2013 | Leadership | | Cohort Five
Mohamed Abd El-Aziz El-behery |
[Khalid ibn Al waleed] | I am the pillar of Islam! , I am the Companion of the Prophet! , I am the noble warrior, I’m Khalid bin Al Waleed! |
Under supervision of Professor doctor: Ali Mosalam
"What an excellent slave of Allah: Khalid Ibn al-Walled, one of the swords of Allah, unleashed against the unbelievers!" [Prophet Muhammad (BPUH)], those great words were said by the prophet regarding a great hero and an amazing leader of the Islamic era , about a man that was a true believer , a man who was always using his mind to judge about what is right and what is wrong .
This is not biographical study of one of the greatest
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Khaled before conversion to Islam:
On reaching maturity Khalid 's main interest became war and this soon reached an obsession. Khalid 's thoughts were thoughts of battle; his ambitions were ambitions of victory. His urges were violent and his entire psychological thoughts were about military. He would dream of fighting great battles and winning great victories.
Khalid did not participate in the Battle of Badr which was the first battle fought between Muslims and Qurayshites. Khaled first appearance against Muslims was in the Battle of UHUD , he was appointed to lead the right wing (the cavalry ) of the Qurayshites Army ( although he was not the older , ) under the command of Abu Sufyan ( the chief of the clan ) , he showed a great deal of courage and military genius through leading his troops behind the Muslims army.
In 627 AD Khaled was a part of Quraish’s campaign against the Muslims, resulting in the Battle of the Trench, Khalid 's last battle against Muslims; actually he led his cavalry to cross the trench from the thinnest side.
Conversion to Islam:
Khalid’s hate for Islam was stimulated from his fathers and his people’s hate , this hate did not deprive him from thinking about Islam and why those Muslims are defending the new religion with their own soles , He
Document B is by Ibn Al-Athir and talks about the First Crusade. It is a short document that describes a lot of the First Crusade.
Imagine being one of the most powerful and richest ever in the entire world, that was the case for Mansa Musa. Additionally, Musa was an emperor of the wealthy West African Mali Empire in which he was and still is, the richest man in the world with an estimated four-hundred billion. Moreover, he was devoted to the religion Islam and made a pilgrimage to Mecca from West Africa to worship. Therefore, Mansa Musa’s had reasons that demonstrated his devotion to Islam, which are his pilgrimage to Mecca, his elected religion while though his empire, it was populated by a mixture of people with different religions, and with money since he did not need to have a religion or follow one with power and money like he had, yet he believed in it and stayed with it until death.
“I am God ‘s slave and sultan of this world,. By the grace of God I am head of Muhammad’s community. God’s might and Muhammad’s miracles are my companions.” “I am Suleiman…and I conquered the land of Moldavia”
William the conqueror in the battle of hastings. September 27 is when things started going William’s way, the wind shifted and started moving them right into England. Directly after reaching shore William decided to make his move and as stated in the document "William I." “William rallied the fleeing horsemen, however, and they turned and slaughtered the foot soldiers chasing them. On two subsequent occasions, William’s horsemen feigned retreat, which fooled Harold’s soldiers, who were then killed by their opponents. Harold’s brothers were also killed early in the battle. Toward nightfall the king himself fell, struck in the eye by an arrow according to Norman accounts, and the English gave up.” (par.1) this quote shows that William knew what he was doing and did the right thing and also that he wasn’t scared. William was about to become a ruler of another country.
Beowulf took his army of men with him on the journey to fight Grendel. The battle with Grendel, Grendel’s mother, and the dragon, are all the battles that Beowulf fought tirelessly with his army standing and waiting for orders alongside him. In similarity, today, the Army is made up of more than 700,000
Wallace used guerrilla warfare to attack the English and it worked very well. Because of his great accomplishments as a warrior, William was knighted in 1298 by a Scottish nobleman. One of the biggest battles that William fought was the battle of Falkirk. King Edward put together a massive army to take down William and his soldiers once and for all. Wallace’s army hid from Edward’s forces for a while to gain an advantage.
