In the article, "Childfree by Choice," by Kelly Welch, the author discusses different beliefs of individuals who choose to be childfree. The tendency to be childfree is growing mostly among celebrities and can be seen mainly in women in their forties. Younger women are childfree either due to not wanting children at that point in life or not ready for the responsibilities of being a parent. Moreover, having children might not be the first thing that comes to mind because some people believe that having children would interfere with their career plans. Incidentally, people's interest in children has shrunk with parents choosing childfree over having children, and as a result there is going to be less population. At this point, women believe that parenting is difficult to be handled and men believed parenting was too many sacrifice. For this reason, child-bearing has decreased because of abortion and couples with no child are seen as being selfish to the society which might affect the growth. There are numerous types of individuals as to people not interested in having children and people who can't bear children for some circumstances. Parents without children are getting labeled as pleasure-seekers as they enjoy the life they are leading. Finally, all parents
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He faced some criticism for being selfish but peple have several reasons for going childfree such as a career first mentality and financial concerns. No one will take care of this people when they get older. Individual’s childfree trend regarding childlessness should highly be focused on because it would go for generations and can be challenging because there is no way to pass down family legacy. My feelings on the topic are women choosing jobs and education over children and celebrities are remaining childfree due to different curriculums they face in this stage in
The article THE NO-BABY BOOM was published in 2014 making the information in the article more up to date which makes the information seem more believable and gives the reader a better feel of infertility. The article is newer and causes an eye opening reality to the audience reading it. What is going on the article is the infertility rates in women are down and Kingston states it is more of a social condition rather than a medical condition What is going on now in 2015 is that people are coming out about infertility. People are making it more aware to the public rather than keeping it to themselves. When you first look at the title THE NO-BABY BOOM you would expect you would be reading about the baby boom era from the 1940’s to the 1960’s. But instead it is about women not having children. The article is more drawn to the emotional and social negative side effects of women who are infertile. In the article Kingston states, “how women who do not have children are more “career driven” which would mean as women we would have chosen work over love, marriage, and children.” (Kingston 2014). Teacher Catherine-Emmanuelle Delisle says she really loves children enough to devote her life to them. Just because a woman cannot have a child does not mean she is a
Through the use of personal anecdotes, McKibben argues that adults today should not be pressured to have a large family or create the stigma of an only child being a spoiled brat. He begins his essay with a trip to the doctor's office in which he is thrown an abundance of questions about the circumstances of having more children, for example, “Would more children be in your picture now if your financial circumstances improved significantly?” (119). By the use of these various personal anecdotes, this supports his argument of plausible reasons why adults decide not to have children and why it is better to have a few. Adults in the 21st century are just too busy, are career focused, or are simply not ready to take that route. He emphasizes that
The graph above indicates that the number of children varies across groups, but focus on the family with 3-4 children. A closer look at the data reveals that the increasing number of children raise more chances in aspirational shame. The second-largest group is the group of women having 1-2 children, and the third is single women. However, for the groups with higher number of children, the level of aspirational shame is lessened. This can be attributed to the fact that women must scarify and consider the opportunities cost between their personal desires and the ability to be a good mother. More importantly, the more children they have, the guiltier they have when thinking about their personal
As the rates of childfree-adults continues to rise, with 15% of women and 24% of men remaining childfree at the age of 40 (Blackstone, 2014s, Martinez, Daniels, & Chandra, 2012), public interest regarding the aforementioned adults’ decisions has also increased. While many believe that couples’ who have decided to remain childfree have made this decision with haste and without thoughtful consideration, which may in part be due to previous research that indicated that many couples who do not want children reach their significant decision after merely one discussion (Kurdi, 2014, p.1), Blackstone and Stewart (2016) disputed the commonly accepted beliefs in the introduction within their sociological research article titled There’s More Thinking to Decide”: How the Childfree Decide Not to Parent. Throughout the article Blackstone and Stewart (2016) aimed to provide readers with a concise overview of childfree-adults’ deliberate and protracted decisions regarding their choice to not have children.
