If people are under tyrannical rule with no freedom, how would they react? Katniss Everdeen, from The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, protects her younger sister, Prim, while suffering under dictatorial conditions. Katniss takes Prim’s place in the Hunger Games, an almost gladiatorial event. The young farmer, from The Wise Old Woman by Yoshiko Uchida, defends his family, specifically his aging mother. She is banished by the local lord, but her son illegally hides her in a secret room. Katniss and the young farmer suffer under an oppressive government, but muster the courage to shield their loved ones from certain peril. Katniss loves Prim and is willing to risk anything for her. When it is Prim’s first reaping, Katniss is worried and prays
An important idea that Katniss makes the audience think of is bravery. Every day since she was sixteen she has been going outside the wall to hunt for her family. When her father died and her mother slipped into deep depression she was the only one who could feed her family as her younger sister Prim was only seven. This bravery is shown
Every year a competition is held where one girl and one boy, ages 12-18, from each District is chosen for a game of survival. The last tribute alive, wins riches and lots of food. These games are called The Hunger Games. Katniss Everdeen is from the poorest District, 12. She shows survival every single day of her life. Everyday she hunts, illegally, to supply for her family because her father died when she was young. Going into the games was no different. During a conversation with Peeta he says, “You know what my mother said? She said ‘District 12 might finally have a winner,’ but she wasn't talking about me. She was talking about you.” Because everybody knew how good she was at surviving, District 12 got a little bit of faith. He is saying that even his mom believed more in her than in him, because she had experience in survival and he, as a baker’s son, did not. This shows the audience that despite hardships and losses a human has the ability to overcome and do whatever it takes to survive. Katniss shows a strong relationship with her sister. After Prim, her sister, is drawn for the games she volunteers and goes into the games to protect her sister. Throughout the movie any decision that Katniss makes, is made with the thought of Prim. During an interview with Caesar Flickerman, he
In chapters 6 through 10 of, “The Hunger Games,” by Suzanne Collins, the reader is told about the life of a tribute starting at the Training Center. The Training Center is a tower which will be the tributes home before the games begin. There are 12 floors and each girl and boy from each district get the floor that is the number of their district, so Katniss and Peeta are on floor number 12. Their floor contains “Avoxes” to help clean, make food, serve, etc.
Katniss is thinking. " Where is she?What are they doing to her? Prim I cry out ." Prim!"only another agonizing scream answers me . How did she get here?Why is she part of the games? "
These quotes show how Katniss took Prim’s place in order to save her. This act was courageous and brave on her part, she put herself in danger for the greater
Economics is the study of scarcity within a systems of rules. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins’ can be translated into such, with hunger being scarcity and games being a system of rules. In the Hunger Games, we are introduced to a country called Panem. The country of Panem is divided into twelve different districts and the Capitol, where the government resides. Each district has their own different specializations and they have distinctive economies. The government regulates the trade and each district rely on trade from each other district and the Capitol for the goods they don 't produce. All of the districts and the Capitol is interdependent.
After Prim’s name was pulled for the Reaping, Katniss volunteers to take Prim’s place as female tribute for District 12. The text states,“I reach her just as she is about to mount the steps. With one sweep of my arm, I push her behind me.‘I volunteer!’ I gasp. ‘I volunteer as tribute!” Katniss’s actions show the caring in her heart when she takes her sister Prim’s place as tribute. That was no small action because as she says later in the story, a tribute in District 12 is the same as a corpse, yet she still takes Prim’s place. Shortly after Rue and Katniss team up, Katniss gives Rue the majority of the food they are eating, and offers to help her set snares. In the text it says,“I’ll bet meat hardly ever comes her way.‘Take the other...Take whatever you want. Now that I’ve got a bow and arrows, I can get more. Plus I’ve got snares. I can show you how to set them.” This shows that Katniss is a caring person because she gives Rue most of her food. Although Katniss doesn’t even know if she can trust Rue, she teams up with her and protects her. To conclude, Katniss cares for those whom she loves and provides for them to keep them alive, and in turn, they keep her alive
Cheyenne Conn Professor Rebecca Mullins ENG 101 B0Z1 09 October 2014 The Control of Power In today’s society having power is one of the main keys to achieving and gaining success. “The Hunger Games” by Suzanne Collins compares to our society today because of everyone wanting to have control over everyone and everything.
