I would like to tell you about myself. I am a sophomore at the University of Connecticut. As a Management Information Systems (MIS) major, I am very interested in technology as it relates to business. I am leaning towards the consulting and project management path of the major. I recently declared my minor to international studies. I have always had an interest in how countries work with each other and how the different cultures coexist. My peers in an international political science class would describe me as hardworking, dedicated and engaged. I am planning on studying abroad and am analyzing the benefits of the business programs in Italy or London. According to my results from the Keirsey Temperament Report, I am someone who solves problems,
Something interesting about me is that for 4 years in the marching band I played the saxophone. It is during those years I learned how to properly communicate with other students working in a large group to accomplish our shared musical goals. Eventually I would end up in a leadership role during my senior year of high school it’s during this time I learned the importance of dividing personal relationships and from leadership role. Often during my leadership role, I found myself at conflict due my personal friendships with other band students in the organization. Additionally, I listen to classical music, using photo editing software, and using different programming languages. The results from my TypeFocus were the following: ‘I’ introversion, ‘S’ sensing, ‘T’ thinking, and ‘J’ judgement. I will honestly say I did not learn not anything new from the taking the assessment about myself and the careers I will likely enter. Even more the assessment just confirmed everything that I’ve known about myself like how tend to be more introvert often takes me a while to open up personally to most individuals.
the personality assessment and reflection assignment in the FYE 105 class helped to put my personality traits, and type into perspective with the given definitions and examples throughout the project. I discovered that my personality type was “the Defender”, and my top strengths are being loyal, hardworking, practical, and supportive. Conversely, my top weaknesses are taking things to personally, overloading myself, repressing my feelings, and being shy. With this information in my “mental toolbox” I will be able to focus on and utilize my strengths to ensure success while at the same time working to build up my weaknesses and reduce their impact. Having this information and consistently working to improve myself by utilizing what I have learned about my personality will allow me to align individual and professional goals in a productive way to achieve my career pathway, and personal
Personal Statement I’ve always kept an eye on social tensions around the world and although at a younger age I didn’t always fully understand the social injustices that were going and as I began to grow in age, my knowledge and understanding of what was going on around me not only in my community but also around the world also grew. I am a hard-working person,I'm friendly, kind, and can cope with social issues whatever the situation. I'm a team player but can also work independently and lead a team. I am able to bring a range of ideas when it come to teamwork or team leadership. I am able to display a calm, friendly attitude whatever the situation.
I first became familiar with the Keirsey Temperament Sorter when taking a psychology class last semester. After recently discussing the Barnum effect in that class, I was skeptical to review the results that may just give vague, general descriptions that could fit anyone. I didn't want to read to much into my temperament style description and let it control my actions and beliefs. However, after receiving my results and reviewing the material, I found that the assessment is very accurate and I could connect specifically to many of the descriptions presented. It even helped explain why I wanted to become a teacher. In addition to taking the Keirsey Temperament Sorter then, I also completed it three other times over the summer as part of my final
When it comes to workplace relationships, my kindness grows is going to grow where emotional and practical supports are found. The trouble is, there are many advantages of an instituted long-term relationship, and I am vulnerable in the process to reach this point due to my shyness. Let me recall a quick example about me and other student. There is a student who asked me “hey, are you Korean?” I replied “I’m Vietnamese”. He responded “I know you look like an Asian but I don’t know exactly what the country is?” I was excited and kept waiting for him to ask another question. Unfortunately, the conversation was over. Later
In my summer course: Consultation and Collaboration Strategies the professor provides us with a few different types of assessments which are: DeBoer’s appendices A-C, the Keirsey Temperament analysis, and the Jung Typology/Humanmetrics to help us determine out communication and collaboration skills. Also, which can help shape us to better works as a team using the knowledge we gain on our interpersonal types.