Once a person has a baby that doesn't guarantee that the baby will live. With better technology we have birth control methods and abortions for people who don't have babies. People who do want to have babies have the risk of the baby dying from disease. "Millions of babies have died, a fraction from AIDS, more from malaria, pneumonia, even measles. More millions have been aborted." So people are having less children at higher ages combined with the fact that the baby can die from disease. That can dramatically lower the birth rate and it has because instead of the predicted 12 billion by 2050 only 9 billion is expected by 2050. That's means in a few decades 3 billion
152) required their reproduction and choosing to be childless was “non-normative” (p. 152). One participant believed that choosing to remain childless would be more readily accepted by those that did not intimately know him and viewed more negatively by those closest to him (p. 151). I feel this is a very apt assessment of society’s views on childlessness; it is easy to justify the projection of one’s personal beliefs onto someone that we closely know as opposed to a stranger. However, I also believe it depends on the projecting person’s ideas about social norms. I know several single and married couples that have decided to either delay childbearing or refrain altogether and I find no fault in their decision. I do not necessarily believe that it is imperative a person and/or couple have children. Nevertheless, I believe the subject belongs in the “Spouses-Only Area” (Hammond, Cheney, & Pearsey, 2015), and is not one I should pass judgment on. People should be allowed to make a decision that best suits them and not judged or pressured to fit some preconceived mold or
In a culture that exalts motherhood to the highest conceivable honor a woman can achieve there is a group of people that are only recently talked about that are stigmatized – they are women who do not have children--the childless or child free women.
According to data from the Urban Institute, birth rates among 20-year-old women declined 15% between 2007 and 2012. Research shows that only 1/3rd of couples are choosing to start families. There are many reasons as to why birthrates have decreased. For newlywed couples who are looking to start a family, money and debt may play a serious role. On the other hand, as more women graduate college the need for advancing in their career outweighs the need for children. For others, the idea of kids, in general, may be unsettling. Finally, there is a growing sentiment that having children may be the selfish thing to do.
Why are so many people having babies? Many believe that by having children their life will return to normalcy. For others it is a way to outnumber the amount of communists, so communism would not spread. Many people during World War II and the Great Depression decided to hold off on marriage and having children because there was a lot of insecurity around the world. Now that the war and depression are over they feel comfortable having children.
There are many reasons and scenarios to why people may have difficulties in raising a child. Financial reasons may be one of the major reasons people consider abortions or adoptions. It cost a fairly decent amount of money to raise a child and provide for it. In some tragic cases women decide to have an abortion or an adoption due to rape. In such a case it is almost conceivable to consider that as being an exception. Premarital relations and teenage pregnancies are other reasons as to why one would choose either of these alternatives. No teenager wants to be a parent or be forced to grow up while they are still in their youth. In today’s society, the
There are couples that cannot be completed without a child. They find happiness if they have a child in the house. A child can complete your day and make your day bright. These are just
3. One of the major impacts of couples not having children would have on society has been seen in China with their one child policy. The population will have a larger number of elderly to take care of than it will have of a working population to take care of them, such as social security. Having a child
In many industrialized countries, people are increasingly turning away from traditional family patterns. They are adopting new roles for family members and various kinds of family structures. Many of these changes reflect scientific, economic, and social developments and changing attitudes. For example, modern birth control methods enable couples to limit the size of their family and to space their children. Many young people are postponing marriageand childbearing, and many couples want to have fewer children than people had in the past.
Children are considered necessary for the future care and supports for the older ages. Even, all over the world children and family is believed to provide care and support in elderly ages. Many families depend on children for economic survival, especially in old age (Abdallah & Daar, 2001). Childlessness is defined, as a woman having no live birth or no living children at the end of her reproductive life span (WHO,1991). It is a product of the complex interaction of the biological, environmental and culture factor (Unisa, 1999). Childlessness is global health challenge and reflects the demographic and health condition of the country. Further, childlessness has personal, social and/or political significance. It affects women physically, mentally
Never being married or having children provides the time and money to pursue personal interests. To be my age and still have the luxury of bachelorhood is better than I thought it would be. The fact is I'm not ready to settle down with some woman and have children. Three out of four marriages in this country end in divorce apparently. I'm not a gambling man but I sure as hell would not take those odds if I have a choice. I do not see the fun of it when I view friends on Facebook who post pictures of their kids. All I see is a goddamned natural disaster that took place, and their kid is either smiling, laughing, or sleeping off the mayhem that recently occurred. It takes up so much time of a the day when you have those responsibilities. Being single with no kids has led me to some places in life that I will never forget. It has provided the time to really get out in the world in explore what it is I want to do. I do not believe we reach a certain age and just stop growing in any sense of the word. For instance, I am thirty-two and started practicing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I have the time during the week to make it to class, and the money for the monthly fee. Despite the downturn in the local economy I still have a way to pay for this and make the most out of what I pay. If I had a wife and children I'm not so sure if this would be the case. This is a tough grappling