
Kevyn Aucoin: An Analysis

Decent Essays

At the close of my senior year, I was overcome with bittersweet emotion. After years of working hard to secure my future, which came with getting accepting into my dream school at Christmas, I was hit with crushing news. Consequently, I was told that my family wouldn’t have enough money to send me to the college of my dreams. I was emotionally crushed, however, my senior year AP Literature and Composition teacher spoke encouragement into me. She reassured me that this trial that I am going through won’t last forever; she expressed to never give up and continue to work my hardest to achieve my dreams. Everyday , she was persistent in her challenges, picking me up when I stumbled, disclosing that she would do everything in her power to help me. After …show more content…

Although I haven’t evaluated her line of reason, she provide me a sense of confidence and hope that once did not resonate inside me . Thus helping me find my life motto, in the form of a quote by Kevyn Aucoin, “ today I choose life. Every morning when I wake up I can choose joy, happiness, negativity, pain… to feel the freedom that comes from being able to continue to make mistakes and choices - today I choose to feel life, not to deny my humanity but embrace it.” This has to be my favorite quote because it reminds me everyday that I am human, just like any other person I am equally destined for success regardless of my circumstance. Therefore, I choose life in all endeavours, allowing me to create environments where happiness can manifest itself inside all persons. To which I demonstrated at Brookdale Senior Living Center, where I designed an amusing atmosphere filled with fun for two dementia patients. These two spirited women that I interacted with changed my life forever; they showed me that the progression of their disorder was not a crippling factor that impacted their

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