, because her death was no ordinary death. A spear goes through her body, but the real reason its violent is because she is only 12 years old and murdered in cold blood.