At the close of my senior year, I was overcome with bittersweet emotion. After years of working hard to secure my future, which came with getting accepting into my dream school at Christmas, I was hit with crushing news. Consequently, I was told that my family wouldn’t have enough money to send me to the college of my dreams. I was emotionally crushed, however, my senior year AP Literature and Composition teacher spoke encouragement into me. She reassured me that this trial that I am going through won’t last forever; she expressed to never give up and continue to work my hardest to achieve my dreams. Everyday , she was persistent in her challenges, picking me up when I stumbled, disclosing that she would do everything in her power to help me. After …show more content…
Although I haven’t evaluated her line of reason, she provide me a sense of confidence and hope that once did not resonate inside me . Thus helping me find my life motto, in the form of a quote by Kevyn Aucoin, “ today I choose life. Every morning when I wake up I can choose joy, happiness, negativity, pain… to feel the freedom that comes from being able to continue to make mistakes and choices - today I choose to feel life, not to deny my humanity but embrace it.” This has to be my favorite quote because it reminds me everyday that I am human, just like any other person I am equally destined for success regardless of my circumstance. Therefore, I choose life in all endeavours, allowing me to create environments where happiness can manifest itself inside all persons. To which I demonstrated at Brookdale Senior Living Center, where I designed an amusing atmosphere filled with fun for two dementia patients. These two spirited women that I interacted with changed my life forever; they showed me that the progression of their disorder was not a crippling factor that impacted their
For one of the few times in my life, I let myself down. At my interview for Phillips Exeter, the admissions director asked me how I would face disappointment, given that it would surely occur over the next four years. I thought I knew, but as it turns out, I overestimated my abilities to face it head on. During those first two years, disappointment hurt me. By concentrating on that period of time, you would perceive me incorrectly. But please know this: I am stronger than ever, more aware of my ability to overcome something that hit me
I’d like to think that when i graduate i’d be more excited rather than sad to leave, but truth be told i’m more sad to do so. All your life you have been told where to sit, where to go and how to do it. Everyone has been holding my hand this whole time and now i’m choosing my class schedule for college, something that was made for me my whole life. Throughout senior year i have learned valuable life lessons which will help me, throughout college and life in general. Would you believe me if i told you most of those lessons were learned right here in Mrs.Hilers senior english class?
I recalled the first essay I wrote and could not erase that dim beginning. The days slipped by and nothing was changing, but for a moment I remembered what my mom and dad used to tell me when she saw me studying. My mom once told me that “If she had the chance to finish school, she would have been studying just like me.” My mom had only her high school diploma and my dad graduated with a teaching degree. He also was a teacher at an elementary school in Egypt. One day he told me if he could finish his master’s degree in teaching, his life could have been changed to be
My mom had the best intentions, but she didn't know how to help me. My mother was practically a single mother for two years I had to grow up real quick. She had to work and I had to stay home, lock all the doors, and find a way to keep my little sister entertained. For a long time I didn't understand why my father had left. One day we got a call that my grandfather was in the hospital. A few days later he passed. That moment changed every single person in my family. Everyone was broken, but yet the spark that had been dead in all of us lit up. Over time, many of the scars from the past began to fade along with my bitter attitude. These experiences formed who my family is today and how they have raised me to be. I now understand my hardships weren’t an excuse to be unkind. I have grown into a responsible women with strong morals and values. The essay asked how would I contribute to the diversity of The University of Kentucky and the answer is I have a spark. A spark that no one else but I have. The spark that's going to give me that push to fight harder and stronger than any other
One morning I decided to check before class and hope that my day would not be ruined from there. Having been the only university I applied to at this time, there was nothing to fall back on. Logging in for the eleventh time in three days, the application looked as if there was an ‘add’ on it. Adjusting my eyes, it had read “Accept or Decline”. Getting chills from head to toe, I begin to read further down the page and noticed that I had been accepted to the School of Arts and Sciences. The first tear rushed down my face and it was in this moment that I knew I was happy and proud to say I was going to a school that had football, pride and a sense of
Like a stray dog wandering the streets, I spent the first few years of my life not knowing exactly where I belonged. I drifted down the same roads seeking answers that I failed to find. I thought maybe I was just looking in all the wrong places. I was quite blind to all of my potential until the day I met Charity Filmore. From her physical appearance she can seem very intimidating, but underneath it all she is just a strong mentally as she is physically. When you watch her, she behaves as if her life is constantly going. She jumps from one adventure to the next. Charity Filmore has taught me many lessons over the years. She has encouraged me to never, ever give up on something I am determined to conquer, to never listen to those people who will always be in my life telling me I cannot accomplish my goals, and most importantly, to enjoy my life to the fullest extent. She was the one who sparked this crazy journey I call my adventure of life.
