People argue about whether to keep students in school until they turn 18. However, contrary to what people may think school should keep students until they are of 18. Since people with high school diploma have more money, less chance of getting into jail or getting public assistance.
Without a high school diploma, the students earn less money. In a 2009 graph the average income by education stated that high school dropouts make $19,540. Meanwhile someone that has completed high school makes around $27,380. With this knowledge we can infer some things such as, with the dropout they could barely afford a place to live and food. But with the high school education that person can get a place to live, food, and start going to college or a university.
Someone who decides to dropout without a high school diploma face a higher risk of being unemployed.When there is a lack of education, it will become difficult to receive a job and more likely to become on welfare. The earnings potential on average for dropouts is to be unemployed and earn less money when they eventually secure work rather than a high school graduate. In the Kerner report, Dorothy Bullitt stated that employed dropouts working at unskilled jobs will belong in a low-paying service occupation offering
I think everyone should get at least some education after high school. Three main reasons why you should go to college after high school is first you more professional when applying for a job, next you can meet more people and socialize, lastly is self discovery.
When comparing the annual income between a Hispanic student that graduates from high school and a Hispanic high school dropout, the student with a high school diploma will earn $5,747 more than the student who drops out (U.S. Census, 2010). Statistics have demonstrated that high student populations in high schools impact the learning of students, and students are more likely to dropout (Fry, 2005).
Firstly, the first few years of any human's life are critical to his development, and have a significant effect on how that person's future pans out. Skipping school means that students will not have a very promising future, and a lack of education will cause them to make bad life choices and weak decisions. Thus students should be required to spend all of their early years learning, and developing themselves.
Extending high school to five years you will be affecting students work life by if they do stay the whole five years of high school they will be in their twenties and when you are at that age society already expects you to have finished college and have a certain amount of experience in order for most jobs
Earning a diploma, a degree or even a trade can significantly affect one's future financial status. An education-or lack thereof- can mean the difference between being poverty stricken or financially stable. College graduates earn an average of 66 percent more than non graduates and often enjoy additional benefits, including greater job opportunities and promotions.(Source: However, according to, 69 percent of students graduate from college on time, yet many graduate without the skills needed for college or work. Without an education chances of obtaining a decent paying job is slim, which can result in a life of impoverishment. "Policymakers and education leaders must implement strategies to reduce the high school dropout rate and adequately prepare high school students for college, while providing low income students with the support they need to attain a degree or credential."
In Edgar Allan Poe’s story “The Cask of Amontillado,” Poe inserts the audience into the vengeful mind of the story’s protagonist, Montresor. Having been shamed by the antagonist, Fortunado, Montresor sets his plan in motion of luring Fortunado into the catacombs where it is thought a rare wine is kept. However, Fortunado does not suspect that he is descending into what would be his eternal grave. The conflict in the story is clearly stated in the opening line, “The thousand injuries of Fortunado I had borne as best I could, but when he ventured upon insult I vowed revenge” (Poe 40).
With just a high school diploma you can only go so far into your chosen career field. Most well paying jobs require more than a high school diploma anyways. On average, a college graduate with a bachelor's degree make $30,000 more per year than a high school graduate and about $500,000 in a lifetime (procon).Although, many people argue the total cost of going to college includes the missing opportunities to make money at a
from high school?” This is one shocking statistic from Teach for America among many that show how poverty is related to education inequality. According to WKNO front line, “The average dropout can expect to earn an annual income of $20,241, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. That’s a full $10,386 less than the typical high school graduate, and $36,424 less than someone with a bachelor’s degree.” So just looking at those numbers alone, it is obvious how poverty and education relate and it is obvious we need to do something to keep these kids in school and make sure they are getting the best education available to reduce their likelihood of being in poverty.
It is proven that college graduates earn more money compared to college dropouts and below. According to the PBS frontline article called “By the Numbers: Dropping Out of High School”, the average dropout earns an annual income of $20,241, which is a full 10 thousand less compared to the typical high school graduate, and 36 thousand less than someone with a bachelor’s degree. Shockingly, dropouts between the ages of 18 and 24 are more than twice as likely as college graduates to live in poverty, they experience a poverty rate of 30.8 percent, compared to the bachelor’s degree poverty rate of 13.5 percent. Therefore this widens the wage gap if there is improper or demotivational schooling. There are multiple factors as to why students drop out are do to... high rates of absenteeism, low levels of school engagement, low parental education, work or family responsibilities, problematic or deviant behavior, moving to a new school in the ninth grade, and attending a school with lower achievement scores. The nation should take notice because poorly educated people can restrict the cites’ capacity to prosper and innovate. In a way, poor education leads to a poor lifestyle that can affect the
In addition, high school dropouts have caused many hardships that negatively affect the American economy. Individuals, who have not received high school credentials, live such experiences as poverty, unemployment, teenage parenthood, and criminal activity (Esch, 2003). For example, without the minimum of a high school diploma, individuals are susceptible to a cycle of poverty (AYPF, 2006). Esch (2003) explained that in any given year, the likelihood of slipping into poverty is about three times higher for high school dropouts than for those who finish high school. He mentioned that high school dropouts lack many skills to be hired for decent jobs; therefore, students are more susceptible to be dependent on the public assistance. Researchers revealed that if one third of high school dropouts were to remain in school and earn a diploma, the federal government would save almost 11 billion annually from reducing funds needed for food stamps, housing
$10,510, that’s how much less a high school dropout earns annually than an individual with a high school diploma according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. A dropout is less likely to be employed, more likely to be incarcerated and more likely to live in poverty. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, due to incarceration, less paid in taxes and other factors a high school dropout costs taxpayers $292,000 over their lifetime. The financial costs alone should be enough to find ways to increase graduation rates. Research has shown early predictors of dropout are parental education level and early low literacy in the child. Families from one generation to another have a difficult time escaping poverty and families from one generation to another have difficulty improving literacy
All through high school one always wonders why certain courses have to be taken. Thinking certain courses are a waste of one’s time and how it takes 12 years just to receive a diploma. Sounds crazy to think half of one’s life is spent in school preparing to receive a better understanding of education. During graduation, walking through the stage makes one along other proud and accomplished of all the efforts that took place. This not only helps one become more educated and aware of the things going around them, but helps become financially stable with a job or other necessities in life. Therefore, high school should be mandatory for students at least till there are 18, and not to drop-out.
Most people who drop out of high school have that kind of life. There are some who become successful and have their own businesses and make a good living. However, most people who drop out end up having to go back to school later in life because it gets too difficult to live comfortably especially if some have to support a family. In today's society, it is even tougher to make a living without having an education and people who drop out should think again because it only gets harder each and everyday. People today think they can take the easy way out by starting the real world early, but they quickly realize that it is a mistake because reality hits. Life is hard, especially without an education and it is a huge struggle to survive in this world today. Most people today who have to go through the struggle because of dropping out in high school wish that there was a reset button, but there is only one chance and that is why people should not drop out.
According to data from a general Social Survey kids that drop out of school at an early age often faces some discouraging statistics, 16% are unemployed while 32% live below the poverty line. This will correlate to a lifetime earnings increase of approximately $226,700 from finishing high school and joining the labor force at age 18 rather than exiting high school at age 16 (Messacar & Oreopoulos, 2013). Kids that stay in school past the age