America possesses many faults; however, this nation also remains very successful. The political system seems more advanced compared to others. This country advocates for freedom and human rights. Unfortunately, the prestige decimates as this past election coincides with a joke, a joke that no one desires to hear and longs to surpass before the memories form. Donald Trump wins the election and citizens question whether Obama possesses the ability to serve another term. Nonetheless, the newly elected President remains the public figure who moves me towards action. Donald Trump encourages my involvement in politics, education of white privilege, and perseverance to defend others.
Chapter three discusses how temperament can be seen in all creatures as chemical processes within the brain. Additionally, this chapter describes the process that links out genetic material to our thoughts, actions and behaviors. Aside from human, temperament experiment’s also use chimpanzees, monkeys, gorillas, pigs, donkeys, rats, fish, octopi, horses, cows, cats, dogs, birds and mice. Detentions to study temperament in these various species vary, however most include the same detentions used to study humans. (surgency, negative affinity and effort control.) On a biological level, some species have more similarities than others, this is due to the evolutionary process. All species have evolved to adapt to various aspects of their environment in
One thing I learned from this chapter that I would offer fellow classmates is Temperament. This is a big part of education because this deals with labeling students as good kids or bad kids due to their behavior. The problem with this is that teachers should not label their students because if u treat a student like they are bad they will believe that they are bad and won’t progress. I suggest to all future teachers that they treat their students the same without labeling. I believe that if you treat all them the same they will grow together.
Habitable zones are regions around a star in which a planet can possess H2O (water) on their surface. It is also one that can actually sustain life or water only in its liquid form. This definition was based on the hypothesis that life may be existing on other planets around the universe other than the Earth. Requirements to be a Habitable Zone is the star around the planet or region must survive long enough for the planet to develop life and that the other planets in that region have the proper distance from its star so that the planet could have water remain as a liquid. For example, the Earth!
According to my IPIP-NEO narrative report I am a very independent, outgoing, calm, and curious person. My comprehensive report shows that I am: high scoring in openness, conscientiousness, and extraversion, average scoring in agreeableness and low scoring in Neuroticism. Raking in the 82nd percentile, extraversion was my second highest scoring trait. This means I am pretty outgoing, extraverted and love people. This is evident my scores of 89 in friendliness, 84 in assertiveness and 75 in activity level. Despite my high score in extraversion, I am on the lower side of average in the excitement-seeking facet with a score or 33. This means that even though I might like a little hustle and bustle and take charge I wont take to many risks and don’t always need a thrill to be satisfied.
The purpose of this paper is to discuss characteristics of my personality. The main focus of this paper will be how my personality has developed over time. As I age and encounter new and different experiences, my personality has adapted and developed further. This paper will give an in-depth exploration into the people and events that have influenced my personality.
What is your personality type? My personality type is very motivated on ideas but am very shy, I’m a visual learner I tend to understand better by step by step instructions. I love to set goals for myself and I enjoy controlling my life on how I want to approach myself. My studying strategies that I will begin to advance consists of time management, agenda, and stress management. These strategies are very important when it comes to a successful collage year.
Countless studies and meta-analysis have been done on the effect of the individual personality on success, whether it be within the workplace or an educational institute (ETS, 2016).
I am a pretty well rounded individual although not perfect by any means. Throughout my life, I have always tried my best to be friendly to everyone and optimistic in all situations. I don’t think anyone would ever describe me as a critical or aggressive person. I’ve always been willing to give advice and be encouraging to anyone that I felt needed it. I believe that I am a fairly conscientious person in that I have always been careful and diligent when it comes to work and other life choices. I’ve always been organized and usually don’t act on pure impulse alone. I’ve never been described as traditional or conventional. I’ve always been open to new experiences and relish every opportunity that can make me a more well-rounded person. People would also describe me as a fairly intelligent individual with a vivid imagination. My weaknesses, however, would have to include my ability to develop people and team process. I’ve always been encouraging, but I can improve upon my ability to develop people by providing feedback to individuals on their performances and recognizing individual contributions when I am part of a team.