
Key Developmental (KD)

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If you are not a BN AS2, MICO PL or XO, you’re not getting lieutenant KD credit. However AS2s, PLs and XOs aren’t getting KD time either. What is ‘KD’? Key Developmental, or KD, positions are those “deemed fundamental to the development of an officer in his or her core branch competencies” and are introduced at the rank of captain (DA PAM 600-3, 3-4). This means an MI Officer’s lieutenant time is all developmental and that you won’t be passed over for promotion if your ORB doesn’t list XO or PL. Instead, the Army needs you to “acquire, reinforce, and hone troop-leading, technical, tactical, logistics, and administrative skills” (DA PAM 600-3, 25-3). To that end, DA PAM 600-3 lists typical developmental positions for an MI LT: …show more content…

Your experience may deviate from this list of positions. Your peers’ will too. Remember: how you perform as a lieutenant matters more than the positions you hold. So, if this is the case, what should you be doing? The answer is grounded in what the Army expects of your development. The Army Leader Development Strategy is built on the pillars of three domains: Institutional (education), Operational (post-PME positions) and Self-Development. You exert the greatest control over the Self-Development domain, and whether you are in a 35-coded billet or not, you can employ any of the following to round out your experience as an Intelligence Officer: Ground yourself in doctrine. Start with ADPs, the short introduction to a series of doctrinal products, available at Focus on the Intelligence (2-0) series to increase your knowledge of Intelligence Doctrine. Explore Intelligence Knowledge Network and MilSuite Intelligence resources

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