Kenneth Chenault is one of the most successful people. His leader and communication skills helped him to get on the top and stay there in spite of all obstacles, which he met on his way. But how did he achieve all his glory and recognition?
All his life Kenneth heard from others that black people cannot be a high-positioned managers and no one, except his parents, believe that one day he become CEO of world-wide organization and for Kenneth being a CEO was not a goal of his life, as he said in interview with David Rubenstein, but nevertheless he became the head of one of the biggest corporation in the world.
To understand how he succeed, we should analyze the ways he thinks, the way he does something, the way he is.
After reading you will understand the character of Kenneth personality and it will help you not only to understand which qualities are needed to reach something as a manager, but also how to be better manager overall.
In this essay will be observed Kenneth`s decisional skills, which is action planning, teamwork, problem-solving and time management. Also, here will be analyzed his strengths and weaknesses.
Action planning and teamwork.
In the Kenneth case it is
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He is a person, who understands that without team it is impossible to reach heights. He can support them and empathize. Keneth became for his team the person, who can overcome every barrier with smile on his face. The CEO of American Express proved not once, but many times, that being a good person is 90% of being a good manager. Chenault is also proved that he is real patriot of his company. In interviews he mentioned that AMEX credit card is the only card he uses and has. Moreover, he told about limitations, which is applied for credit cards of AMEX`s top-managers, including yourself to show, that for American Express everyone, both CEO of world organization and usual customer, is equal. Does it make him a great manager? Yes, it
Great leaders have shaped the World we live in today and they are remembered for what they were able to accomplish during their lifetime. The history books are filled with leaders that changed the very nature of something by taking a different road or challenging the way everyone perceived things. Leaders would not be able to accomplish these daring feats without the help of their followers, the individuals in the background giving them their support (Schermerhorn & Uhl-Bien, 2014). Colleen Barrett was able to break through the glass ceiling and led Southwest Airlines (SWA) to become one of the most successful airlines in the industries (Dierendonck & Patterson, 2010). In the following pages will explore Colleen Barrett’s leadership
At a young age he had the drive and work ethic to make money. He was influenced to by his father who was a stock broker and bought stock at the age of 11. He finished his M.S. in Economics from Columbia Business School where his studied under Benjamin Graham and Phil Fisher. When working at Benjamin Graham’s partnership, he thought the guidelines of investment were too stringent, he felt there were opportunities for higher profits but company guidelines inhibited potential profits. After leaving Graham partnership, he was involved with 6 partnerships. Warren Buffet went on to organize the sale of his partnerships, ultimately securing his job as CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. He used his critical thinking skills to build Berkshire Hathaway. One of his abilities is the ability to identify talent and recruitment of talent. Warren Buffet believes that gossiping, lying, breaking agreements, becoming defensive, feeling entitled, and withholding key information slows down the decision making process (Market, 2011). These are the key fundamentals that have made Warren Buffet a success.
My first take away from this interview is that perseverance is crucial to being successful in any aspect of life. To be an exceptional leader, one must be persistent in their position and continue to move their job forward. Others will follow suit if they see their leader passionately working towards an end goal. There will always be roadblocks in the way of reaching one’s goal; however these goals will never be met if a leader decides to give up. Another concept I learned from this article is that if a person sees an untapped market they should do their best to pursue it. Kellener noticed that there was a hole in the airline market and decided to explore business opportunities. A leader must be vigilant and look for similar opportunities, even on a small scale. A small untapped market can lead to great success in any business or
The play I went to go to see was called An Octoroon written by Branden Jacobs-Jenkins. I have never been to a play at the Mixed Blood Theatre, so I was very excited to go and see this play. This play has been mentioned a lot lately by some of my theatre professors, and they said it would be very interesting. They also mentioned to not worry about the bunny too much, but I did. I am very glad I got to see this unique play with its many interesting views.
