
Kierkegaard Research Paper

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Kierkegaard on Human Self Kierkegaard points out human being to be spirit. He further clarifies that this spirit is encompassed in the self. He further elucidates that the self is the relationship that relates itself to itself. This means that this relating itself to itself is what defines self. This relationship that relates itself to the self must have been established by itself or something else within the boundaries of the self. The relation he further notes is the third term that has established the entire relation. Human self is thus the relation that relates to itself and in relating to itself relates to something else. This self is what defines personality or individuality. We have self because of the consciousness we humans have of ourselves. According to Kierkegaard, we can only relate to this self if we are aware of ourselves and have the capacity to relate to self-consciousness. This self, according to Kierkegaard, is what make us go for selection and making choices. …show more content…

A synthesis in this case, is defined by the finite and the infinite. The finite Kierkegaard refers to the temporal nature of the human life due to death is finite and has a time horizon. Kierkegaard therefore says that human beings are subject to death which will curtail their existence and it is upon this that Kierkegaard says that human beings are infinite. Infinite is the eternal aspect of human life which is not subject to time limitations and boundaries. This then contradicts the definition of human beings as self; human beings are a synthesis process that links both the finite and the

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