College is an extremely terrifying experience, especially when someone doesn’t know how to maneuver around or choosing the right course or class. Furthermore, it was a great privilege to receive that first letter from The National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS)., Knowing that I’ve been accepted into an honor society that chose someone like myself out of several other qualified students on my campus. That letter gave hope and inspiration for someone like myself the strength to overcome any obstacles, in addition, to being welcomed into this tremendous family that reaches far and wide to help students like myself to accomplish our goals and dream, especially being in the first generation to attend college especially an older adult continuing my
It was March when I received the letter from Gwinnett County School , saying that I will be attending Berkmar Middle School for my 8th grade year. I smiled, but then the thought of my friends made my face to a frown. I guess things happen for a reason. Later, that day I showed my mom the letter and she asked “ What's that ?”
Life is ten percent what you experience and ninety percent how you respond to it. ― Dorothy M. Neddermeyer
“Today I choose life. Every morning when I wake up I can choose joy, happiness, negativity, and pain... To feel the freedom that comes from being able to continue to make mistakes and choices - today I choose to feel life, not to deny my humanity but embrace it.” – Kevyn Aucoin.
On New Year’s Day, three days before the start of Winter term, my grandfather passed away from a combined heart attack and stroke. It was sudden and I had no idea what to do. It brought back my depression, and I was on the brink of giving up entirely. Luckily and thankfully, my girlfriend and family stepped in and pushed me to not give up and to seek counseling at CAPS. There has been a lot of improvement which is elicited by my high honors completion of Winter term, my near completion of Spring Term, and the many other things that have occurred since New Year’s Day: Obtainment of the Florence Gradon Ragen and Louis Brooks Ragen Scholarship and the Nicholas J. and Thea Yonker Scholarship through the College of Liberal Arts, co-founding Pearlwood Visions, LLC. with my girlfriend through Google Startup Weekend: Roseburg, declaring pre-education, and establishing two internships this summer at UCC. Even though there is still residual depression from the events of this past academic year, I am grateful for discovering that History acts as my antidepressant; for while I sit in any of my history courses, read a primary source, or am writing a research paper are the only times that I know I can get past this depression and be successful in my academics and future career.
After a grueling first quarter, I was completely miserable, with terrible grades, low self-esteem, and no end in sight. I was hanging on to the hope that there would be some epiphany moment, a moment where suddenly my writing soared, along with my grades. That change did happen, but not all at once‒ it began during the third quarter, when my teacher, Ms. Boynton, asked me to stay after class, along with five other students. She asked if we would each be interested in participating in The Atlantic and College Board Essay Contest, in which we would each submit an analysis of a famous American speech. I was truly stunned that she had chosen me over so many other students in the class, since I had felt so lost for so many weeks, but it was exactly what I needed as motivation to keep on improving my writing. As I worked closely with her on my contest submission and other class work, I came to realize how much she cared about me and wanted to help me succeed. With that being said, she never made it easy; she continually pushed me, knowing that I could always do better if I set my mind to it. Last September, I began her demanding course with the intention of purely surviving, not necessarily thriving, but that
The weather cleared up and me, along with my entire class and teachers, got to enjoy a beautiful ceremony. Lining up we started to proceed out to the football stadium from the gymnasium, my mind would not stop thinking. I just could not stop remembering what it took for me to get to this day. The stress that I endured studying for the SAT, filling out my applications and most importantly, perfecting my essay. The idea that I was not going to be living in this beautiful town I have spent my life in, brought a flood of emotions. Thoughts of my friends not being by my side next year made me feel as if I was sinking into a deep hole; this place, this town has had so much to offer to me. The past two years that I had spent in this place were the most emotional and exciting times of my life. I knew even though I was not going to be waking up in my familiar place anymore, I would be waking up in what was to become my new familiar place. I knew that even though my friends would not physically be there with me every day, that they would be there when I called them. If it were not for all of the people I have met along the way, I do not think I would have ended up where I am today. It just is a common thought for whenever I get sad about everything ending, I remind myself that there is a new beginning coming and it is going to be amazing. The place that I have spent my whole life
Having traveled down a declining slope in my sophomore year, I was suddenly motivated to prop myself back up. I was for the first time emancipated of my pride and began to actively search for means to amend my “defeat”. When I finally received final semester grades, I was proud of not simply the hard work I’ve put into achieving these grades, but more importantly, how I picked myself up and rose above the ebbs and flows of my academic career.
As the semester comes to a close, it is always interesting to look back and reflect on the events and opportunities my English class has given me throughout my first semester as a whole. At the beginning of this semester it was evident that I was feeling uncomfortable due to the adjustment that I was going through as a student moving to college. It was very difficult expressing myself through my writing since I was nervous about good impressions and my good grade. While this class was one of the most difficult courses that I have taken this far, it has become quite evident to me that I have grown a substantial amount as a writer and as a person; Especially, when it came to explaining my ideas, writing academic essays, and making arguments.