Carl Icahn is a financier, entrepreneur, and airline executive who was born in Queens, New York on February 16, 1936. Initially, Icahn wanted to become an opera singer. That, however, turned into receiving a philosophy degree from Princeton University in 1957. He then attended medical school but dropped out three years later to learn the broker’s trade on Wall Street. In 1968, after learning the broker’s trade, Icahn established his own firm. Icahn & Co. was the beginning of his corporate raids. Beginning in the 1980’s, Icahn and his partners started to become enriched by taking over companies. While doing this, Icahn supposedly made money for ordinary stockholders as well. Also in the 1980’s, Carl
Greatness is often sought but rarely had. Jim Collins, like many of his readers, has, however, achieved greatness in his writing of Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don’t. Good to Great is less of an examination of how good companies become great but more of an analysis of leadership and social skills embraced by society’s most successful through the lens of the business world. This is the book’s greatest strength; by delivering concise information that can be utilized on the personal level, Collins is able to broadcast what would normally be considered mundane business talk by most in a fashion that is both interesting and actionable to the book’s more than 4,000,000 buyers. Achieving best seller status, Good to Great aims to help individuals with a background in business, politics and other leadership backgrounds become best sellers, themselves, in their respective fields. By breaking down informational content into its simplest forms, providing ample evidence, repeatedly engaging in repetition, and by tag-lining the most important themes and ideas, Collins hits the mark.
How Successful People Lead, by John C. Maxwell, Center Street, New York, NY, May 2013, 148 pages. Reviewed by David A. Hudson
Two other indicators of his character worth mentioning are, first, that most of his personal development, both physically and intellectually, is a result of his own efforts. His extensive tertiary education was at his own expense and he is indeed an educated man.
In the words of Walt Disney, “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” The CEO and Chairman of The Walt Disney Company, Robert A. Iger, is a true example of this quote. Robert Iger start with a dream to get to the top of the film entertainment world starting as a young man and work very hard to get to where he is now. Robert has had to deal with companies merging and changes in film industries but as a true CEO he was about to embrace the true work ethic of CEO. However every dreamer has had to deal with challenges, but Robert has used {…} Robert is a true CEO and has a mind for new improvements, and truly embraces the Walt Disney quote in every actions as he works to the
First, he exhibits potential greatness in his depth of character which is evident through his lust for power, amazing skills as a social
To take organizations from “Good to Great” Jim Collins discusses why it is imperative that the right people are on the bus performing the job that is needed for the company to be great and the wrong people are taken off. Likewise, having the right people working for you is crucial, and they will bring value and build your organization. Establishing the right person on the bus will create the perfect fit for the establishment. According to Jim Collins "celebrity leaders" were not effective in bringing a business from being "good to great." Mostly, those outstanding leaders came from within the company. In fact, Jim pointed out that "ten of eleven good to great CEO's" came from within the firm.
A person’s personality trait can define who they are. Some can tell these traits by the way a person reacts to certain situations, personal or on the job. A person develop traits from the way they were raised and the environment that surrounded them. Everyone carries some type of personality trait, but no one carries any that are identical. Managers have personality traits just like everyone else. Traits are linked personally and indicates a person’s character. No one has the same feelings or thoughts. So it is vital for manager to understand their personal traits and figure a way to use them in management. These
I selected Bill Gates as my role model for this assignment because he is a very important person today, and I didn 't know much about him other than he was the richest man in the world. I wanted to know how or why he became so successful. Also, he is
strong ‘Christian faith’ this is want drove him to have good efforts. When he was working in the
Success can be measured in many ways, not the least is ones net worth. Money is certainly a driving factor for many in business and if used as an indicator of success, Warren Buffett unquestionably would rank among the most accomplished. Born during the depression in 1930, Buffett started out selling chewing gum and Coca Cola door to door, later finding work in his grandfather’s grocery store. Investing his savings, Buffett now serves as the chief executive officer (CEO) of a multinational conglomerate called Berkshire Hathaway. Among the more well known company’s held by Berkshire are GEICO, Heinz, Coca Cola and American Express. With a market capitalization of $314 billion, Berkshire is now America’s fifth-most-valuable public company, behind Apple, Exxon Mobil, Google and Microsoft. Managing of company of this size would be a daunting task for many, but Buffett has made it abundantly clear in both his own words and those who have studied his success, the key lies in good leadership. According to Buffett, a good leader must have a keen understanding of the industry he leads; strong character and integrity is vital, and lastly, a good leader must have a profound understanding human nature. Buffett hand picks his managers and trusts them to administer company affairs. Buffet has surrounded himself with likeminded managers and the results have been impressive. In his annual letter to the shareholders of Berkshire, Buffett communicates his vision and gives