My opinion is that kids should not have homework. I think that homework is a bad idea because you should be able to go home and relax. I think that kids should have more work time and no homework. I think that kids can get confused and frustrated when doing homework. One of the rules I think is needed is no homework on weekends. Anther rule I think needs to be included is that only thirty minutes doing homework. I think one of the rules should be you only get homework if you don't get your work done in school. I think anther rule is no homework in elementary school. One more rule that I think is needed is you can choose to take it home or do it the next day. I think no homework because you go to school all day and work. I think there should
Shouldn't kids work on homework like these days instead of spending time with their family? Kids should be able to spend more time with their friends and family. I think this because homework is very hard and challenging. Homework can give headaches and also stress. My opinion is that homework should not be something to do at home.
In my opinion i think kids should have less homework. One of my reasons is it will take the stress of your shoulders. I also think this because say you have to study for a test on monday and because all the homework you get a bad grade.In addishion, this is why i think kids should have less homework.
Should schools be allowed to give out homework? Many people are swayed in their opinions of if schools should be allowed to give out homework or work you would do out of the classroom. Schools should be banned from handing out homework for many reasons where this is just three of them. A school district in tennessee banned homework because some kids do not have the resources at home to complete homework. Another reason is it will bring grades up because being out of the classroom gives people many opportunities to cheat which causes grades to drop because they aren't learning the material, whereas if the work was done in class these kids wouldn't be able to cheat and it would make them learn it. Others may argue that it will give the kids less practice which will bring their grades down where that is not necessarily true.
All schools in the United States should make homework optional. In today's education system every student is required to go to school from ages starting from 5 up until he/she is 17 or 18. We teach all of our students that there is no way around hard work and if you want to make a living you must do what your told, and that is going to school, getting good grades, and potentially going to college and finding a job. This is unquestionable, whether a student agrees with it or not this will never change, but this is not the disputed point.
Students should not have homework. First here are my reasons why some kids don't do it . According to resch 10 % out of 20% students don't do homework. Scond students should have time for some fun stuff. 20 % out of 6 % students play games 8 hours a day in school and students have game, clubs, stuff and go until 8/9 hours a night and don't get a nuff sleep. Third homework sometimes it reck the sports. And Kids don't study and kids don't use class time they talk instead of doing homework. Next kids don't fish there homework don't want to do it. 30% out 40 % do it in team team study is only 42 minutes. After school 15 minutes go to relaxing that why we should have no homework.
A longitudinal analysis of NAEP data by the Brookings Institution’s Tom Loveless in 2014 found that more 9-year-olds were regularly doing homework than their parents' generation: In 1984, 35% of students reported no homework the previous night. By 2012, that had shrunk to 22%. But the share of 9-year-olds reporting an hour or more of homework was also down by two percentage points in that same period, from 19% to 17%. The percentage reporting less than an hour of homework had risen from 41% to 57%. Loveless also found that 27% of 17-year-olds reported having no homework. And the share of 17-year-olds who spent more than two hours a night on homework remained unchanged at 13%. This shows that a lot of students are having homework. Kirkwood High School was trying an experiment for the sake of student and teacher mental health. Some schools across the country have already tried discarding homework, and many reports success and positive feedback from students and
Do you ever have homework and have to work after school or get home late and your tired and just go to bed and never finish it? This is why we shouldn't have homework. You are tired and exhausted sometimes. You may have other things to do at home. You sometimes are so exhausted and don't feel like doing anything. I have three reasons on why we shouldn't have homework. I think you should read them if this describes you.
Schools in America shouldn’t have homework. It has been proven to not help with test scores or school work, but what it does help with, is lowering students’ health. I believe that schools should assign little or no homework, It does little to help and more to hurt the students. For instance, most students don’t have computers and are financially unable to get one. This is unfair and can cause the student to be behind on their schoolwork. Another reason is that students are so loaded with schoolwork and other family/friend activities that they don’t have enough time to do what they really need to. Lastly, the Finnish school system has shorter school days, more recess, and starts at the age of 7. Yet, it has been proven that they get one of the highest test scores internationally.
Studies show that homework can cause sleep loss and other health problems. In Ontario, schools teachers should not be allowed to assign homework to students because kids are busy doing sports or other events. Also, parents want to see their kids after school. Another reason is kids are tired and might stay up late trying to finish.
Teachers have been deciding if they want to get rid of homework. In reality, the students are getting excited about this because who really wants homework? But by doing this, it risks students not learning the material they are supposed to learn. Teachers should grade students based on whether or not they understand the material. So, homework should be graded as extra credit. If the homework gets graded as extra credit, then it won’t be counted against the student if they get it wrong, but help them if they get it right.
PCMS students should not get homework. All school kids do not have a parent at their house to help them finish the assignment because the parent has to take care of the baby. Sixty five percent through seventy five percent of many school students qualify for free lunch which means kids do not have a lot of parents to help with homework. Kids do not finish homework at home. Because kids have no time after they get off the bus. What if they have to go food shopping. Then they can't finish the work. While some would say to not get your homework done. I say that kids do not finish their homework.
Have you ever wanted to just shred up your homework or throw it out the window and have no consequences? Kids are assigned daily homework from the time they start kindergarten at the ripe young age of five. Is it really necessary? Does it even help better learning or even higher test scores? The amount of homework we do wastes time, money, paper, and trees because it’s practically the exact same thing we did in class that day. Homework causes kid’s and teen’s frustration, tiredness, little time for other activities and possibly even a loss of interest in their education. It also keeps everyone up; it has kids and teens staying up until they finish it, the parents trying to help them and the teachers grading it. So, I think that homework is
A 15-year-old girl went into the living room to ask her Mother about “How much homework they had when they were younger.” Once teenagers get into High School, they start to think about what their life looks like. “How much homework did you have when you were my age?” Teenager asked. Her Mother was confused about why her daughter was asking all those questions, and that is when she knew “homework” was becoming an issue. (Gwenn 1) Which clarified at
Have you ever gotten a packet of homework to do in one night? Well, based on research, I do not think homework is helpful in school. Homework can help kids create study habits and help with standardized test sometimes, but other than that homework really doesn’t do anything. In fact, some homework is actually harmful to a students learning experience. Homework should be banned because it can stress kids out, confuse the child on a subject, and can cause riots by parents.
Today, homework for kids is getting out of control. Homework has led up to kids not being able to get the proper sleep. There are multiple opinions on the homework topic. People who believe we do not have too much homework, think it is a good way for parents to see what their child is doing in school. However, I believe kids should not have homework. I think this because we have other things to do besides sit in front of a computer or a book for two hours or more, overwhelmed with how much we get, and it is causing health issues. I think it is time that the school’s start listening to the kids on their opinion about homework because the staff doesn’t know how stressed and overwhelmed kids get when it becomes that time at night to do homework.