
Kidd Alvarez Summary

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I am reading one of Matt De La Peña top novels, I will save you. In chapter one, it takes place at the beach. It never said in the story where the beach was at. The main character is Kidd. He have no mom or dad, and he is leaving at a group home. He also carries around a philosophy of life book and write lessons he learned in it. Next is the second main character, Olivia. Kidd is in love with her and she is his best friend. But, Oliva might love Devon. Now that brings me to the last main character, Devon. He is Kidd best friend and worst enemy. He is Kidd worst enemy because he is always flirting with Olivia. This book is kind of set up like a diary. There no dates tho, just a title. I don’t like diary books because I rather read a book with

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