Kids that commit suicide at such a young age because of bullying should make America do something about it. More than 14 percent of student that attend a high school have considered committing suicide, and about 7 percent has attempted it. According to Yale University “bully victims are between 2 or 9 times more likely to consider suicide than non-victims. Committing suicide is bad in general but when a student commits suicide it is unexplainable because a student has their future ahead of them and they could lose that because a student or students decided to pick on someone because they wanted to be “cool” or show off in front of their friends. Losing lives is not an easy thing to go through. When bullies decide to make fun of a student and
There was once a boy name ben kamm ,he a normal boy with a great life and also a great family but that change when the holocaust …. Happen . It was 1944 poland warsaw ,ben was only 18 year old when he and his family were sent to a cramped quarters of the Jewish ghettos. Later ben was convinced by his friends to escape the ghettos .
The Eighth Amendment protects the right of prisoners before they are tried and after they are convicted. It also bars excessive fines and “cruel and unusual” punishments. In 1641, the Massachusetts Body of Liberties standards allowed the death penalty for blasphemy and had physical punishments such as cutting off ears and branding with a hot iron. But now the death penalty is no longer allowed in some states because its defined as “evolving standards of decency” and most are extremely cruel and the cost is expensive. The Eighth Amendment prohibits mentally ill persons to “cruel and unusual” punishments. The Supreme Court case in 2005 of Roper v. Simmons is about Christopher Simmons and he was sentenced to death in 1993, when he was only 17.
Bullying has become a very big problem over 55,000 kids have gone suicidal due to bullying, that is 8,000 kids a year, 22 a day, and 1 an hour.
Bullying is one of the leading causes in teen suicide today. People bullied in the past or present have been studied and it has shown that they have a lower quality of life. Though they have a lower quality of life, the have better physical and mental health. (“Seaman” 1). Studies have shown that most bullying happens in middle school and high school. There is bullying in elementary school but it is minimal and less serious (“Bullying Statistics” 1). Most kids refuse to speak up while being bullied in fear that the bully will just taunt them more (“Cyber-Safety Act” 2). Bullying has become a very serious issue regarding our society today.
Bullying is happening all over the world and it is a huge problem. According to, victims of bullying are between 2 to 9 times more likely to commit or consider suicide. If bullying is stopped or lowered around the world, the suicide levels would drop as well. Telling about bullies can help others going through it.
It is up to everyone to be aware of kids who are getting bullied in order to stop it. If students at school held the example that bullying is not at all cool it would reduce greatly considering many of them copy their friends. As it is obvious many of the kids who commit suicide are so young more help should be sent out to them in order for them to escape the torment. Being that suicide happens more with younger kids that is why I feel like what we are doing now to stop bullying is not enough because many still have to do with it. If bullies saw the serious punishments it came with they would surely stop. All the kids need is someone there for them guiding them and telling them they are worth living. Some have no one in their life they can count on so giving them that love and caring would boost their
Police, teachers, principals, state senators, and many others claim it’s not bullying that causes these mind numbing numbers of suicides and school shootings. They truly believe it is mental illness, depression, anger, and PTSD that causes the overwhelming number of suicides and shootings. What they fail to comprehend is that those are side effects as a result of being bullied.
Suicides happen more often in America because of bullying. Bullying needs to stop. Bullying is worse than a bystander because there depressed, mad, or sad.
Bullying and suicides have a strong link between them. Bullying can include cyber bullying, verbal bullying, physical bullying and many more. Many people will try to get help when they are bullied. Even a teacher may tell them that they need to fight back. When someone cries out for help and no one helps them, they will most likely be pushed to suicide because they see it as the only way out. About 7-9% of bullied victims are more likely to consider suicide. That is 7-9% more than it should be. Suicide needs to be taken seriously. Many people will get hurt by one single
JIM STANDS IN the kitchen of the Holleran family home, looking into the backyard. He and Stacy played college tennis and still play. All their kids play the sport, or played at one time, including the two youngest, Mackenzie and Brendan, both of whom are still in high school. Mackenzie is packing a bag now, about to walk out the door for a lesson.
I agree with you Cynthia that it is very difficult for Evan's parent to understand why their child committed suicide. They tried anything they can to help Evan. They took Evan to a psychiatrist and there was time that Evan was admitted in the psychiatric hospital. His parents were very supported during his treatment. Sadly, there was no discussion in the movie mention about suicide prevention and how to maintain safety in the house for Evan. Although Evan's illness was managed, suicide screening is also an important prevention. Evan is considered high risk of suicide because of many contributing factors, such as many previous attempts in his childhood, history of uncle who committed suicide, bipolar disorder, and taking antidepressant medication.
Have you ever seen or experienced bullying and the dramatic effects it has on its victims? Unfortunately nine out of every ten students have experienced bullying in school or online. Many people believe that bullying is a part of growing up and kids do not know any better. Bullies are intentionally causing mental and or physical damage to their victims, which will affect them for the rest of their lives. Bullying has shown that it can cause self inflicted injuries and even suicide in America today, and there should be no doubt that we need to protect our youth today. We need to enforce a law that will have bullies face harsh legal punishment in order to do
Bullying is the cause of many suicides and deaths (Home n. pag). In McCormack’s article, he explains how many students are bullied each day and harassed to the point where they question their own self-esteem. They are no longer
To lead a community into uncertainty in earlier times was based on whether you were able to physically protect the people within. The position of a leader one thousand years ago could only determined by physical strength. Since men are biologically structured to be stronger, this resulted in men being the first leaders of society. This culture of a male-dominated society based on the archaic view of physicality is composed of more flaws than fairness towards today’s larger component of society, women.
Bullying has been escalating to a certain degree that it has affected as many as 160,000 students that reported staying home from school every day, because they were afraid of being bullied ( Bullying does not only stops one from wanting to go to school, it also makes one feel anxious, insecure, and unhappy at school, isolated and at times severely depressed (Young, Shin Kim, and Leventhal). Schools must have better resources available to students; this includes the victim and the bully. The victim should have both better counseling and stricter laws to protect them. Bullies also need counseling due to research which states “that many bullies tend to come from families where parents are more