Is keeping animals in captivity having a negative effect on them? Are animals at risk from being held in zoos? Animals have been held in captivity for hundreds of years, but in recent times people have been agreeing with the idea. Although not all animals are kept in good conditions, animals should be allowed to be held in captivity, some animals are safer in captivity, some animals are injured or unable to live in the wild, and it allows researchers to gain knowledge on animals that are not common in the wild.
Some animals are kept safer in captivity. The animals are protected from things in the wild like predators and are provided with food that could be scarce in the wild. Other benefits are when animals are endangered and don’t breed naturally;
Freedom is everything to people, and animals alike. But animals in captivity are stripped from this. In SeaWorld and circuses, the animals are living their lives entertaining people and living their lives in cages or small enclosed pens. By keeping animals to remain in captivity people are taking away their freedom, forcing them to be used for entertainment, and not providing animals with the proper care.
Do you think it is good to keep animals in captivity? I do, here’s why. Here is my opinion on this topic which will be explained farther into the essay. We should keep animals in captivity because the zoo is a great way for urban citizens to see wildlife on a tight budget, a great way of income for some city run zoos, and a great way of entertainment.
The author of this article, Michael D. Lemonick, discusses how some animals aren't able to be kept humanely in captivity. This article mainly focuses on elephants that are kept in captivity. Normally elephants roam up to, if not more than, 30 miles a day and they socialize with up to 20 other elephants a day. While in captivity, elephants are not experiencing their lives the way they should. If an elephant is in an exhibit that is too small for them, they can develop serious health issues such as, foot problems, arthritis, and even premature deaths. Most zoos aren't equipped to take care of elephants like they should. Lemonick discusses zoos across the country that have stopped exhibiting elephants altogether, due to severe issues seen in elephants.
The topic of the treatment of captive animals in both zoos and aquariums is one of high controversy. It is argued that the capturing and breeding of wildlife, holding them in captivity may present them with unnecessary risks. This however is dependent on the species of animal.
Millions of animals are being kept at zoos and aquariums, with too little space, being watched by people every day and being beaten up if they don’t behave as “they should”. I don’t think that it can come anything good out of keeping animals at zoos.
Scientists, zoologists, and the staff at zoos all agree that by keeping species in captivity, the species is benefiting from it. For some species, captivity is the only reason why their species is surviving. For example, the amount of tigers that are owned by private individuals
Although keeping animals in captivity is bad because they don't get to be themselves they should keep animals in zoos or captivity because it helps the species not go extinct, it brings happiness to families that go to the zoo, and zoos bring in enough money to build better exhibits. Even though zoos still have negative impacts on animals lives they should still keep animals in
As a child, many people would often go to the zoo or to the circus and see animals in real life. In circuses, animals would often perform tricks and stunts, dazzling the audience. In the zoo, people would often see animals in their native habitat, or what looks like it. Children were mainly amazed with the animals and were always exited to go see the animals. As the years go by, they start to realize that some of the animals are suffering and are being mistreated, especially in circuses. They see that the animals in zoos are depressed and lonely and the animals in the circuses are chained up. What is worse is that animals in laboratories are often treated very poorly; more poorly than what Americans treat prisoners and refugees. There have been many debates on whether animals should be held in captivity. Some groups believe that animals should not be held in captivity because they have the same capacities as humans. They believe that animals can feel emotion and have a sense of morality. Animals in captivity are deprived of their natural habitat and their instincts. Animals raised in captivity tend to rely more on humans compared to animals raised in the wild. They also believe zookeepers and trainers are putting themselves at risk when taking care of the animals. There have been many incidents including the death of trainers by animals, one highlighted by the movie “Blackfish” by director Gabriela Cowperthwaite. There are others who believe that putting animals in captivity is beneficial for not only the animal, but for humans as well. Humans get more jobs if more animals are put into captivity because there is an increase in the amount of people needed. Another benefit of keeping animals in captivity is that it could help save a species who is endangered and close to going extinct. Another benefit is that it helps increase the amount of food available because some animals are raised for food. Putting animals in captivity wrong unless they are being used for the animal’s benefits.
Should animals in Captivity be allowed? Animals in Captivity should be allowed because they get the medicine they need, animals can live longer, and the animals can get smarter. The first reason animals in captivity should be allowed is that animals can get healthy. There are rehabilitation programs that nurse animals back to health.Veterinarians can prevent and control a disease. Second, animals can live longer in captivity. In the article, by Hannah J. O’regan and Andrew C. Kitchener states, “Gorillas live for more than 50 years in captivity compared to 35 years in the wild” (223). The animals diets also help them live longer. Lastly animals can get smarter. Animals in captivity do more activities making them smarter. For example, “Rats raised in enriched environments had larger brains”(O’regan and Kitchener 224). Animals in captivity should be allowed because they are able to get healthier, their lifespan increases, and they get more intelligent.
Most wild animals that are unable to survive in the wild are kept in zoos and animal rescues. However, when wild animals are kept in captivity for too long it can lead to some odd behaviors and health issues. Some of the issues animals can develop in captivity are over grooming, pacing back and forth, and zoochosis. These can cause animals to develop odd behaviors that can lead to dangerous health issues and sometimes even death.
During the 1960’s at the Saint Louis Zoo a chimpanzee named Edith took her first breath. The public gave a lot of attention, mainly because she was a newborn. She was cuddly, cute and small. As young as 3 years old, she was taken away from her family and passed around at least five facilities, finally landing at a Texas roadside zoo called Amarillo Wildlife Refuge. During an undercover investigation of Amarillo Wildlife Refuge, PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) discovered during the undercover investigation that Edith had been living in a filthy, barren concrete pit. She did not have any hair on her body and had been living off of rotten produce and dog food (“Zoos: Pitiful Prisons”). Edith is not the only animal that has been through that type of abuse. There has been hundreds of more stories with a variety of animals that were very similar to Edith’s. It is difficult to
Is it a good idea to put animals in captivity? This is a very controversial subject. You can find many people on both sides I chose to talk about the positive side about putting animals in captivity. Animals should be able to live in zoos because they live longer, they live in a better environment and they get feed better.
Animals could be treated to many different types of habitats and treatments. They can range from amazing care to almost or absolute torture. To the animals with better lives from captivity they are well fed and taken care of but to the animals that are not well taken care of they are physically and mentally abused. They are only used for money and human desires and are taken from their natural way of life and forced to live in a totally different way. It is up to humankind to become a majority in the debate over whether animals should be kept in captivity or whether they should just be left
Exotic animals such as snakes, birds, turtles and more have all experienced the downfalls of captivity. It is unethical to keep animals in captivity because its putting humans in danger causing a lot of injuries and deaths, it is killing the animals in captivity, and the captive homes for the animals are not safe conditions. Humans and animals have a long history. Humans have always been engaged with animals. From the first cave painting to now.
humans. Others contend that the benefits are small or can be achieved by some other