
Key Learning In Child Development

Decent Essays

The key learning in This week’s reading went into the details of the importance of the first three years. Birth to age three are the years that we lay down the foundation of development and relationship skills. There are many dynamics that play a part in an infant’s development such as poverty, education, health, etc. The main influence is the interactions between parents/care givers with the infants that are the most important role in this foundation. How we interact, respond and care for infants will directly affect how they grow and learn. Another key learning is how Ecology of culture, attributes, laws, and family affect the infants as well. When considering all the elements that affect an infant’s development and ability to build relationship skills, I have learned that there are many ways in which these relationships can be both fostered and interfered with. …show more content…

This chapter covered these topics in detail and gave me a better understanding of my role as an infant toddler teacher is to not only support the infants/toddlers in my care, but to look further into the support and understanding I have for the family as a

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