Keeping Marijuana Illegal 1
Why Marijuana Should Remain Illegal
Keeping Marijuana Illegal 2
Why Marijuana Should Remain Illegal
Marijuana is proven to contain more than 400 chemicals. Throughout time, it has been used to eliminate pain. Marijuana became illegal in the 1930s when it became known as an intoxicant drug and a dangerous narcotic. Along with becoming illegal came the restrictions of growth, sales, and consumption. Marijuana has many negative side effects mental and physical.
Marijuana has been used by millions of people who continually use it on a regular basis even though it is illegal. This essay will describe and analyze what marijuana is, how it affects the
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When smoking this drug, the THC goes directly to the lungs in which it is absorbed by alveoli. Alveoli is where gas exchange happens by tiny air sacs. THC enters the blood stream in just a matter of seconds of using this drug. When eating or drinking marijuana, it enters the stomach and is carried to the liver in which it is then sent to the rest of the body. Eating marijuana is less effective than smoking; however the effects of the drug stay in the body for twice as long. Even though this drug leaves the body quicker when smoked rather than eaten, this drug is still dangerous. How dangerous is marijuana? The initial effects of the chemical, “THC” in marijuana wears off in a few hours, but the chemicals stay in the body for a longer period of time. These chemicals can last from 20 hours to 10 days, depending on the amount and potency in the drug used. Marijuana has many negative long-term and short-term effects on the body. “Long-term effects can consist of cancer, memory loss, brain damage, breathing problems, reduced blood flow to the brain as well as a change inthe reproductive organs and the immune system” (NIDA). The short-term effects can consist of decreased coordination, memory loss, tremors, nausea, headaches, increased appetite, slowed reaction time and slowed decision making. According to the (United States Drug
Enforcement Agency) marijuana use has been known to cause heart
Marijuana has been around for hundreds and thousands of years and has been used in numerous
The bracts, flowers and leaves contain the most, while the stems, seeds and roots contain lesser amounts. The most concentrated form of all, however, is hash oil, which is the distilled liquid resin of the female marijuana plant. Street pot has gradually increased in potency over the years, and current versions are thought to be five to 10 times more potent than the stuff people used to "tune in and turn on" in the '60s.When inhaled, as from a "reefer, or joint, THC is rapidly absorbed. Studies show the systemic bio-availability of THC following smoking is about 18 percent, with heavier users absorbing more than casual smokers. That compares with the oral uptake, from, say, a pill, of only 6 percent. The peak effects of the drug occur within 20 to 30 minutes and last for two to four hours.THC circulates through the body and, being highly fat-soluble, easily enters the brain. About 80 to 90 percent of an intravenous dose of THC is excreted from the body in five days, although metabolites remain detectable in urine for 10 days after a single dose and more than 20 days after chronic
Marijuana has an immediate effect during and for about 2 hours after smoking. With alcohol, users feel slight effects after
When I say short term, I mean damages that can restore to normal. Most symptoms from heavy usage vanish in about a year and a half of clean time. Although, not ever exactly back to normal relatively emotional and memory abnormalites are restored. The more evident short term effects though leave in about one full month. Since the more severe effects go away in one month one can see the potential for a problem in a weekend smoker. In cases of consistent use, about twice a week or less results in keeping the users of ever really being sober. The brain is one third fat. Cannabinoids are fat soluble and not only do they collect in brain cells, but they also accumulate in billion of other cells in the body and are consistently being released into the blood stream. In the case of moderate twice a week use, before half of the cannabinoids that are are being stored new cannabinoids are being introduced. The cannabinoid release process is very slow and if there is continued use, it can make the user "always stoned." Maybe not all of the effects of intoxication will be evident, but noticeable differences in thinking and talking are evident. It takes marijuana about 2 to 4 weeks to get out of your system. As much as one third of our youth are smoking marijuana 1 to 3 times a week. If these statements are both is true then 1/3 of youth also should have the problem of always being stoned.