Reflecting on chapter 9, the introduction/story of Roomba and how iRobot developed the idea and concept was interesting. I think it is interesting how commercial products find their way into the consumer marketplace and vice versa. As a business owner, working with the government or a big company first then produce for the individual consumer seems to be one of best approaches for companies to secure business. As new products and/or services are created it is almost inevitable to avoid others from copying or making a reputable substitute to that product/service, but I think it is needed to keep fair prices for products/services and to push companies into creating new or improved products/services. The market maturity stage, as a new business owner myself, is where assume I am
Equally important is the way that these men carry themselves in the midst of battle. Gilgamesh is an impatient warrior that is known for carrying his side kick Enkidu with him to battle. One can witness his anxiety for battle in the literature when he confronts Humbamba, the sentinel fiend of the Cedar Forest. However, Beowulf is a patiend and independent competitor. In his battle with Grendel, a hellish, Dane preying monster, Beowulf practiced patience by waiting until the monster tried to eat him to attack. He displayed independence in battle by ordering his gang of thanes to remain on the barrow as he set forth in his final battle with a flame hurling dragon.
September 11th holds many hard and upset feelings around the world today. The harsh actions of Muslim extremists unfortunately completely changed the way Muslims are treated, especially in the United States. These events, exacerbated islamophobia. Unfortunately, “the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, connect Muslims and Islam to terrorism within the geographical borders of the United States.” (Byng) Although it has been over a decade since the attack, many still feel racist and discriminatory attitudes towards Muslims. Muslims are the targeted minority in the United States, “the 9/11 terrorist attacks shifted the social and political context for Muslims in the United States. Terrorism within the geographical borders of the United States carried out by Muslims places an identity at the center of national and global politics.” (Byng) The blame of the horrible terrorist attacks, rather than be placed on terrorists or religious extremist, has been placed on Islam in America. After September 11th, hate crimes towards Muslims skyrocketed, “the most dramatic change noted by the report was a more than 1,600 percent increase in reported hate crimes against Muslims -- a jump from 28 hate incidents in 2000 to 481 last year.”
Islam, a religion of people submitting to one God, seeking peace and a way of life without sin, is always misunderstood throughout the world. What some consider act of bigotry, others believe it to be the lack of education and wrong portrayal of events in media; however, one cannot not justify the so little knowledge that America and Americans have about Islam and Muslims. Historically there are have been myths, many attacks on Islam and much confusion between Islam as a religion and Middle Easter culture that is always associated with it. This paper is meant to dispel, or rather educate about the big issues that plague people’s minds with false ideas and this will only be touching the surface.
Anyone can be a manager but to be a leader is what can differentiate someone from their peers. There were several take a ways from the interview with the regional VP that I had taken such as high performance, the importance of continued education, and how to best communicate with a team. These fell in line with important factors of motivation theories and qualities of leadership when it comes to decision making, and communication. Taking the time to understand different personalities can make an impact on how to best approach others. Good management to oneself and to society starts from the personal ethical choices that a person makes to make a conscious effort on how to represent oneself, communicate to others, and embrace diversity in all
Social Justice and Equity: It can be referred as Fairness for all. I am a strong advocate for equal treatment for all. Diversity in all ramification should be the watch-word of every enterprise as it brings out the best in every individual as they fill inclusive. Suggestions and opinions should be viewed from its content rather from the person that made them. This is one of my strengths. I still exceed expectations and have acquired more social justice skill during the duration of this course.
While the events of September 11, 2001, cast the Islam religion in an unfavorable light, this has not dampened the enthusiasm of the Muslim members, nor has it
The connection between Islam and terrorism was not intensified until the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center that pushed the Islamic faith into the national and international spotlight (Smith, 2013). As Smith (2013) articulated, “Many Americans who had never given Islam a second thought before 9/11 now had to figure out how to make sense of these events and relate to the faith tradition that ostensibly inspired them” (p. 1). One way in which people made sense of these events was through the media channels that influenced their overall opinions by shaping a framework of censored ideas (Yusof, Hassan, Hassan & Osman, 2013). In a survey conducted by Pew Forum (2012), 32% of people reported that their opinions of Muslims were greatly influenced by the media’s portrayal of Islam that depicted violent pictorials and fundamentalist Muslims. Such constant negative depiction is likely to lead to the inevitable—prejudice and hate crime. For instance, in 2002 alone there were approximately 481 hate crimes that were carried out against Muslims (Smith, 2013). Ever since the 9/11 attacks Muslim people have been the target of “suspicion, harassment and discrimination” (Talal, n.d., p. 9).
For about fifteen hundred years, Saudi Arabia’s history has centered on one major theme: Islam. Muhammad, the founder of Islam, was born around 570 A.D. in the city of Mecca. Early in the 7th century A.D., according to Islamic belief, Muhammad, while meditating in a cave on Mount Hira, was visited by the angel Gabriel. Gabriel