The first mentor present in Katniss’ life is her sister, Primrose. When Primrose gets reaped, Katniss steps in and makes a sacrifice to save her sister. From that point on, Primrose becomes the driving force behind Katniss’ will to survive. When Katniss says goodbye to her family, Prim asks Katniss to try to win, and Katniss promises to try. Primrose has hope for Katniss’ return. Primrose’s faith in Katniss is the main reason Katniss decides to fight for her life and, eventually, win.
My first text is The Hunger Games which is written by Suzanne Collins and it was written in September 14 2008; was set in the future, around the year 2087. My second text which is 1984, which is written by George Orwell and was written on Wednesday June 8 1949 and it was set in 1948. There are many themes in the book hunger games such as ‘the inequality between rich and poor’, ‘suffering as environment’ and ‘the importance of appearances’. In 1984 there is also many themes portrayed such as ‘the dangers of totalitarianism’. ‘Physiological manipulation’, ‘physical control’ and ‘language as mind control’. Collins and Orwell look at repression that has been shown in the characters in The Hunger Games and 1984. The characters that are used to
The repetition highlights the strong bond between Katniss and Prim and as a result, it is evident that Katniss is extremely selfless and is willing to give up her life for those she loves. Another moment when Katniss displays the heroic quality of bravery is when Katniss, again, was willing to risk her life. “No, you’re not risking your life for me.” are the words of Peeta when he demanded that Katniss did not go to the cornucopia to get the medicine needed to heal his knee. Through the use of emotive language, Katniss’ bravery is again recognised as she is willing to give her life, which further highlights her qualities as a hero.
Katniss was always very close to her little sister Prim. Prim meant the world to her and she always did her best to protect her. Katniss loved Prim so much that she even put her own life before hers when she “stepped up to take Prim’s place”(24) as tribute. Katniss’ father was a very influential on her. He taught her how the woods could provide for her but also that they could be dangerous. Even after he had died he was still important to her. After her dad past, Katniss’ mother became drastically depressed and was unable to provide for her children. Katniss never truly forgave her for abandoning them in their time of need. With her mother in a comatose state Katniss decided she would have to protect and provide for Prim. All the hunting, gathering and buying of tesserae was for Prim’s sake. To keep them out of the community home
Trust is well-defined to be as to having assurance, reliance or confidence in someone. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins takes place in the ruins of what use to be North America, which they call their land Panem. The Capitol consists of twelve districts and every year one male and one female “tribute” between the ages of twelve and eighteen are chosen to perform in an annual live event called Hunger Games. All participants must engage in a deathly battle and kill each other until one remains standing, achieving a great amount of fame and food. Sixteen year old Katniss Everdeen living with her mother and younger sister in the poorest district of Panem,
The reaping begins and Prim’s name is drawn. Katniss freaks out and volunteers to take her place, making her District 12’s girl tribute. The boy tribute’s name is drawn and it’s Peeta Mellark, who is the baker’s son and the same age at Katniss. Katniss remembers, when they were children, Peeta saw her starving outside in the rain and gave her a burnt piece of bread that his mother had told him to feed to their pigs. Katniss wonders how is she supposed to kill him in the Games after he was so
Within the first scenes of the film Primrose is chosen to participate in the hunger games. The audience feels the hurt within the family as extreme close-ups of Primrose are used to show the fear within her. When her sister Katniss volunteers to replace Primrose the panic is shown within the amateur movement of the camera. An evaluation of the social commentary can be seen within the audience as everyone stands still in an over-the-shoulder shot. This is similar to the phone zombies walking around recording people in danger but not really doing a thing to stop it. Within, the film Katniss meets a girl from another district by the name of Rue. Due to the lack of alliances they become friends. When they are split up and trying to find one another the audience can feel the anticipation of Katniss as a low-angle shot is taken very shakenly. Katniss is shown as compassionate in the next scenes as Rue dies and close-ups of Rue & Katniss are taken to show the intimate moment. Rue is shown as an innocent person undeserving of death her body is shown with few shadows and more of a high key lighting to exaggerate her persona. When Rue dies it resembled the death of a child causing chaos within the next few scenes. Fires are shown with close-ups and low key lighting to show the havoc of the districts revolting.