Marijuana has an immediate effect during and for about 2 hours after smoking. With alcohol, users feel slight effects
drinking, or inhaling it. A person can smoke it in joints or blunts. A person can eat it by mixing it
This means that the THC is diluted and when the 11-hydroxy-delta-9-THC enters the blood and much less THC reaches the brain. This causes it to take longer for psychological effects to occur to the person ingesting marijuana. THC is sored in the fatty tissues in the body and then releases 11-hydroxy-delta-9-THC slowly. Hydroxy-delta-9-THC has a fifty hour half life because how slow the absorption in the body. The short term effects began to take place more slowly. Between a hour and thirty minutes and then after the short term effects happen then it continues until four hours. It would be hard to find out if the drug was ingested or smoked without a blood test (Kapur,
In its early days cannabis or “marijuana” as it’s mostly known was first established in 8000 B.C. Later becoming more and more popular cannabis was incorporated in many things such as weave to fine hemp cloths, medicine, and as a fiber for the Chinese and later all across the world. Nowadays marijuana is illegal and has been so since 1970 after the Federal Controlled Substances Act was passed. Now there’s an ongoing controversy about cannabis being legalized or decriminalized for medical or even recreational uses. Marijuana laws are getting looser and looser and states around the world and starting to be more accepted but the drug is still not legalized completely and there’s no concrete reason why.
Marijuana was first used in ancient China by a Chinese Emperor by the name of Shen Nung. Even Queen Victoria used it. Shen Nung the Chinese Emperor was the first recorded person who used marijuana. He would use it as a pain killer during operations. In ancient India marijuana was holy. A Hindu god by the name of Shiva gave hemp as a gift to all humanity. It was inexpensive and available to almost everyone. It was known as “The Poor Man’s Heaven”. Cannabis leaves were commonly brewed, and they would add milk and sugar to make a drink. In ancient Rome there was a physician named Galen. He recommended the use of marijuana to reduce pain in operations, or for just everyday pains.
Throughout the years, marijuana play a major role in parts of the world. It had play a role of healing patients. According to Clare Wilson, a scientist, had support this fact by stating, “The plant is used in traditional medicine all over the world to relieve pain and muscle spasms.” (64) Not only the earliest people know the existent of the plant, but also made use of the plant as well. If the earliest people were comfortable of using marijuana as a medical use, then it shouldn’t be illegal to begin with. The earliest people didn’t have to rely on any medication pills since all they needed was just marijuana to make them feel a lot better. Marijuana became dub as an illegal pant by congress in 1937, called the Marihuana Tax Act, which stop the use of marijuana as a commercial use. (Katel 534) Ever since the act was passed, it was impossible for people to research on cannabis.
Some people like to call it marijuana, some people like to call it weed, and some people like to call it cannabis. But have you ever took the time to get to know about this drug? Marijuana has been introduced to the world all the way back to 2337 BC. At first the focus was on it’s power as a medication for people to use such as rheumatism, gout, malaria,
Cannabis, formally known as marijuana is a drug obtained from the tops, stems and leaves of the hemp plant cannabis. The drug is one of the most commonly used drugs in the world. Only substances like caffeine, nicotine and alcohol are used more (“Marijuana” 1). In the U. S. where some use it to feel “high” or get an escape from reality. The drug is referred to in many ways; weed, grass, pot, and or reefer are some common names used to describe the drug (“Marijuana” 1). Like most drugs, marijuana has a very long history. People have been using the plant around the world for thousands of years. The oldest record of the marijuana plant dates back to 2727 B. C. in China where the plant was used as a medical herb for treating conditions like rheumatism, gout, malaria and even absent-mindedness (“Cannabis, Coca, & Poopy: Nature’s Addictive Plants” 1). Slowly, the plant started spreading around the world. By 1545, cannabis was starting to appear throughout the western worlds. Being introduced to South America by the Spanish to be used as fiber. The crop also had many other common uses around the world. In North America, cannabis was often used to make paper, ropes, clothing and other materials (“The Origins of Cannabis” 1).
With the different options come different absorption rates. Finkel (2007) said when marijuana is smoked it will go into the lungs and bloodstream, which is then distributed throughout the body. When marijuana is ingested, it takes one to three hours to attain the maximum THC blood levels and the effects are much slower. (p.82). Using the Sativex spray under the tongue will allow for quick absorption into the blood stream. (Wilson, 2005, p.39).
body if the user is eating or drinking the drug. In that case, then the user usually feels the effects
Marijuana has been around for a very long time and while it used to be treated as a medicine for