I saw the world as a stage. As a child, I was a jokester. Even though I was a jokester, I had another side where I was a bossy and stubborn child. When I was a little girl I loved to boss around my big sister as well as other people (my grandparents, parents, friends, etc). I definitely knew how to be manipulative and ensure I got what I wanted. I was a tattle-tale as a kid and I threw my sister under the bus--a lot. For example, I would throw a temper tantrum meaning I refused to do anything for the person until they completed what I wanted them to do. I loved to be the leader and wanted everything to go my way as much as possible. Now that I am older, I did carry a little bit of this characteristic with me since I love having organized plans …show more content…
I loved the feeling I got when I laughed so hard that a person or even I could not breathe, which happened often. To this day I still love saying things that make me and/or other people laugh. I hear from many amounts of people saying that I laugh a lot, which I love to take as a compliment because it makes me feel like I am a cheerful person in general. The lesson I learned is whenever you grow out of your kid stage and become a young adult you will miss having the freedom and a I-don’t-have-to-care-about-anything-except-my-toys attitude you had as a child. Now that I am a Junior in high school, the thought of graduating next year and going to college is completely mind-blowing to me. Just a few seconds ago I was napping, snacking, playing on the playground, and participating in show-and-tell in elementary school. Now, I am worried about getting my GPA up, my SAT/ACT score, what college I want to apply to, what I have for homework, etc. I miss being able to watch Dora the Explorer on the weekends and having a more care-free attitude, now I have to worry about silly things like what I should wear so I can impress my friends and cute
I choose to read Stage Struck by Tomie DePaola to a kindergarten class. The book Stage Struck was about a kindergarten class putting a play on for the school. The play was Peter Rabbit and the main character wanted to be the star of the play like he was in the last play they put on. He was so excited about the play that he could not focus on his work and kept talking to his friends about the play. The teacher told him to stop talking and when he did not stop, she told him he will not the lead star in the play someone else will be. He was a rabbit in the play and they did not have any lines to say. He remembers in his dance class that the audience like when they react to things on stage, like a smile or frowned. He came up with a plan to
I remember watching old home videos of me and my sister and observing the contrast of our personalities even though she’s older than me by just one year.I specifically remember in one of those old tapes, my sister being loud,talkative and outgoing rambling about a bumblebee and me sitting in a corner attempting to pull the phone cord out of the wall.It was evident that I was the more shy and quiet sister.Around age five is when my character started to bloom due to my exposer and love of dance.
“Audiences today want a real experience in their live performance, because they can get great script based entertainment at home, through various new media sources. Traditional theatre, which appeals on a mental, and hopefully also emotional level, has not been enough to compete with other media, and audiences have been declining. Physical theatre, by contrast appeals to the audience on a physical and emotional level, providing a much more immediate experience than traditional theatre” ~ (Artmedia Publishing in Zen Zen Zo’s “The Tempest” Teacher’s Notes)
When being a kid you change personalities a lot, but me I have not. I’ve been a ESTJ (extraverted, sensing, thinking, judging) person my whole life. I think being a ESTJ really describes me well. Being a ESTJ means you are a joiner, you also like being the authority, they are very out spoken people too. These things describe me perfectly. I love being in power, I also let people hear what's on my mind. I love joining in on things too.
When I hit my teenage years, I surrounded myself with fun-loving, carefree friends. I started junior high cheerleading and I had more friends than ever before. These memories were some of the happiest times I can remember. I laughed and joked around. I smiled and it seemed
Going further, my personality is one to take notice of. One day I can be as hot as fire and one day I can be as cold as my ex-girlfriend’s heart. I have been labeled as bi-polar, nice, mean, sweet, and funny. It all depends on how I am treated and how I respond to the energy that a person gives out. I am the “All Around Kid” for a reason, and that reason is the many things that I can do and the
We suggest the following four ways to make retail shopping experience completely pleasing and at the same time nullify the gap between in-store purchases and online shopping.
I was hired to make a plan to build a new bridge high enough to avoid flooding in all, but most severe conditions. My job is to prepare a stage estimate using the information, and data I have collected. I have collected my data and information from the United States Geological Survey (USGS). I will state my stage estimate and describe the procedure I used.
When you think of a kid from Detroit, what is the first thing on your mind? Would you picture them in college one day with a great career? Sadly, most people don’t. But the Mosaic Youth Theater is looking to change all of those stereotypes through their excellent programs in acting and music. The program not only provides kids with an otherwise unobtainable outlet to thrive in. This theater is nationally recognized and has partnered with some of the biggest theaters in the country in performing their musicals.
If I could be in a TV show or movie I would trust me. As far as stage place and other productions not interested. My mom wants me to help out more at the church and signed me up for a bunch of different things. 5 AM or five arts ministry is our theater part of the church and my mom told them that I could be in the play. I'm not going to lie I had fun.
I was so happy because I worked very hard to get money. Money is power and everyone loves money. The most unforgettable moment of my life was going to Saint Michael high school. I was late for my first class, which was science. I was lost on the first day I went. I still remember when my family and I bought our first house. My family and I lived in small apartments most of our lives. The weirdest moment in my life was when my dad and I had an adult conversation. It was probably the longest hour of my life. Well, I am still waiting for the happiest moment of my life, which is when I graduate. I want to graduate so I can have more
Losing friends, meeting new people, first job, first car, boyfriend, getting my license. Throughout the last four years of high school I’ve experienced a lot of new things and learned a lot on the way. I remember walking into school on the first day of freshman year; I was thinking that these are going to be a very long couple of years. I was wrong; these past four years have gone by so fast, so I guess my dad was right when he said they’d fly by.
I will be observing a seven-year-old child for my project. What I have learned from being a parent and watching my kids as they grow up the social emotional, physical and intellectual changes that occur in children between birth and the end of adolescence are that they all progress at individual intervals from dependency to increasing individualism. Because these developmental changes may be strongly influenced by genetic factors and events during prenatal life, genetics and prenatal development are usually included as part of the built in parenting skills we all possess. When children are born they have no sense of fear but quickly develop a fear of what
I might always be working towards my future, always getting everything ready to leave everything behind to start a new adventure I also know how to have fun. What's the point of soaring across the sky if you don't enjoy the flight? I could have spent my four simply going to school and going home. It would have saved me countless of all-nighters. But that wouldn't have been living. Cheer, tutoring, and projects became my escape. During these activities, I would stop thinking about all the homework I had waiting for me at home. Cheer made smiling a bit easier, tutoring gave me a sense of purpose and art gave me an outlet for all my pent up emotions. I have learned that nothing in life is worth doing unless you find a way to have fun while doing it. School was made fun by cheerleading and tutoring. Church was made fun by the stories I made up about the church goers. Life was made fun by taking trains not really caring where I go. By joining clubs and taking photos of those around me. Not only do these situations create some relief for the countless of days I spend studying and working, but also make for great stories. To me having lived a life that makes great stories is the best way to
Many people have experienced the over whelming excitement that you feel as you approach high school graduation day, and for me, that’s a day that I will never forget. The amount of emotions that you feel on graduation day is unbelievable, and I have yet to experience anything else like it. I can remember feeling anxious to celebrate the big day with my friends and family, while at the same time I was panicking thinking about having to walk across the stage in front of that many people. Then, the more I thought about the reality of graduation day, I started to get curious, but nervous, about being able to start a new chapter in my life once graduation day had passed. There are several reasons why I, still