
Katy James Personality

Decent Essays

What is your Storyline student’s name and their characteristics? My character’s name is Katy James. She is 15 years old and a ninth grader. Katy’s family is a middle-class German immigrant family, and she is the youngest of three children. Her parents both immigrated to the United States when they were children, so they are a bilingual family. Katy loves to talk about her German heritage, but she must have a good relationship with her teachers and peers before she will share her heritage. In terms of school, Katy enjoys school, especially in classes that she can be creative. Her favorite subject in school is Art. She likes to build sculptures, draw, and paint. In addition, Katy is visually impaired (has low vision), which has made her an auditory learner. Because of her low vision, she likes to be placed at the front of the classroom, and she likes modifications to be made so she can listen instead of read. …show more content…

Katy is a shy, but friendly ninth grader. In her friends, she looks for people who share her love of art and being creative. Katy has met most of her friends in her art classes and in the art club she is involved with. In addition to sharing a love for art, Katy also looks for the characteristics of loyal, friendly, and nice in the people she befriends. Most importantly though, Katy looks for people who do not treat her differently or like she is fragile because of her vision impairment. This is important for her because she does not like to be constantly reminded about her low

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