
Katy Steinmetz Legalization Of Marijuana

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Say No to Cannabis
On November 9, 2016 proposition 64 known as marijuana, was legalized with a rate of around "56% to 44%" (Steinmetz) of votes. In the Times newspaper opinionated article, “What to Know About Marijuana Legalization in California,” by Katy Steinmetz she explained complicated details of the legalization. She clarified the importance of “where can marijuana be consumed,” “growing pot plants inside your house,” and “what happens if I smoke or ingest marijuana and drive” (Steinmetz). Katy Steinmetz publicly advises her readers, so that individuals could be well informed about the drug. However, marijuana can become a bad habit, it is unsafe, and an excuse to later on using other dangerous drug as well. Consuming or smoking …show more content…

A person who is obsessed with cannabis also begins to lose interest for friends or family and tends to push them away. Within "Marijuana Use Harms Health and Is Addictive." it expresses, “Contrary to common belief, marijuana is addictive. Estimates from research suggest that about 9 percent of users become addicted to marijuana; this number increases among those who start young (to about 17 percent, or 1 in 6) and among people who use marijuana daily (to 25-50 percent)” (National Institute on Drug Abuse). Furthermore using marijuana can cause the brain permanent damages as well as damaging the human’s insides only to cause the person to have respiratory issues. It has a significant impact on the mental health and cardiopulmonary, meaning the heart and lungs. In katy Steinmetz's opinionated article, “What to Know About Marijuana Legalization in California,” there was a quote by Reiman in which he said, “We encourage people to think about cannabis in a new way as something that is perfectly acceptable for adults to do in a responsible way. That’s one of the messages that legalization sends”(Steinmetz). There is nothing responsible about consuming or smoking marijuana just for pleasure, also it is only bring harm to society. The quote stated “adults” however a large amount of the users are adolescents from the ages 16-21. Children who are around the ages of …show more content…

In "Marijuana Is Addictive and Is Linked to Use of Harder Drugs.” by Rita Rubin she clarifies that, "All of the studies clearly show the earlier someone starts taking marijuana, the greater their vulnerability to addiction disorders and psychiatric disorders"(Rubin). With that being said vulnerability can easily overpower an individual and later on try a different drug. Throughout the article it showed that the pope himself commented something similar, he stated, "I would bet you that people who start smoking marijuana earlier are more likely to get into using other drugs. Perhaps people who are predisposed to using a variety of drugs start smoking marijuana earlier than others do”(Rubin). Marijuana clearly can be addicting and does result in leading people to consume or smoke different types of drugs. For example: heroin, cocaine, DMT, and LSD are a few of the hazardous drugs cannabis addicts lean towards consuming. Steinmetz article again showed, “ A Household- no matter how many people are in it- is limited to growing 6 plants at one time”(Steinmetz). All it is doing is causing more people to make this an okay thing when in reality it is not, allowing people to own at the most six cannabis plants is unhealthy. Also marijuana addicts are at higher risk of committing suicide. It is difficult to stop addicts from spreading around the world when there are laws that

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